Hello, My Rotel RX-1050, bought in 1983 needs to be replaced . There are four B&W speakers and a CD player.There are2 DM603 series 3 and 2 685 bookshelf speakers. The 603 are about 18 years old and the 685s are9 years old. The CD player is Integra cdc-3.4 and is less than a year old. The 600s are in a room that’s 12x14 and the685s are on the next room which measures 14x18. An archway connects the two rooms both of which have 12ft ceilings .My listening tastes are jazz, classical , opera, pop and R &B. The plan is to add a phono within two months. My budget is up to $1000 .00 USA. I need to make sure that whatever amplifier I Get can power the 4 B & Wspeakers
Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Thank you,
Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Thank you,