buying from

Even if someone has bought something successfully, it does not mean anything. The key point to be comfortable with is if they do not ship to you after taking the money whom can you approach for help and are you willing to take that risk
I ended up buying willsenton r300 amplifier from them a year back. But i think they no longer ship to india
Yes you are right. They no longer ship to India.

Yes you are right. They no longer ship to India.
If you don't mind me asking, how has your experience with the R300

I was in the market for a 300b tube amplifier as well.
Yes you are right. They no longer ship to India.

If you don't mind me asking, how has your experience with the R300

go through this thread

had multiple issues for long time. After tube rolling it sounds very very good. Though it still have tube arcing etc issues.

I was in the market for a 300b tube amplifier as well.
In case if you are still looking we have local dealer who is dealing with Wilsonton at very good pricing.
The 300b issues
Got sorted out in the new 300b plus version

The guys who have the older
Non plus version
Use the 5AR4 tubes
And that should solve all issues

The amp is an absolutely wonderful sounding amp
Extremely sweet extremely smooth

For enthusiasts who
Have a more open budget, the line magnetic
300 b version is just undoubtedly the top

And for enthusiasts
Who are just dipping their hands into 300s or even tubes as a whole
My recommendation would be the bouyurange
The 300b issues
Got sorted out in the new 300b plus version

The guys who have the older
Non plus version
Use the 5AR4 tubes
And that should solve all issues

The amp is an absolutely wonderful sounding amp
Extremely sweet extremely smooth

For enthusiasts who
Have a more open budget, the line magnetic
300 b version is just undoubtedly the top

And for enthusiasts
Who are just dipping their hands into 300s or even tubes as a whole
My recommendation would be the bouyurange
I can definitely vouch for the Boyyurange MT EL 34 Tube amp. It's incredibly affordable and after replacing the stock Power Tubes with the Mullards EL 34 and the rectifier tubes to Mullards GZ34, the sound is unbelievably holographic, wide and extremely sweet sounding. Terrific midrange.

This amp has not deserved the recognition it ought to have, IMO.

I had purchased it from 'sound foundation' since than it hasn't left my shelf and it makes all my solid amps feel lacking in comparison (albeit a slight sacrifice in dynamic and base control)
I can definitely vouch for the Boyyurange MT EL 34 Tube amp. It's incredibly affordable and after replacing the stock Power Tubes with the Mullards EL 34 and the rectifier tubes to Mullards GZ34, the sound is unbelievably holographic, wide and extremely sweet sounding. Terrific midrange.

This amp has not deserved the recognition it ought to have, IMO.

I had purchased it from 'sound foundation' since than it hasn't left my shelf and it makes all my solid amps feel lacking in comparison (albeit a slight sacrifice in dynamic and base control)
How much you paid for tubes replacing? I dont know much abt tubes. I just knew that tubes in power section life is very short, need to replacement.
How much you paid for tubes replacing? I dont know much abt tubes. I just knew that tubes in power section life is very short, need to replacement.
Life of tubes depends on the kind/brand of tubes and the amplifiers design itself.

Generally power tubes like EL34 may last upwards of 1500 hours.
How much you paid for tubes replacing? I dont know much abt tubes. I just knew that tubes in power section life is very short, need to replacement.
it depends on how they manufacturer has implemented the design. some like Macintosh drive the tube hard for a 2-3K hours life others even get it up to 10K hours. 3-5K can be considered for planning which is 4-5 years easily.
I can definitely vouch for the Boyyurange MT EL 34 Tube amp. It's incredibly affordable and after replacing the stock Power Tubes with the Mullards EL 34 and the rectifier tubes to Mullards GZ34, the sound is unbelievably holographic, wide and extremely sweet sounding. Terrific midrange.

This amp has not deserved the recognition it ought to have, IMO.

I had purchased it from 'sound foundation' since than it hasn't left my shelf and it makes all my solid amps feel lacking in comparison (albeit a slight sacrifice in dynamic and base control)
Are you still using this tube amp Boyyurange MT EL 34? Problem is we can not get demo. We need to buy blindly based on reviews.
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