Turntable for SHURE M 44-7 cartridge..


Active Member
Sep 2, 2012
ERODE , tamil nadu
hi ,

i just ordered shure m 44-7 cart. for my old pioneer turntable.. currently i used old philips cart.and it rumbles heavily.. it affects audio quality while RIP to CDs..

so decided to buy a turntable.. but problem is , most of the modern turntables seem pre fitted cartridge that not upgradable to shure m44-7 cart..

and also i dont need inbuilt phono stage or USB output..

just need turntable that upgradable cartridge option..

another option is buying old record player from market or any other places.it also seems risky and afraid as my own player rumble problem like..

any suggestions ?

suresh babu
I am using the entry level model of the same, a pl 100, don't face any rumble issues. I think the suspension of your subchassis might need to be overhauled as the rubber bits tend to degrade with age.
Does the platter go down and then come back up when pushed?
The reasons of rumble are not ideally associated with the cartridge. The PL300 is one of the very well regarded Pioneer Direct Drive turntables. From my experience, the common causes for rumble on Pioneer Direct drives are (1) platter drag - either the bearing assembly needs lubrication or on another note, may be worn and would need to be replaced, (2) a humming transformer inside, the vibrations of which are transferred to the platter, (3) issues with dampening of the subchassis. This is assuming you are not facing issues with surface noise from your records or booming feedback from your amplifier. It is easier to identify the cause of the rumble in the turntable and fix it, than to change the turntable itself :)
Odds of transformer hum are less as I am using the Pl100 with a M447 without issues. In fact it has much less hum than a 90's JVC TT i used to have.

when i got mine, the subchassis suspension was totally gone
this is how the suspension works

the rubber had totally disintegrated, and the springs had sagged, and the subchassis was almost sitting on the bottom lid.
I could not fix the rubber boots, finally ended up adding some rubber washers on top of the springs to lift the height of the subchassis, and then putting some foam inside the springs ( this was used in older pioneer TT's such as the PL 12D)

Went a bit overboard and ended up damping the entire chassis with bitumen sheets!

platter/bearing issues - these should be the #1 culprit, but not faced such issues before, so can't comment
Pioneer PL 300 is a suspended direct Drive system designed to isolate motor unit from the mainframe so as to minimize rumble noise. Many technicians do not know how to dismantle this model and if it is not properly refitted, rumble is sure to come. This could be a reason for the rumble. Please ensure the 4 isolation feet have enough spring force and if you press down the center part with the platter , the arm section will not move if it is properly suspended.
also all feet do not have the same springs, and these need to go in the right locations so if it was taken apart and put back, there might be a mix up which might have messed up the suspension balance
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