Integrated amplifier Azur 650A and speakers Klipse Rf25


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
I am listening to a combination of integrated amplifier Azur 650A of Cambridge Audio and two tower speakers Klipse Rf25. I am not satisfied with the performance at low-range frequencies and the overall tonal quality of this combination. Can anyone please suggest where should I go for the change either the speakers or the amplifier? as I need more clarity at least in the low frequency and the mid-range. Much confused about the issue.
Before changing either, check what speaker cable you have. What’s its gauge? Thin speaker cables can also cause this issue. Next to check would be the RCA cable… if it’s a good one, then ensure that it touching the power cables anywhere.
Before changing either, check what speaker cable you have. What’s its gauge? Thin speaker cables can also cause this issue. Next to check would be the RCA cable… if it’s a good one, then ensure that it touching the power cables anywhere.
Great suggestion, as I have always been very careful with cables but there is no end to its quality and it really costs very high with the extreme qualities of this cable. Presently am using 14gauge pure 99.9% oxygen-free cables as speaker cables and good quality brand RCA connectors. Do you suggest 12 gauge?
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