Wireless Audio Sender / Reciever


New Member
May 9, 2013
Hi All

Sorry if this is not the correct forum to post but I wasnt sure where to stick this one.

I have a room that is going to be used for a conference in a few weeks, so we will be putting a table ect in the room. I have a TV / AV reciver and surround sound in this room, but what I am looking for is a convienent way to send audio from multiple devices on / around the table (Only one device at a time) to the AV unit wirelessly. Some of these devices dont have bluetooth so I was looking at either some form of 5.8ghz Wireless Sender / receiver or a Bluetooth Sender and reciever, the audio doesnt have to be concert worthy but I dont want to hear any interference or buzzing.

Has anyone got any good suggestions.


I have less knowledge on electronics. When I used to have any such doubts or problems, I consult that with Davs and I would also suggest you to take their help and get the product according to your requirement.
I think that this should be possible through a HDMI over Cat6 sender and receiver and instead of physically running a Cat6 cable from one end to another try with a router and an access point at both ends.
This should be a fantastic experiment and could solve a lot of installation issues related to wiring and control.
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