want to buy 32" lcd/led


New Member
Oct 31, 2010
hello bros.I am newbie to this.My budget is 50k(max 60k).I am planning to buy an lcd/led in this price range.My preference is features then picture quality.please suggest me some models and also their price.
Frankly I don't understand your needs and will let others help you.

If I were in your shoes, I would make a checklist of what I need - USB, HDMI, Scaling, AV1, AV2, FullHD/HD Ready, response time, refresh time, contrast ratio.... and so on. That way, it will be easier for you to narrow your choice.

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Frankly I don't understand your needs and will let others help you.

If I were in your shoes, I would make a checklist of what I need - USB, HDMI, Scaling, AV1, AV2, FullHD/HD Ready, response time, refresh time, contrast ratio.... and so on. That way, it will be easier for you to narrow your choice.


sorry for tat.let me say,i need usb playback supporting most of the formats like mpeg,divx,mkv.. and fullHD and other parameters dont matters for me
Most of the new gen LCD/LEDs from samsung and LG support all those formats. Please spend some time searching or reading thru their sites or search in HFV....

You can buy a good quality LCD or LED and add a media player with in your budget ...... :cool:
thnx for the response.can i go for plasma like panasoncic 50v20d which i heard tat for 57.5k.is it better to buy tat instead of lcd/led.
have look at LG LE 5500,also visit shahs which has a sale.
57.5k???,are you a serious buyer,member of Hifivision?!
i am a new member.i m not sure of price(57.5k).if i can buy 50" within my budget then i will go for that.

You will be indeed very lucky if you can get a 42" V20 @ 57.5k. If you want a 50" at this price range then you will have to look at LG or Samsung, or one of the HD ready Panasonic models.
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