Choosing DAC and streaming option


New Member
Sep 8, 2022
Rajasthan, India
Hello everyone! I'm thinking of making some upgrades in my stereo system, two of which include adding streaming ability and upgradation of DAC. My current system uses Audiolab 6000A for DAC, pre and power amplification, feeding Wharfedale Lintons. I don't use streaming at all, and almost all of the music I play digitally is through local external HDD which I connect to my amp through an HDMI audio extractor which is fed input throught HDMI out of my laptop. I know this is not quite elegant way of doing it, but since I'm really not a streaming user, my initial thoughts about any streaming ability were of dismissal only. But I feel that such a setup reduces my music playing by introducing more steps and hence I am going to introduce a streaming component, primarily to allow playing music stored locally wirelessly.
After some research, I had made a decision of buying iFi Zen Stream. And was considering Thiyaga V2SE for DAC. The competition right now seems to be in between Thiyaga and Gustard R26. I understand that both of these DAC are completely different topologies, one using DS with tube buffer, the other R2R NOS, but in the lack of many reviews about Thiyaga, was wondering if the pairing of Sabre chip with tube buffer manages to capture the best of the both worlds (detail retrieval with more "musical" presentation), and how does it compare against R26. R26 with built in streaming capability will definitely save me space and money too, but the primary concern is sound, I can use some of the money saved for external clock U18 too. Also A26 and X26Pro from Gustard are available too, but I'm not really sure about them, maybe someone with experience can chip in.
Should have included that I plan for future upgrades to go low watt, high sensitivity route in amp and speaker terms, but haven't decided things concretely, yet.
Yes a dedicated streamer and a DAC can really take your system to the next level. Let me know if you would be interested in a Sorkris DAC with an analog Volume control, display screen and infra red receiver. Just add a streamer (eg. wiim mini is really good) and a power amp.

For streaming, the easiest option is a Wiim Pro. Has all the connectivity options you need. The only missing piece is plugging in a hard drive directly but can be offset by plugging it into your router instead. Comparatively, the streamer built into the r26 is very limited

On DACs, there are a very wide range of options. Of the two you listed, I would personally pick the Thyaga (have heard both). However, it’s entirely a matter of preference. Id suggest experimenting with something cheaper to start with. Get a better handle on what sort of sound you like in a dac before committing to something higher end.
I'd suggest getting a Wiim Pro (or wait for a bit get a Wiim Pro Plus when it's available) for streaming duty. If you're going to be using an external DAC, the Wiim Pro will be enough.
As @jai1611 the streamer on the Gustard is a bit limited, the dac itself is pretty good. I have recently changed from Chord 2qute to MHDT Orchid tube dac. Both are good dacs but entirely different, I personally like the Orchid better, but many don't. Ideally you should try and audition the dac before purchasing. BTW, there is a Metrum Onyx r2r dac and pi2aes streamer for sale on Facebook, have a look.
Since you already have the Audiolab, why go for another DAC if you only was the convenience of a streaming solution.
As other have suggested, WiiM pro will solve this problem.
Just go digital out from the WiiM to your Audiolab and you are done.

WiiM Pro also supports NAS so that you can play all your local files as well other than streaming from services like Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, Amazon etc.
The WiiM Pro digital output is clean as a whistle, you may additionally choose to power it from a linear power supply though strictly not needed.
Completely digressing from the brands you have mentioned, if possible you could give the Mola Mola Tambaqui also a shot , it's a fantastic DAC cum streamer. I personally use it only as a DAC since i already had a streaming set up before i bought it. You can read up on it a bit too in case you would like to know more.
For streaming, the easiest option is a Wiim Pro. Has all the connectivity options you need. The only missing piece is plugging in a hard drive directly but can be offset by plugging it into your router instead. Comparatively, the streamer built into the r26 is very limited

On DACs, there are a very wide range of options. Of the two you listed, I would personally pick the Thyaga (have heard both). However, it’s entirely a matter of preference. Id suggest experimenting with something cheaper to start with. Get a better handle on what sort of sound you like in a dac before committing to something higher end.
Should have mentioned it in original post, but I'd prefer to have an option of DSD input. I have probably only a couple of albums on DSD, but as my current DAC doesn't support it, I haven't really heard DSD, but I would like to have the possibility of going that route. Unfortunately Wiim Pro can't help with that one. If I go for R26, and keep myself limited to its streamer, I will most probably get a lifetime subscription for Roon and use R26 through it.
Onto DACs, I would like to listen before committing as well, but I'm not aware if these units can be auditioned in Rajasthan, or even in Delhi, I do travel there often enough. I'm right now on ship, and will be coming back by November. Is it possible to audition these DACs in Hyderabad? My brother will be shifting there in October, so a trip to Hyderabad is very likely.
Btw if you can illuminate a bit more on the difference in sound signatures of these DACs, that would be quite helpful. I'm preparing all of this in quite advance, so as to make sure I don't suffer from lack of stock when I get back.
Should have mentioned it in original post, but I'd prefer to have an option of DSD input. I have probably only a couple of albums on DSD, but as my current DAC doesn't support it, I haven't really heard DSD, but I would like to have the possibility of going that route. Unfortunately Wiim Pro can't help with that one. If I go for R26, and keep myself limited to its streamer, I will most probably get a lifetime subscription for Roon and use R26 through it.
Onto DACs, I would like to listen before committing as well, but I'm not aware if these units can be auditioned in Rajasthan, or even in Delhi, I do travel there often enough. I'm right now on ship, and will be coming back by November. Is it possible to audition these DACs in Hyderabad? My brother will be shifting there in October, so a trip to Hyderabad is very likely.
Btw if you can illuminate a bit more on the difference in sound signatures of these DACs, that would be quite helpful. I'm preparing all of this in quite advance, so as to make sure I don't suffer from lack of stock when I get back.

DSD basically needs a USB transport. Something like Allo USBridge signature would work. The other option is an onboard streamer (like the R26 or options like Bluesound, Lumin etc). Roon is interesting but adds to the complexity of the chain. Plus you need to pay for a license and, for stability, have a dedicated core. The benefits are a nice interface and the ability to use streamers with limited software capabilities (like the R26 and USBridge).

Given your preference for DSD, a one box solution may be better. Bluesound does a great job of supporting it, as does Lumin. I'm sure there are other options as well.

For auditions, best to reach out to the brand distributors directly or find local FMs who have what youre interested in.
Few things in the HFV classifieds:
2. (schiit Gungnir DAC)

Will PM you the facebook link for Metrum Onyx. Don't know if posting it here is allowed.

P.S: I don't know any of the sellers or the products, please do due diligence.
Completely digressing from the brands you have mentioned, if possible you could give the Mola Mola Tambaqui also a shot , it's a fantastic DAC cum streamer. I personally use it only as a DAC since i already had a streaming set up before i bought it. You can read up on it a bit too in case you would like to know more.
I just did a Google search, list price seems way beyond my budget unfortunately 😕
Completely digressing from the brands you have mentioned, if possible you could give the Mola Mola Tambaqui also a shot , it's a fantastic DAC cum streamer. I personally use it only as a DAC since i already had a streaming set up before i bought it. You can read up on it a bit too in case you would like to know more.
I understand you are overjoyed with Mola Mola but I am sorry, I fail to see why you should suggest or even bring up the name when OP has mentioned DACs and streamers in a completely different price bracket.
This does not help OP or anyone else, there is a need to keep things in perspective and suggestions should be based on reason.
I understand you are overjoyed with Mola Mola but I am sorry, I fail to see why you should suggest or even bring up the name when OP has mentioned DACs and streamers in a completely different price bracket.
This does not help OP or anyone else, there is a need to keep things in perspective and suggestions should be based on reason.
Dear sir , with all due respect at the onset itself i did say i was digressing from the brands mentioned , i guess you didn't read that bit.Secondly i have not auditioned nor ever used the brands mentioned hence i am completely unaware of the price bracket.Thirdly there was no price range mentioned in the original post if you care to check . He mentioned his primary concern was sound and finally yes i am "OVERJOYED" with my mola molas, and that's the "reason" i suggested the Tambaqui . My suggesting a brand didn't bother the gentleman , hence i fail to understand why it's such a bother to you dear sir. It would actually help if you suggested something he could audition instead.
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Dear sir , with all due respect at the onset itself i did say i was digressing from the brands mentioned , i guess you didn't read that bit.Secondly i have not auditioned nor ever used the brands mentioned hence i am completely unaware of the price bracket.Thirdly there was no price range mentioned in the original post if you care to check . He mentioned his primary concern was sound and finally yes i am "OVERJOYED" with my mola molas, and that's the "reason" i suggested the Tambaqui . My suggesting a brand didn't bother the gentleman , hence i fail to understand why it's such a bother to you dear sir. It would actually help if you suggested something he could audition instead.
It did bother me and so I wrote what I wrote. Not looking to pick a fight here, far from it.
My point of view here is that the forum is for people to learn, help, share and have a positive experience. For the OP a suggestion of Mola Mola does not really help since it is far out of his budget. When you are throwing a name in the ring it makes sense to perhaps do a bit of research on the prerequisites.
Anyway lets not make it a huge deal out of it.
I would love to own a Mola Mola DAC one day, you own one and love it, more power to you!
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!