yht 196 or onkyo 3500 for ps4


New Member
Mar 25, 2016
i am planning to buy either Yamaha 196 or onkyo 3500. we use music not too much. for ps4 games... some movies and a little music ... room size is 12x12.please can anubody suggest me ..

1 . which is a better quality machine ..onkyo or Yamaha. product life?
2. dose true hd dolby and normal dolby really make too much difference.
3. after sales parts cost?
4. does passive speaker make a difference... I like bass...
5 sound quality difference between the two?

please help me guide. this is my first home theater buy... please guide..

Based on your budget, you need to decide which one appeals to you. The more decoding capability a AVR has, the better it will be to make the experience more enriching for you.

The Yamaha setup is entry level like the Onkyo but Yamaha seems to be the winner here between the two. There is a separate thread on Yamaha YHT196 / YHT 199 which you can refer to....

There are also other systems available if you increase your budget...

If you want really something nice within a reasonable budget, look at the For Sale by Owner section or Hi Fi Ads where there are some members selling good stuff for cheap....as they are heading for an upgrade.
i am planning to buy either Yamaha 196 or onkyo 3500. we use music not too much. for ps4 games... some movies and a little music ... room size is 12x12.please can anubody suggest me ..

1 . which is a better quality machine ..onkyo or Yamaha. product life?
2. dose true hd dolby and normal dolby really make too much difference.
3. after sales parts cost?
4. does passive speaker make a difference... I like bass...
5 sound quality difference between the two?

please help me guide. this is my first home theater buy... please guide..

Both are equally good. Listen to them both with your own content and take a call. Also, keep an eye on future proofing. You wouldn't want to be stuck with an entire system to upgrade once you outgrow it.

If you like Bass, compare the Subs on both the systems and how easy it would be to fit it in your place. A Sub's placement makes a lot of difference to its performance.

1 . which is a better quality machine ..onkyo or Yamaha. product life?
Both are equally good. Audition them and decide

2. dose true hd dolby and normal dolby really make too much difference.
Verymuch, if you are using BR or HD contents.

3. after sales parts cost?
Check for sales and service in your region

4. does passive speaker make a difference... I like bass...

Yes, it will. I was using onkyo3300 and the passive was not giving me enough thump. I switched to active sub, and it changed the world. Try to stick to active sub, in other words look for receiver with pre-out for subs

5 sound quality difference between the two?

You need to audition them yourselves

please help me guide. this is my first home theater buy... please guide..

As I said, please audition them yourselves before you take a call. Since your room is small, you will have to do many trial and error before you achieve what you need. Mine was smaller than your room, and had to spend a lot on room acoustics, as small rooms give all sorts of reflections. Audition both and take a decision, and if possible set it in your room before you finalize the brand. Please update once you have done so.
By the way, I use x360 with my onkyo, and it really rocks.
Hi ,

I m using YHT-299 bro of 196 with ps3 ,mac mini htpc , it works like charm.How ever i looking for more powerful AVR . Seeing for exchange
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