What to buy from US besides Denonx4300h


New Member
Apr 22, 2015
Hi all,

I have been recommended to purchase Denon x4300h from the US. My first set up and I want to know what other components can I buy from there to save money...wires, speakers, et al.

Would request specifications. The more specific the better.

Also need suggestions on the speakers, Subs, with this AVR.

I want to start slow and build for my room.. 9ft ht * 12ft width* 12ft length.
After spending on AVR, I can spend INR 50k more to start my speaker setup.
My usage ..movies-40%, Prime video-30%, Music-30%

Thank you all.

Hi NB.....

The avr will be big, and fully fit one large suitcase. So you'll basically have 20 kgs ( one check-in suitcase ) left for everything else you can bring along. So speakers will be difficult to fit-in. But you can buy stuff like Logitech harmony remote controls or Roku ultra sticks from there.
I guess I phrased it wrong. I meant now that I have decided on The AVR, I need help in knowing what components to purchase.
What kind of wires can I buy?
The other question was what speakers to start with?
I may or may not buy speakers from the US.

Hi Nb...
Good morning again.....

Understood now :)..... all clear.

Please bear in mind, that the speakers have to match one's room, and the amp has to match the speakers. Get this sequence wrong, and we will be going in circles looking for audio bliss.

So irrespective of the excellent denon amp that you have :

1. What will be your room size and height in feet.
2. Are looking for a 5.1 or 7.1 or atmos steup
3. Is music performance or HT important for you, or is it 50/50

And before you spend on cables, please note that most bell wire will do fine for speaker cables.
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