Logitech Media Server on ASUS Tinker Board 2 S


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Further to my earlier thread https://www.hifivision.com/threads/tinkering-with-asus-tinker-board-2s.92248/

https://tinker-board.asus.com/product/tinker-board-2s.html is the link to the SBC

I was disappointed that I purchased a SBC meant to be used in IOT devices not for audio purposes. Having got it, had to make it work as an audio streamer.

Struggled to understand how to make it into one. Volumio have not supported TB 2S. So the next candidate was to download Android 11 offered by Asus. That worked but again was not headless.

It was then FM Bobby @bobbyprajan stepped in with the suggestion to install Tinker OS (Debian 10 v2) and Logitech Media Server on it. I had tried it on my old Mac Mini and failed last year. Had purchased a mobile app to control Squeeze Players so thought of trying it out.

He went a step ahead and sent me the scripts and guidance how to start with the terminal and execute the script. He tried on a VM and fed me with his feedback.

There were some conflicts between Debian 10 on TB 2 S and LMS version 8.3 suggested by Bobby. Could iron out these issues though took time, Found LMS 7.9.2 worked.

Meanwhile issues of mounting my NAS and stuff were helped out by Manavendra @mbhangui .

Had to reflash the TB once to clear all wrongs. With courage earned from the mistakes earlier, tried out LMS v 8.2. It worked !! Installed Squeezelite player, mapped my server but the sound was "silence". My DAC was producing no signal - be it be RCA out or HP out. After plugging in and out my active speaker found that my HDMI monitor's audio out was "singing" .

Bobby was constantly PMing me trying to solve my issue. I too tried some combinations in the script and finally could get the audio out to the USB > iFi DAC > HK Nova speakers.

SQ is quite good and better than using PC as the streamer. There are still some issues to sort out.

  1. Squeezelite player keeps stopping when playing from NAS - after 1 or 2 songs. So need to restart it from terminal.
  2. NAS is lost frequently. Have to rescan the folders.
  3. NAS is lost if TB is rebooted. Again need to scan the NAS.
If someone experienced with LMS issues like these please chime in

The script used is below for anyone trying out on Debian OS especially with Tinker Board.


sudo apt install libio-socket-ssl-perl
sudo wget http://downloads-origin.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v8.2.0/logitechmediaserver_8.2.0_arm.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./logitechmediaserver_8.2.0_arm.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo systemctl unmask logitechmediaserver.service
sudo systemctl enable logitechmediaserver
sudo addgroup lms
sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver
sudo usermod -aG audio linaro
sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver
sudo mkdir /media/NAS
sudo chown linaro:lms /media/NAS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nfs-common
sudo mount -t nfs NAS IP Address:/path to music folder
sudo df -k
(to check if the NAS got mounted)

Now to automount the NAS edit fstab file

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Choose Option E

Added <NAS IP>:<folder path> media/NAS nfs defaults,user,exec,_netdev 0 0

To close Esc, :w

sudo mount -a

sudo ifconfig
for IP address of the LMS - note it down. It may be needed to set up on mobile at times

Now to install Squeezelite Player

sudo apt install squeezelite

systemctl enable squeezelite

In Tinker Board 2S the output was from the HDMI monitor audio output. The USB DAC was not getting recognised.

The workaround is to edit the /etc/default/squeezelite file

sudo vim /etc/default/squeezelite

Uncomment the line SL_SOUNDCARD=”sysdefault:CARD=XXX” and modify as below
It will depend on what ALSA Mixer calls your DAC. Mine was CARD 1.
Added <NAS IP>:<folder path> media/NAS nfs defaults,user,exec,_netdev 0 0

Is 0 0 required? wont a 0 2 will be enough, my understanding is it will scan on each boot which can take lot of time for booting
Added <NAS IP>:<folder path> media/NAS nfs defaults,user,exec,_netdev 0 0

Is 0 0 required? wont a 0 2 will be enough, my understanding is it will scan on each boot which can take lot of time for booting
Not sure. I copied it from another website.

Would try out your suggestion. BTW what do those numbers mean? Am a complete newbie with working on terminals.

Even ms-dos commands i used to use some 30 yrs back are now new for me, 😥
Further to my earlier thread https://www.hifivision.com/threads/tinkering-with-asus-tinker-board-2s.92248/

https://tinker-board.asus.com/product/tinker-board-2s.html is the link to the SBC

I was disappointed that I purchased a SBC meant to be used in IOT devices not for audio purposes. Having got it, had to make it work as an audio streamer.

Struggled to understand how to make it into one. Volumio have not supported TB 2S. So the next candidate was to download Android 11 offered by Asus. That worked but again was not headless.

It was then FM Bobby @bobbyprajan stepped in with the suggestion to install Tinker OS (Debian 10 v2) and Logitech Media Server on it. I had tried it on my old Mac Mini and failed last year. Had purchased a mobile app to control Squeeze Players so thought of trying it out.

He went a step ahead and sent me the scripts and guidance how to start with the terminal and execute the script. He tried on a VM and fed me with his feedback.

There were some conflicts between Debian 10 on TB 2 S and LMS version 8.3 suggested by Bobby. Could iron out these issues though took time, Found LMS 7.9.2 worked.

Meanwhile issues of mounting my NAS and stuff were helped out by Manavendra @mbhangui .

Had to reflash the TB once to clear all wrongs. With courage earned from the mistakes earlier, tried out LMS v 8.2. It worked !! Installed Squeezelite player, mapped my server but the sound was "silence". My DAC was producing no signal - be it be RCA out or HP out. After plugging in and out my active speaker found that my HDMI monitor's audio out was "singing" .

Bobby was constantly PMing me trying to solve my issue. I too tried some combinations in the script and finally could get the audio out to the USB > iFi DAC > HK Nova speakers.

SQ is quite good and better than using PC as the streamer. There are still some issues to sort out.

  1. Squeezelite player keeps stopping when playing from NAS - after 1 or 2 songs. So need to restart it from terminal.
  2. NAS is lost frequently. Have to rescan the folders.
  3. NAS is lost if TB is rebooted. Again need to scan the NAS.
If someone experienced with LMS issues like these please chime in

The script used is below for anyone trying out on Debian OS especially with Tinker Board.


sudo apt install libio-socket-ssl-perl
sudo wget http://downloads-origin.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v8.2.0/logitechmediaserver_8.2.0_arm.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./logitechmediaserver_8.2.0_arm.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo systemctl unmask logitechmediaserver.service
sudo systemctl enable logitechmediaserver
sudo addgroup lms
sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver
sudo usermod -aG audio linaro
sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver
sudo mkdir /media/NAS
sudo chown linaro:lms /media/NAS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nfs-common
sudo mount -t nfs NAS IP Address:/path to music folder
sudo df -k
(to check if the NAS got mounted)

Now to automount the NAS edit fstab file

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Choose Option E

Added <NAS IP>:<folder path> media/NAS nfs defaults,user,exec,_netdev 0 0

To close Esc, :w

sudo mount -a

sudo ifconfig
for IP address of the LMS - note it down. It may be needed to set up on mobile at times

Now to install Squeezelite Player

sudo apt install squeezelite

systemctl enable squeezelite

In Tinker Board 2S the output was from the HDMI monitor audio output. The USB DAC was not getting recognised.

The workaround is to edit the /etc/default/squeezelite file

sudo vim /etc/default/squeezelite

Uncomment the line SL_SOUNDCARD=”sysdefault:CARD=XXX” and modify as below
It will depend on what ALSA Mixer calls your DAC. Mine was CARD 1.
Great to know that you got the Tinker up and running. The way that @bobbyprajan and @mbhangui stepped in with support is what makes this forum special !
Not sure. I copied it from another website.

Would try out your suggestion. BTW what do those numbers mean? Am a complete newbie with working on terminals.

Even ms-dos commands i used to use some 30 yrs back are now new for me, 😥
Had it been a direct attached disk (sata, usb, etc) then one should use 0 2 if the filesystem is ext4, btrfs, etc. 2 means it will do filesystem check/repair in the second pass. The first pass should be used for the OS disk. The last number is known as fsck pass number. fsck is the unix command to check and repair unix filesystems and prevent corruption. fsck should be always run when you switch off the computer by abruptly removing the power supply (for example). But this job is being done by your synology device.

For a network attached storage the filesystem check is done by your synology linux os. So you can have 0 0. You can run the command

man fstab

for detailed explaination of this file. At the bottom you will see the section "SEE ALSO". You can do man on those topics too. That's how I learnt UNIX way back in 1991. No books, no teachers, no classes, no tutorials, just the man pages. Linux is just one of the UNIX os like BSD, Mac OSX, Solaris, HPUX, etc. BTW you can do the same thing using the man command on your mac mini. All UNIX variants basically have the same commands. Mac OSX is BSD flavoured.

"Unix is simple. It just takes a genius to understand its simplicity." – Dennis Ritchie

There are still some issues to sort out.

  1. Squeezelite player keeps stopping when playing from NAS - after 1 or 2 songs. So need to restart it from terminal.
  2. NAS is lost frequently. Have to rescan the folders.
  3. NAS is lost if TB is rebooted. Again need to scan the NAS.
If someone experienced with LMS issues like these please chime in
I don't think that the NAS is lost. If you run the df -k command, it must be showing that the disk is still connected. The issue is also not with squeezelite. It is just a client that connects to the lms server. The issue is with lms indexing. It is a bit buggy. I had this issue with my RPI4 too. I located the log (somewhere in /var/log/squeezeboxserver). e.g. as shown below. Look at scanner.log and it will give a clue. When the scanner fails, squeezebox server fails completely and clients cannot play music. With the help of scanner.log I was able to fix the issue. Unfortunately I don't remember what I did. But it took many attempts to fix the scanning issue. I think it was some directory or file on my drive that was causing the scanner to terminate. Once I removed that directory/file, the indexing got completed in around 10 minutes. So don't get discouraged.
MusicPI:(pi) /var/log/squeezeboxserver >ls -l
total 156
drwxr-xr-x 2 squeezeboxserver nogroup 160 Jan 18 20:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 1800 Mar 6 09:58 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 squeezeboxserver nogroup 0 Nov 26 09:58 castbridge.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 squeezeboxserver nogroup 0 Nov 26 09:58 perfmon.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 squeezeboxserver nogroup 6004 Jan 18 20:53 scanner.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 squeezeboxserver nogroup 124653 Mar 6 09:59 server.log

If df -k shows that the NAS is not connected, then we have a different issue. The following command will give all errors happening on your TB.
journalctl -l

When you run the above command it will show you the first page. Press the letter G (capital G) to go to the bottom. After that you can press the letter b (small b) to go backwards. It will give you a clue what happened with the NAS drive (in case the NAS is disconnecting at OS level). If the disk is getting unmounted at OS level, obviously the squeezebox server scanner will fail. The biggest problem i faced with squeezebox setup (compared to mpd) was the first time indexing. It takes bloody very long sometimes. In contrast mpd takes just few seconds for around 3Tb of music. Once the indexing gets completed, squeezebox works like a charm.

You should try mpd. Just run the following command to install mpd

sudo apt-get install mpd

After the installation, run the following command on terminal (with your DAC connected) and paste the output here

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@Subbu68 BTW putting entry in /etc/fstab is not automount. Entry in fstab requires the synology to be up when you boot TB. There is something known as automount. automount requires configuration in /etc/auto.master.d. The good thing about automount is that you can boot TB whenever and the automount will automatically mount the disk when you power on the synology any time later. If the synology is up when you boot TB, then automount will work like /etc/fstab entry. We will do the automount configuration later when you have fixed configured squeezelike and mpd.
You can get the LMS scanner log and the server log from the web UI too. Easier than digging via terminal
I will also await this , have been using fstab all this while
Step 1. Install autofs if not already installed
sudo apt-get install autofs

Step 2. Configure autofs. We require two files to be created.
Let's say you have a NFS share named Music on
Let's assume currently your entry in /etc/fstab is /var/lib/mpd/Music nfs vers=4,soft,timeo=14,retry=1 0 0

The name of the files are upto you. as an example I will create the two files below

File 1: /etc/auto.master.d/mpd.autofs
/var/lib/mpd /etc/autofs.mounts timeout=60

File 2: /etc/autofs.mounts
Music -fstype=nfs,vers=4,soft,timeo=14,retry=1

First time setup you will have to restart autofs
systemctl restart autofs

Now if you do df, it might not show the filesyste, but whenever any application accesses /var/lib/mpd/Music, the filesystem will automatically get mounted. Even a simple ls command on /var/lib/mpd/Music will mount the filesystem. Once there are no processes accessing /var/lib/mpd/Music, the disk will automatically get unmounted saving network bandwidth and also allow the disk on the NAS machine to become idle.

You can also follow this document. This document directly edits /etc/auto.master file and a bit different than what I have shown above.

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I will digest the above and try out this evening.

You can do man on those topics too. That's how I learnt UNIX way back in 1991. No books, no teachers, no classes, no tutorials, just the man pages. Linux is just one of the UNIX os like BSD, Mac OSX, Solaris, HPUX, etc. BTW you can do the same thing using the man command on your mac mini. All UNIX variants basically have the same commands. Mac OSX is BSD flavoured.
Interesting things to learn and the way we learnt seems to be same for many of us. Other than Fortran IV that was a separate subject at college and had a formal teacher, everything has been "on the job" - computer usage, protection relay / transformer/ switchgear testing and commissioning and testing software, ACAD etc. etc.

No tutors, no internet, all intuitions and a bit of encouragement from bosses. Other than training to drive a car and pass the test here in UAE, no other training in my case :cool:
The NAS does not get mounted when TB starts. df -k confirms it.

I need to click the icon for it on File Explorer and NAS get mounted.

running journal it shows LMS is starting but no player on web interface or the mobile app. Did not see any red letters anywhere.

With a manual start of LMS as Bobby suggested it does not start up.

Restarted TB and without manual "start" of NAS while it shows LMS started, no player again.

Can you share the server logs?
For the NAS issue

linaro@subbu-tinker:~$ sudo df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 14770540 3699416 10414068 27% /
devtmpfs 1959156 8 1959148 1% /dev
tmpfs 1968108 0 1968108 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 1968108 9184 1958924 1% /run
tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 1968108 0 1968108 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk1p8 4944 544 4144 12% /boot
tmpfs 393620 8 393612 1% /run/user/1000
/dev/mmcblk0p1 123472876 84255036 39217840 69% /media/linaro/Tinker Music
tmpfs 393620 0 393620 0% /run/user/0


After clicking on NAS icon on File Explorer window and it loads;then

linaro@subbu-tinker:~$ sudo df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 14770540 3699416 10414068 27% /
devtmpfs 1959156 8 1959148 1% /dev
tmpfs 1968108 0 1968108 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 1968108 9192 1958916 1% /run
tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 1968108 0 1968108 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk1p8 4944 544 4144 12% /boot
tmpfs 393620 8 393612 1% /run/user/1000
/dev/mmcblk0p1 123472876 84255036 39217840 69% /media/linaro/Tinker Music
tmpfs 393620 0 393620 0% /run/user/0 1917971584 1228730880 689121920 65% /media/NAS

For LMS it is running into pages.

am trying to reinstall LMS with v 7.9.2 again.

Perhaps Deb 10 has issue with later versions of LMS. On Deb 10 v 8.3.1 did not work at all. Maybe v 8.2 I used too has some issue?
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The most common reason for no player is squeezelite not starting because of an issue with the sound device. Pls check if squeezelite is running on the correct sound device.
You can start squeezelite from the command line if you want to check what works.
The most common reason for no player is squeezelite not starting because of an issue with the sound device. Pls check if squeezelite is running on the correct sound device.
You can start squeezelite from the command line if you want to check what works.
Even starting from command line does not make it work. It used to earlier.

The sound device was default into HDMI port earlier. Did correct it and make it to USB DAC. It was working earlier though not the NAS but the streaming content in LMS.

Since Sunday night nothing.
The NAS does not get mounted when TB starts. df -k confirms it.

I need to click the icon for it on File Explorer and NAS get mounted.

Which file explorer are you talking about? I'm presuming you have booted the TB into graphics mode and you are clicking nautilus and it is displaying the samba share. By clicking it, it the nautilus file explore that is mounting your disk and not the reboot. It means your fstab entry is wrong. If you run the below command, it will show all filesystems mounted and the filesystem type

You can do the following to troubleshoot step by step

sudo umount /volume1/music

The above command will unmount the disk. Ensure that nothing is accessing the disk (file explorer, squeezebox, ec). Else the umount command will fail. You can do systemctl stop squeezeboxserver to stop squeezebox server.

The below command will use fstab entry to mount the disk and display the error on the terminal if there is any error. Most likely you have some issue here and because of that you don't have your NAS drive mounted on reboot

sudo mount /volume1/music

When you do reboot, the OS runs the command

The -a option is for mounting all disks in /etc/fstab that can be mounted.

Without solving the above issue where your NAS is not accessible, you are giving logitech media server a very tough time.

running journal it shows LMS is starting but no player on web interface or the mobile app. Did not see any red letters anywhere.

With a manual start of LMS as Bobby suggested it does not start up.

Restarted TB and without manual "start" of NAS while it shows LMS started, no player again.

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Even starting from command line does not make it work. It used to earlier.

The sound device was default into HDMI port earlier. Did correct it and make it to USB DAC. It was working earlier though not the NAS but the streaming content in LMS.

Since Sunday night nothing.
So you have multiple issues
1. No player
Check if squeezelite is already running (ps - aef | grep squeeze). If it is, kill it and run it with the correct audio device. You can use aplay -l to list devices.

2. Nas not auto mounting
You are getting help in that above

3. LMS not indexing nas
Once past is solved, this will likely sort itself out
Which file explorer are you talking about? I'm presuming you have booted the TB into graphics mode and you are clicking nautilus and it is displaying the samba share. By clicking it, it the nautilus file explore that is mounting your disk and not the reboot. It means your fstab entry is wrong. If you run the below command, it will show all filesystems mounted and the filesystem type
Oh, it is called File Manager. TB boots to Tinker OS with LXDE.

When clicked on NAS icon it mounts it and then I can see it when running df -k

I tried purging LMS and Squeezelite but then thought reflashng the eMMC of TB 2S is not a big pain. Did that and reinstalled LMS 7.9.2. newer revisions seem to have dependency issue I had earlier posted in my other thread. It was late at night and it played for a minute before I had to retire. This morning, no NAS (had used the script you had suggested earlier). It mounts as root user from terminal. SL started playing but then dropped out.

Will work on it in the evening
Further to my earlier thread https://www.hifivision.com/threads/tinkering-with-asus-tinker-board-2s.92248/

https://tinker-board.asus.com/product/tinker-board-2s.html is the link to the SBC

I was disappointed that I purchased a SBC meant to be used in IOT devices not for audio purposes. Having got it, had to make it work as an audio streamer.

Struggled to understand how to make it into one. Volumio have not supported TB 2S. So the next candidate was to download Android 11 offered by Asus. That worked but again was not headless.

It was then FM Bobby @bobbyprajan stepped in with the suggestion to install Tinker OS (Debian 10 v2) and Logitech Media Server on it. I had tried it on my old Mac Mini and failed last year. Had purchased a mobile app to control Squeeze Players so thought of trying it out.

He went a step ahead and sent me the scripts and guidance how to start with the terminal and execute the script. He tried on a VM and fed me with his feedback.

There were some conflicts between Debian 10 on TB 2 S and LMS version 8.3 suggested by Bobby. Could iron out these issues though took time, Found LMS 7.9.2 worked.

Meanwhile issues of mounting my NAS and stuff were helped out by Manavendra @mbhangui .

Had to reflash the TB once to clear all wrongs. With courage earned from the mistakes earlier, tried out LMS v 8.2. It worked !! Installed Squeezelite player, mapped my server but the sound was "silence". My DAC was producing no signal - be it be RCA out or HP out. After plugging in and out my active speaker found that my HDMI monitor's audio out was "singing" .

Bobby was constantly PMing me trying to solve my issue. I too tried some combinations in the script and finally could get the audio out to the USB > iFi DAC > HK Nova speakers.

SQ is quite good and better than using PC as the streamer. There are still some issues to sort out.

  1. Squeezelite player keeps stopping when playing from NAS - after 1 or 2 songs. So need to restart it from terminal.
  2. NAS is lost frequently. Have to rescan the folders.
  3. NAS is lost if TB is rebooted. Again need to scan the NAS.
If someone experienced with LMS issues like these please chime in

The script used is below for anyone trying out on Debian OS especially with Tinker Board.


sudo apt install libio-socket-ssl-perl
sudo wget http://downloads-origin.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v8.2.0/logitechmediaserver_8.2.0_arm.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./logitechmediaserver_8.2.0_arm.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo systemctl unmask logitechmediaserver.service
sudo systemctl enable logitechmediaserver
sudo addgroup lms
sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver
sudo usermod -aG audio linaro
sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver
sudo mkdir /media/NAS
sudo chown linaro:lms /media/NAS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nfs-common
sudo mount -t nfs NAS IP Address:/path to music folder
sudo df -k
(to check if the NAS got mounted)

Now to automount the NAS edit fstab file

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Choose Option E

Added <NAS IP>:<folder path> media/NAS nfs defaults,user,exec,_netdev 0 0

To close Esc, :w

sudo mount -a

sudo ifconfig
for IP address of the LMS - note it down. It may be needed to set up on mobile at times

Now to install Squeezelite Player

sudo apt install squeezelite

systemctl enable squeezelite

In Tinker Board 2S the output was from the HDMI monitor audio output. The USB DAC was not getting recognised.

The workaround is to edit the /etc/default/squeezelite file

sudo vim /etc/default/squeezelite

Uncomment the line SL_SOUNDCARD=”sysdefault:CARD=XXX” and modify as below
It will depend on what ALSA Mixer calls your DAC. Mine was CARD 1.
Will this work for Raspberry Pi as well? Do you have a UPS connected to your tinekrboard for battery backup?
Will this work for Raspberry Pi as well? Do you have a UPS connected to your tinekrboard for battery backup?
I think for RPi it may be a different version and some FMs have done it.

Tinker is a rare species so support is quite less overall and rare in HFV except Bobby @bobbyprajan 😀

I haven't got a battery for Tinker. TB 2 has a RTC battery terminal. If I plugged in a 3V lithium cell it will keep ticking. I have set it to taken clock from the net and changed the locale to Dubai, so time is not "lost" when I switch on everytime.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.