Turntable Platter Wobble.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2013
Hi guys.

I read yesterday over the internet that a wobbling platter can introduce significant amount of wow and flutter. Apparently a little bit of wobble is nothing to worry about. But how little is little? That has not been explained anywhere clearly. So i thought of asking here.

The platter on my turntable also wobbles. I think its not much but I'm not too sure. I made a video and uploaded it on youtube yesterday. Can you please have a look and tell me if the wobble is within the acceptable limit or not? And if its wobbling too much then how do i reduce it?

What are the other impacts of this 'wobble'?

Here's the video. Just by looking at the first few seconds you'll get to see how much its wobbling.

Dream Theater - The Glass Prison (Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence Vinyl LP) - YouTube

Sorry for the camera going in and out of focus.

one of my pink floyd lp has a major warp, but surprisingly, cant make out any difference in sound quality.

platter wobble is totally unwanted and combined with warp on lp can be quite a nuisance. if you have a belt drive then try examining the belt, if its the platter that has a wobble, try level best to either replace it or repair it (if its metal, fabrication units may be able to suggest)
Yes, there are discs in my collection that have significant warp, but sound is unaffected. About the platter, my turntable has no visible wobble in the platter and I guess, that is the norm. Some turntables may differ due to different drives and bearing systems.
My turntable does not rotate true. This is certainly a fault: some strain must have come on the bearing or spindle. No, I don't notice the effect, but I'd much happier if it were not there! I would not be surprised at all if it were painfully obvious to one of our sharper-eared vinyl lovers.

Warped records... it depends on the warp. If it is bad enough to throw the cartridge up in the air, then ( :o obviously) it won't play at all. I'm unsure of the geometry, but won't a warp change the length of the groove, and thus the effective tracking speed? If so then some wow must result, and it is just a case of whether it is audible/put-up-with-able. Sometimes, with vinyl, one must live with imperfections.

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From the video, looks like the LP is warped, cant notice any platter wobble. How does it appear when it turns without an LP on it?
From the video, looks like the LP is warped, cant notice any platter wobble. How does it appear when it turns without an LP on it?

Without an LP there seems to negligible platter wobble..its almost not there. I guess its the records. I played other records and carefully observed..with some there's hardly any movement..with some of the 120/140 gram vinyls there's some wobble. The 180 gram LPs seem to be fine.
Without an LP there seems to negligible platter wobble..its almost not there. I guess its the records. I played other records and carefully observed..with some there's hardly any movement..with some of the 120/140 gram vinyls there's some wobble. The 180 gram LPs seem to be fine.

if that's the case, the old russian saying applies "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
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