ZYX ultimate airy S or G or shelter harmony ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2013
mumbai India
Hi guys am in japan for the next 10 days. Was looking at buying a koetsu but can’t seem to find it anywhere. Getting great deals on ZYX ultimate airy s and g and the shelter harmony. Haven’t heard either brands but they seem to have a good pedigree. My main listening is jazz and 70’s Rock. Any advice would be appreciated ... yes I do Knw ultimately it’s a very subjective call. But some idea on the tonal quality would help.
Cheers !
Hi guys am in japan for the next 10 days. Was looking at buying a koetsu but can’t seem to find it anywhere. Getting great deals on ZYX ultimate airy s and g and the shelter harmony. Haven’t heard either brands but they seem to have a good pedigree. My main listening is jazz and 70’s Rock. Any advice would be appreciated ... yes I do Knw ultimately it’s a very subjective call. But some idea on the tonal quality would help.
Cheers !

Hi Anand,

If I'm not mistaken, Koetsu is available at the Akihabara Yodobashi Camera store.
Hi Anand,

Please find Sound height. They have lot of cartridge and main dealer of Koetsu.
Their shop is in Chiba near to Tokyo.
I have big interesting to Koetsu.
Please up-date this post.

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