Urgently need help with LED TV power settings


New Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hi all,

I have an LG 47" LED TV.

The apartment in Bangalore where I live has generator backup, but it takes about 10 seconds to start.

So, whenever the mains supply is lost, my TV switches off and restarts after 10 seconds.

Same thing happens when mains supply is back, the TV switches off and on within 2 seconds.

This happens several times a day. I'm concerned this might damage the TV.

I have looked into UPS, but is there a simpler alternative?

Is there a device I can use that will turn-off the TV as soon as mains supply is lost?

I can then manually switch it on later.

I looked into TV settings, but no use...there are no power related settings.

Please help.

Thank you for the quick response.

I do have a surge protector from Belkin.

I was more concerned with the TV switching on and off so many times a day within a span of few seconds.

Any suggestions?
Thank you.

The power rating of my TV is 100-240V AC, 50/60Hz, 1.2 A.

Please suggest the specifications of the UPS that I should purchase.

You may have to do a trial and error. But I believe that 600VA will be (more than) sufficient (will cover TV + BDP + Media Player).
Hi all,

This happens several times a day. I'm concerned this might damage the TV.

I have looked into UPS, but is there a simpler alternative?

The best thing to do would be to get a UPS/Sinewave inverter. Generator power is not clean either, so it's best to power the TV from a UPS. As @just4kix said, a 500VA would be more than sufficient.
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