Wharfedale Linton heritage with Marantz Model 30! Or...


Oct 22, 2008
Hi Folks,
Moving to a new place in the US, I now want to significantly increase my budget (in US dollars) to be sure that I will have the best system and I will be happy with it for a while as my main system (at least 3-4 years if not longer).
So, I am planning/willing to skip couple of logical upgrade steps / slabs and stretch my budget a bit to get the best possible.

My current setup:
Marantz PM6005 (Amp), Cambridge Audio Azur 851N (Music Streamer/DAC), Dali Zensor 5 speakers, Pro-ject Debut carbon turntable (Red)

While this is a decent setup, I am planning/hoping to do the following upgrades:
1. Wharfedale Linton speakers (almost 100% final)
2. Marantz Model 30 amplifier (while convinced about it; there is FOMO / confusion here)

The new place will be open concept space so living room + dining area + kitchen meaning much bigger room than current.

My thoughts:
1. Want to get analog integrated amp (no DAC) so as to get better bang for the buck (& because I do have a very good DAC already)
2. I like (slightly) warm sound but without missing out on details. So not necessarily pure/as is sound without coloration is necessarily an advantage for me (it will be great because Wharfedale speakers tend to be warm but i won't select amp just because it delivers 'audiophile' purity).
3. I listen to decent variety of music (old/new recordings): Hindi film music of 70s/80s (Ardent fan of R.D. Burman), English pop/rock, English oldies, world music, instrumental music, title & theme music etc.
4. Somehow, I feel am playing very safe with Model 30 since I am comfortable with Marantz sound but I need to make an informed decision. I need to not buy something else i.e. other higher end models may be the price is too much OR incompatibility of sound to my taste; NOT because it's not in my comfort zone.

Could you please share your thoughts regarding:
* If Marantz Model 30 (priced at 3K) is a very good match for Wharfedale Lintons?
* I have been reading reviews & watching YouTube videos of the channels like 'Zero Fidelity', 'Andrew Robinson', 'CheapAudioMan' etc. and 2 brand/models seem to exciting:
Luxman (L-505uXII) - 5K
Musical Fidelity (M6si) - 3K

How do they compare with Marantz Model 30? Any other under 5k brand/model I should consider?

* It is a big jump already from Marantz PM6005 to Marantz Model 30 so are exploring amps 3 to 5K worth it? (I understand the quality increase isn't proportional to price increase but will the difference be worth it?)

p.s. I will need an amp with phono input/pre-amp as I am not planning to use external/separate phono pre-amp (have tried 3 under $300 and I found Marantz preamp to be superior somehow)
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Hi Folks,
Moving to a new place in the US, I now want to significantly increase my budget (in US dollars) to be sure that I will have the best system and I will be happy with it for a while as my main system (at least 3-4 years if not longer).
So, I am planning/willing to skip couple of logical upgrade steps / slabs and stretch my budget a bit to get the best possible.

My current setup:
Marantz PM6005 (Amp), Cambridge Audio Azur 851N (Music Streamer/DAC), Dali Zensor 5 speakers, Pro-ject Debut carbon turntable (Red)

While this is a decent setup, I am planning/hoping to do the following upgrades:
1. Wharfedale Linton speakers (almost 100% final)
2. Marantz Model 30 amplifier (while convinced about it; there is FOMO / confusion here)

The new place will be open concept space so living room + dining area + kitchen meaning much bigger room than current.

My thoughts:
1. Want to get analog integrated amp (no DAC) so as to get better bang for the buck (& because I do have a very good DAC already)
2. I like (slightly) warm sound but without missing out on details. So not necessarily pure/as is sound without coloration is necessarily an advantage for me (it will be great because Wharfedale speakers tend to be warm but i won't select amp just because it delivers 'audiophile' purity).
3. I listen to decent variety of music (old/new recordings): Hindi film music of 70s/80s (Ardent fan of R.D. Burman), English pop/rock, English oldies, world music, instrumental music, title & theme music etc.
4. Somehow, I feel am playing very safe with Model 30 since I am comfortable with Marantz sound but I need to make an informed decision. I need to not buy something else i.e. other higher end models may be the price is too much OR incompatibility of sound to my taste; NOT because it's not in my comfort zone.

Could you please share your thoughts regarding:
* If Marantz Model 30 (priced at 3K) is a very good match for Wharfedale Lintons?
* I have been reading reviews & watching YouTube videos of the channels like 'Zero Fidelity', 'Andrew Robinson', 'CheapAudioMan' etc. and 2 brand/models seem to exciting:
Luxman (L-505uXII) - 5K
Musical Fidelity (M6si) - 3K

How do they compare with Marantz Model 30? Any other under 5k brand/model I should consider?

* It is a big jump already from Marantz PM6005 to Marantz Model 30 so are exploring amps 3 to 5K worth it? (I understand the quality increase isn't proportional to price increase but will the difference be worth it?)

p.s. I will need an amp with phono input/pre-amp as I am not planning to use external/separate phono pre-amp (have tried 3 under $300 and I found Marantz preamp to be superior somehow)
Have you heard the SS amps from the quad line ? Same family/parent company. If possible hear them. There will/should be synergy and you may be pleasantly surprised.
Honestly, I’d put more on the speakers and less on the amp.

You could insider Rogue Audio or Unison Research amps as less expensive but highly regarded alternatives.

But other than that, it’s a solid combo.
Luxman is mostly Class A/B amps and new models of Marantz are using Class D . So just check that out and if possible listen to them before buying . Anyday A/B is preferred to D . I have not heard either of them

Your choices are justified because a more powerful amp is clearly required to drive your speakers and also since you have mentioned that its going to be a larger space ....you will play it a bit louder ...this again requires the kind of power marantz / luxman / MF is rated for .
Hi Folks,
Moving to a new place in the US, I now want to significantly increase my budget (in US dollars) to be sure that I will have the best system and I will be happy with it for a while as my main system (at least 3-4 years if not longer).
So, I am planning/willing to skip couple of logical upgrade steps / slabs and stretch my budget a bit to get the best possible.

My current setup:
Marantz PM6005 (Amp), Cambridge Audio Azur 851N (Music Streamer/DAC), Dali Zensor 5 speakers, Pro-ject Debut carbon turntable (Red)

While this is a decent setup, I am planning/hoping to do the following upgrades:
1. Wharfedale Linton speakers (almost 100% final)
2. Marantz Model 30 amplifier (while convinced about it; there is FOMO / confusion here)

The new place will be open concept space so living room + dining area + kitchen meaning much bigger room than current.

My thoughts:
1. Want to get analog integrated amp (no DAC) so as to get better bang for the buck (& because I do have a very good DAC already)
2. I like (slightly) warm sound but without missing out on details. So not necessarily pure/as is sound without coloration is necessarily an advantage for me (it will be great because Wharfedale speakers tend to be warm but i won't select amp just because it delivers 'audiophile' purity).
3. I listen to decent variety of music (old/new recordings): Hindi film music of 70s/80s (Ardent fan of R.D. Burman), English pop/rock, English oldies, world music, instrumental music, title & theme music etc.
4. Somehow, I feel am playing very safe with Model 30 since I am comfortable with Marantz sound but I need to make an informed decision. I need to not buy something else i.e. other higher end models may be the price is too much OR incompatibility of sound to my taste; NOT because it's not in my comfort zone.

Could you please share your thoughts regarding:
* If Marantz Model 30 (priced at 3K) is a very good match for Wharfedale Lintons?
* I have been reading reviews & watching YouTube videos of the channels like 'Zero Fidelity', 'Andrew Robinson', 'CheapAudioMan' etc. and 2 brand/models seem to exciting:
Luxman (L-505uXII) - 5K
Musical Fidelity (M6si) - 3K

How do they compare with Marantz Model 30? Any other under 5k brand/model I should consider?

* It is a big jump already from Marantz PM6005 to Marantz Model 30 so are exploring amps 3 to 5K worth it? (I understand the quality increase isn't proportional to price increase but will the difference be worth it?)

p.s. I will need an amp with phono input/pre-amp as I am not planning to use external/separate phono pre-amp (have tried 3 under $300 and I found Marantz preamp to be superior somehow)
Being an user of Linton ,I would say it will go good with Marantz amp.
Alternatively u can try the following
Denon pma2500ne ( Have heard good user review from our forum member @balavignesh002 )
Luxman L505uX II ( Have heard this combo it is very very warm sound )
Audio lab 6000A ( Have heard that this combo works very well ).

Best of Luck!
Being an user of Linton ,I would say it will go good with Marantz amp.
Alternatively u can try the following
Denon pma2500ne ( Have heard good user review from our forum member @balavignesh002 )
Luxman L505uX II ( Have heard this combo it is very very warm sound )
Audio lab 6000A ( Have heard that this combo works very well ).

Best of Luck!
Thank you so much @RajithKumar .
It is reassuring to hear from you as you actually have used Linton.
Let me also research Denon pma2500ne.
I am surprised to hear about very very warm sound with Luxman + Linton combination as on it's own I thought Luxman is supposed to be neutral so it would compliment well with Linton (Luxman's clarity + Linton's inclination towards warm side).
Audiolab seems very capable (fav on YouTube) but for less than half the price and with DAC + Streamer included, I have doubts about the amp capability compared to a dedicated analog only amp.
Thank you so much guys for your inputs.
Bit off topic: I am buying BDI media center BDI Octave 8379 , which although made specifically for hifi audio gear will have about one inch left on each side in the inner (side) compartment after placing Luxman amp. How hot will Luxman or any AB amp will get?
Check out Technics SU-G700 Mk 2 amp. I haven’t heard it but it’s supposedly very good. It’s a class D amp and comes very highly recommended from friends who have a great ear. It’s sub USD 3k.
Wharfedale Linton speakers (almost 100% final)
WOW.. Lintons are good speakers. you will not be dissatisfied.

Recommend to look in to considering few tweaks by Headquarter Audio on xover to make it better, there are 3 videos by him.

I have put GR Research upgrades on my Lintons recently. Please refer this below thread

I use Denon DCD and PMA 2500NE as source and amplification for Lintons. when buying AMP my recommendation for you is please look in to the guts(Parts inside) of amp before buying.

I decided on PMA 2500NE as OEM use all good components inside and i couldn’t find any better options available in India for that budget. I like or prefer always EI transformers than toroidal. The amp is very neutral and will have the EI transformer's character in its sound.

I didn’t listen Lintons other than 2500NEs. so cannot comment how it differs from other amps, but I didn’t find any thing odd.
WOW.. Lintons are good speakers. you will not be dissatisfied.

Recommend to look in to considering few tweaks by Headquarter Audio on xover to make it better, there are 3 videos by him.

I have put GR Research upgrades on my Lintons recently. Please refer this below thread

I use Denon DCD and PMA 2500NE as source and amplification for Lintons. when buying AMP my recommendation for you is please look in to the guts(Parts inside) of amp before buying.

I decided on PMA 2500NE as OEM use all good components inside and i couldn’t find any better options available in India for that budget. I like or prefer always EI transformers than toroidal. The amp is very neutral and will have the EI transformer's character in its sound.

I didn’t listen Lintons other than 2500NEs. so cannot comment how it differs from other amps, but I didn’t find any thing odd.
Thank you so much @balavignesh002 . I am pretty non-technical (and so totally non DYI guy) in this context so probably will not open the amp even AFTER buying so no question of checking before I buy :) . Principally I agree almost anything including any audio gear can be made better so personally I will not like tweaking things or adding some sort of 'kit' to 'fix' issues. It takes the fun (& confidence) out of the brand/model IMO of course. But you validated that out of the box they are good speakers so thank you again for that. I will do more research on Denon model.
Thank you so much @balavignesh002 . I am pretty non-technical (and so totally non DYI guy) in this context so probably will not open the amp even AFTER buying so no question of checking before I buy :) . Principally I agree almost anything including any audio gear can be made better so personally I will not like tweaking things or adding some sort of 'kit' to 'fix' issues. It takes the fun (& confidence) out of the brand/model IMO of course. But you validated that out of the box they are good speakers so thank you again for that. I will do more research on Denon model.
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I have the Lintons with the Denon PM2500 as well.
Really enjoying the combo.

My guess is that the Marantz Model 30 should also work well.

You can also consider the Denon PMA A110.

I have the Lintons with the Denon PM2500 as well.
Really enjoying the combo.

My guess is that the Marantz Model 30 should also work well.

You can also consider the Denon PMA A110.

Thank you so much @argho . This is reassuring.

You can consider Naim (supernait 3 will be in your budget). I found these two brands pair well and got similar feedback from few follow FMs.
Thank you @rdevakumar . I have been hearing about Naim so was curious why no one has mentioned it here... will check it out.
Luxman is mostly Class A/B amps and new models of Marantz are using Class D . So just check that out and if possible listen to them before buying . Anyday A/B is preferred to D . I have not heard either of them (luxman / Marantz 30)
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.