BDP-83 - Sell or Keep


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
I have a BDP-83 which has been trusted CD player, Blu ray player, DVD Player and the love of my Home theater when I started building it.

The player is an all region player using a hardware mod I got it done, so it plays all regions.

My reasonable collection of Blurays/DVD's and CDs have all been very happy with this device.

However, with the onset of OTT and my shield for downloaded content through my NAS, its usage has diminished significantly.

Last year, when I tried to play it after a really long time, realised that it needs servicing, so got that done.

Now, after a year, I realise I have used probably only 2 or 3 times.

Is it worth keeping it for the sentiment value as well as the fact, that even my CDs and BDs and DVDs will have to be sold? Although, the quality of sound and DAC is better than the other equipment I have, its an excellent transport in itself. The spears and munsil callibration disk is great for video callibration.

So should one keep it or just sell it when the going is good? What do you guys say? Would appreciate honest opinions with reasons.
Keeping sentimental values aside (as you would be the best judge for the same) I would recommend the following
  1. OPPO BDP 83 - If it has a good resale value and you dont find yourself using do sell it across. Normal blu ray players sell for about 4-5k and might be better being retained.
  2. Bluray discs - I would recommend to keep your absolute favorites and sell the rest , there is still a fair resale value for bluray discs and will get sold relatively easily vs after a few years when 4k discs become similar in cost as BR discs
  3. Audio CDs - This is little tricky as we cannot predict how it will go but based on current trends prices are on an increasing trend and may fetch you better values in future but as is also are being sold at good prices
I still have mine bought, 11 years ago I think, used maybe 10-15 times. It is serving as a CD/SACD player, and I hardly have 40-50 cds left. Still I prefer to keep it, as it sounds good vix coax. output to my DAC. I listen to CD's maybe 2-3 times a year now, but will keep this unit till it dies. No point selling for peanuts and it looks good in my audio rack as well.
The Oppos are deservedly very highly valuable Antique pieces now that they have stopped manufacturing. Unless u get a bomb on resale, dont sell it. I had my 83 and i sold it with a heavy heart only because i was getting a 103. strangely enough i always missed a feature or two that was only possible in 83 not in 103. So i didnt repeat my mistake the 2nd time. Now I own a 103 as well as a 203 and dont plan to sell either.

For me they are equivalent of a travelling enthusiast making treasured memories via a really elite advanced camera of its own time and cant ever sell it even after it becomes obsolete 20 yrs later because of its unmeasureable contribution to forming vivid memories of life's precious moments
I have an Oppo 103D and it's the heart of my HT setup. You could actually sell the 83 and pick up a 103, 105, or even the 203/5. Finding them could be an issue though, not easily available.

I still have mine bought, 11 years ago I think, used maybe 10-15 times. It is serving as a CD/SACD player, and I hardly have 40-50 cds left. Still I prefer to keep it, as it sounds good vix coax. output to my DAC. I listen to CD's maybe 2-3 times a year now, but will keep this unit till it dies. No point selling for peanuts and it looks good in my audio rack as well.
Let me know when it dies (power supply board etc), provided the tray loader is ok.

I have a BDP-83 which has been trusted CD player, Blu ray player, DVD Player and the love of my Home theater when I started building it.

The player is an all region player using a hardware mod I got it done, so it plays all regions.

My reasonable collection of Blurays/DVD's and CDs have all been very happy with this device.

However, with the onset of OTT and my shield for downloaded content through my NAS, its usage has diminished significantly.

Last year, when I tried to play it after a really long time, realised that it needs servicing, so got that done.

Now, after a year, I realise I have used probably only 2 or 3 times.

Is it worth keeping it for the sentiment value as well as the fact, that even my CDs and BDs and DVDs will have to be sold? Although, the quality of sound and DAC is better than the other equipment I have, its an excellent transport in itself. The spears and munsil callibration disk is great for video callibration.

So should one keep it or just sell it when the going is good? What do you guys say? Would appreciate honest opinions with reasons.
Well ?

Are you selling the BDP-83 ?
I just bought a bdp83 in good condition today as my cdt+ Bluray player. Hdmi goes to my avr and coax goes to my dedicated external dac denafrips ares2. As of now, I am comparing it currently against a dedicated cd player from denon...i cant see any great difference between both as transport. Denon is connected on optical and oppo is connected on coaxial. Anyone has experience in having compared dedicated cdp and bdp83 both used purely as a transport? Pls let me know what did you find and what did you conclude?
+919880033516 or 9972268301. His shop is tools and trade on Google maps in commercial street. There is a separate thread on him.
I have a BDP-83 which has been trusted CD player, Blu ray player, DVD Player and the love of my Home theater when I started building it.

The player is an all region player using a hardware mod I got it done, so it plays all regions.

My reasonable collection of Blurays/DVD's and CDs have all been very happy with this device.

However, with the onset of OTT and my shield for downloaded content through my NAS, its usage has diminished significantly.

Last year, when I tried to play it after a really long time, realised that it needs servicing, so got that done.

Now, after a year, I realise I have used probably only 2 or 3 times.

Is it worth keeping it for the sentiment value as well as the fact, that even my CDs and BDs and DVDs will have to be sold? Although, the quality of sound and DAC is better than the other equipment I have, its an excellent transport in itself. The spears and munsil callibration disk is great for video callibration.

So should one keep it or just sell it when the going is good? What do you guys say? Would appreciate honest opinions with reasons.
in any case you decide to let it go pls do it in this forum,,let m see if i can pick..
I have a BDP-83 which has been trusted CD player, Blu ray player, DVD Player and the love of my Home theater when I started building it.

The player is an all region player using a hardware mod I got it done, so it plays all regions.

My reasonable collection of Blurays/DVD's and CDs have all been very happy with this device.

However, with the onset of OTT and my shield for downloaded content through my NAS, its usage has diminished significantly.

Last year, when I tried to play it after a really long time, realised that it needs servicing, so got that done.

Now, after a year, I realise I have used probably only 2 or 3 times.

Is it worth keeping it for the sentiment value as well as the fact, that even my CDs and BDs and DVDs will have to be sold? Although, the quality of sound and DAC is better than the other equipment I have, its an excellent transport in itself. The spears and munsil callibration disk is great for video callibration.

So should one keep it or just sell it when the going is good? What do you guys say? Would appreciate honest opinions with reasons.
Sell it..
If you have a huge / Special Audio CD collection invest in a better CD/SACD player & retain the Cds.

If you have a smallish collection under <300cds or not so special Cds (not only special from recording perspective, also special from personal POV), Sell Everything.

In General, if your usage is less than once a week, for Bluray disc & players ; take cool selfies with your collection & player & then sell it.
Similiar to the post above, but with a different perpective. If you do plan to invest in a new player, sell it

Else keep it as every year the cost/quality only goes up so be prepared to spend a lot more for a new one. Also CDP/BDP prices fall much more than any other component as their risk of failure also goes up hence the value you might get for it would be lower as well.
I have a BDP-83 which has been trusted CD player, Blu ray player, DVD Player and the love of my Home theater when I started building it.

The player is an all region player using a hardware mod I got it done, so it plays all regions.

My reasonable collection of Blurays/DVD's and CDs have all been very happy with this device.

However, with the onset of OTT and my shield for downloaded content through my NAS, its usage has diminished significantly.

Last year, when I tried to play it after a really long time, realised that it needs servicing, so got that done.

Now, after a year, I realise I have used probably only 2 or 3 times.

Is it worth keeping it for the sentiment value as well as the fact, that even my CDs and BDs and DVDs will have to be sold? Although, the quality of sound and DAC is better than the other equipment I have, its an excellent transport in itself. The spears and munsil callibration disk is great for video callibration.

So should one keep it or just sell it when the going is good? What do you guys say? Would appreciate honest opinions with reasons.
May I know where you got your oppo BDP-83 serviced? I too have an oppo BDP-103, which I need to get serviced or sold.
(It has developed a problem of noise after playing for some time. The annoying buzzing noise starts if any electrical device is switched on or off in the room).
May I know where you got your oppo BDP-83 serviced? I too have an oppo BDP-103, which I need to get serviced or sold.
(It has developed a problem of noise after playing for some time. The annoying buzzing noise starts if any electrical device is switched on or off in the room).
I got it serviced by Mr. Murthy (tools and trade) in commercial street, Bengaluru. His contact details are in the forum
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