Instead of starting a new thread asking for advice, here is my chain of thoughts along with few recent audio experiences:
Currently quite happy with current setup after recent upgrade, but I want to get that heavenly sound !
* Basically heard couple of systems recently which probably cost 3-4 times compared to my setup but definitely excelled in some departments undoubtedly.
* An obvious upgrade was a subwoofer about which I have been reluctant all along but recently got enlightened with some videos and practical experience. I got one yesterday (REL T/7). Definitely it's effective but there are couple of issues (mainly it's still boomy so i am thinking of prioritizing room treatment first as much as I can of course given that it is a living room; also trying different positions for the sub. The other issue is it's not sounding homogenous with the speakers although am using (have to because there is no pre-out on the amp!) high level connection i.e. directly connecting to amp posts. Finally it's inconsistent i.e. yet to find the sweet spot which will be applicable to most songs for crossover and volume levels. I am looking forward to the experience that the sub will bring overall richness by providing support/base to mid range)
* As posted in the other thread I waited about 8 years due to space/budget constraints to upgrade to this current system and when I did, back of the mind I knew this is a very very good system but that may not be or need not be 'the' system (that I want to have that my max budget can afford). For current system, I had almost decided on speakers and tried 3-4 amps to choose Denon which fits my taste and budget at the time. For current system, I had almost decided on speakers and tried 3-4 amps to choose Denon which fits my taste and budget at the time.
What am looking for with substantial next upgrade:
Following brands/models are on my radar right now (some I have experienced, others can be 'wish list'). Please feel free to comment / make suggestions (especially owners or members who have experienced both the brands i.e. ones i have and wishing for)
I have 250 sq. ft. living room and as you can see in the screenshots, one side is open (dining area etc)

Currently quite happy with current setup after recent upgrade, but I want to get that heavenly sound !
* Basically heard couple of systems recently which probably cost 3-4 times compared to my setup but definitely excelled in some departments undoubtedly.
* An obvious upgrade was a subwoofer about which I have been reluctant all along but recently got enlightened with some videos and practical experience. I got one yesterday (REL T/7). Definitely it's effective but there are couple of issues (mainly it's still boomy so i am thinking of prioritizing room treatment first as much as I can of course given that it is a living room; also trying different positions for the sub. The other issue is it's not sounding homogenous with the speakers although am using (have to because there is no pre-out on the amp!) high level connection i.e. directly connecting to amp posts. Finally it's inconsistent i.e. yet to find the sweet spot which will be applicable to most songs for crossover and volume levels. I am looking forward to the experience that the sub will bring overall richness by providing support/base to mid range)
* As posted in the other thread I waited about 8 years due to space/budget constraints to upgrade to this current system and when I did, back of the mind I knew this is a very very good system but that may not be or need not be 'the' system (that I want to have that my max budget can afford). For current system, I had almost decided on speakers and tried 3-4 amps to choose Denon which fits my taste and budget at the time. For current system, I had almost decided on speakers and tried 3-4 amps to choose Denon which fits my taste and budget at the time.
What am looking for with substantial next upgrade:
- at least 25% gain in the overall improvement and more so in certain aspects by spending 100% more (my cumulative ultimate i.e. not immediate budget would be around $20K)
- bigger sound (bigger speakers and more watts / different 'class' - pun intended)
- that 'heavenly' sound - specifically mid range - more details without getting bright
- flexibility in 'trying out' different component because of 'loose coupling' ('separates' to an extend e.g. having pre-amp + amp in one box but separate DAC)
- Nothing to do with equipment but I want to / need to do some room treatment to take care of some reverb.
Following brands/models are on my radar right now (some I have experienced, others can be 'wish list'). Please feel free to comment / make suggestions (especially owners or members who have experienced both the brands i.e. ones i have and wishing for)
I have 250 sq. ft. living room and as you can see in the screenshots, one side is open (dining area etc)
- Accuphase E-280 amp (pre + power)
- Luxman 507z
- Wharfedale Elysian 4
- Dali Epicon / Rubicon (6 or 8)
- Sonus Faber speakers (in my budget)
- Phono pre-amp (to be researched)
