Male Chimps In Uganda Use Distinctive Rhythms When Drumming on Tree Roots To Make Themselves Known

More vocals than actual drumming. But then they are evolving…
There could be a lot of detail in the vocals themselves that we havent figured out yet.

Just like elephants where herds communicate with each other with very low frequency signals around 20 hz and many a times lower than that. These signals have been known to travel long distances (a few kilometers) without us knowing that there is “wireless communication” happening.
Quite amazing actually.

The more we know, we realise how little we know !
I guess most mammals with large cranial capacity have a language or dialects - Whales, Elephants, Dolphins, Humans and apes. It has been know for quite some time that whales communicate over long distance using acoustics.

Absolutely! , in our preoccupation with our own species we tend to overlook the fact that nearly every living thing communicates with their own kind. Even trees and plants in their own way (there is even some acoustics involved…see interview below)
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Absolutely! , in our preoccupation with our own species we tend to overlook the fact that nearly every living thing communicates with their own kind. Even trees and plants in their own way (there is even some acoustics involved…see interview below)
But the problem is there are far too many ignoramus’s amongst to realise it.
How do the flock of birds in sometimes hundreds and thousands do their aerobatics without hitting each other ???? 😯 😯

They are much more capable than our air force teams. Much more sophisticated comms, GPS 🤭🤭
How do the flock of birds in sometimes hundreds and thousands do their aerobatics without hitting each other ???? 😯 😯

They are much more capable than our air force teams. Much more sophisticated comms, GPS 🤭🤭
But its true, scientists have found albatross birds(maybe others as well) equipped with magnetic fluid in their eyes which works like a compass for them. In conjunction with memory of land masses and directional compass like cues these guys travel all round the world.

Yes the fact that thousands of them fly so close to each other and not collide is a marvel.

In one of Attenborough’s serials he focuses on the so called human inventions which have already existed in nature for a million years and more so they really are not inventions, just derivatives of it. Flight and precise navigation is one of them. Electricity is another(try convincing the electric eel that Benjamin Franklin with his kite discovered electricity).

Another mind blowing piece of info that he had said was female elephants have been known to navigate the herd directly to water holes that they have never been to without hesitation. They tracked a couple of generations of elephants electronically and observed this phenomenon. One of the strongest theories for this behaviour is that they have the ability to pass on selected pieces of memory(favoured for survival) to their offspring to give them a quicker start in life. Its totally amazing that one could be born with a memory map of your mothers brain !

This world is full of wonders we dont understand and thus fear it and because of that destroy it.
And, inline with the thread topic, here is the documentary about the largest animal on the planet, the Whale. In short, they have a complex communication language that we are yet to decode. One of the common snippets heard is called as "Whup" sound. This is as unique as it is common, making us wonder if it is they represent their names.

Two biologists set out on an undertaking as colossal as their subjects—deciphering the complex communication of whales. Dr. Michelle Fournet and Dr. Ellen Garland journey to opposite hemispheres to uncover a culture eons older than our own.
But its true, scientists have found albatross birds(maybe others as well) equipped with magnetic fluid in their eyes which works like a compass for them.
Can you please point me to studies that have revealed this? Magnetic fluid is ferrofluid and I'm very curious how that has come to be. Google is not of help.
Can you please point me to studies that have revealed this? Magnetic fluid is ferrofluid and I'm very curious how that has come to be. Google is not of help.
It is believed that birds can literally see the magnetic field with their eyes. Apparently using a protein named cryptochrome 4. Somewhere I read that they literally see the magnetic field as some kind of blue light

It is believed that birds can literally see the magnetic field with their eyes. Apparently using a protein named cryptochrome 4. Somewhere I read that they literally see the magnetic field as some kind of blue light

Yes, I've read that before. Perhaps that is what he meant by "magnetic" fluid.
Can you please point me to studies that have revealed this? Magnetic fluid is ferrofluid and I'm very curious how that has come to be. Google is not of help.
It was a documentary on either animal planet or discovery…..will send the link when i find it.
Yes, I've read that before. Perhaps that is what he meant by "magnetic" fluid.
The above article speaks about two spots.
What i remember seeing and hearing was about a thin coloured line overlayed on the field of vision and that documentary traced the path of a bird from point A to B above the motorways. Let me look for it.
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