Tube Buffer using Korg NuTube


The one I am using uses one triode per channel and I have not checked to see if there is any gain or attenuation. The design is not mine but probably a simpler version of a famous commercial design. I decided on the power supply for this and there is slight 100hz hum in between the tracks from the woofers which I really don’t mind but I think I can nail that too.

The buffer sits in between the headphone output of my laptop with lossless played from Vox and my tube amplifier. I control volume from my laptop. Adding the buffer extends the treble and bass and makes an incredible difference to the Soundstage and imaging.

With the buffer in between, my tube amp is on “Viagra”

If I am not wrong, Nutube is a DHT and gain is pretty less. I am not a designer but may be the right path is to make a DHT / SE buffer around it and see what sonic impressions it can make. Though such a circuit has not been attempted as far as I know but only hybrid amps and preamps around the Nutube.

Oh! You already have a tube power amp. Yet, the tube buffer is adding to the quality. This is really interesting!!
Have you tried full range speakers with your set-up? I believe they would be a class apart.

If you do get a chance to bypass the buffer and check for gain/ attenuation, do post your findings here.




P.S. This may sound stupid but what is DHT? Differential High Tension?

Have been using this buffer for some time with Silvanya NOS 6SN7 GTB with high gain ( to add distortion ) .
Please have a look at the Yaqin CD3 buffer @ $ 200.
Needs tube upgrades from the stock tubes.
Lot of material available on line .
Eg- Source-

This buffer needs tube upgrade for the warmth, distortion and 3D separation . Noticeable difference . Final output will depend upon the quality of source and speakers . This is fine tuning anyway .
The product is solid built as is .
Buffers do work as many DACs , preamps etc have just a tube buffer stage after good quality Opamps .

Thx -
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