Cambridge CXN 100


Jun 4, 2011
I having been using the iFi Audio Neo Stream and it's a beautiful player. Recently Cambridge released the CXN 100 and since I have the CXA81 it would be perfect match.

Is it really worth it. Has anyone been using the CXN100. Please suggest should I upgrade or continue with the iFi Audio Neo Stream.
Maybe it's greed. I should be happy with the iFi Audio Neo Stream.
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Poor idea. Change in Digital sources of sound will give you a largely academic improvement in quality. Differences in sound go as follows: 60% due to speakers 30 % amplifier and the remaining 10% due to wires and DAC and sources
Poor idea. Change in Digital sources of sound will give you a largely academic improvement in quality. Differences in sound go as follows: 60% due to speakers 30 % amplifier and the remaining 10% due to wires and DAC and sources
Wrong! In my experience and many others, if the amplifier is adequately matched to the characteristics of the speaker, it has very low impact to the sound. The Speaker matters most, followed by source. A good DAC gives you way better bang for the buck than changing amplifiers assuming the amplifier used before isn't bad.

In this particular case I'm not sure - what DAC are you using? Neostream is a really good digital transport. CXN 100 might not give you much more as a digital transport. In fact it might even be a downgrade. Buy a good DAC instead.
I wouldn't want to invest in a separate DAC. My Audio Rack has no space.
It's either Cambridge or the IFi and both have a decent good in built DAC.

I am very interested in the Cambridge CXN100. The Ifi has to go probably sell or gift it to my friend and the Cambridge has to be the one. It's a beauty and the reviews are good. The screen is also big.

Anyone who has used this model CXN 100, please share your inputs.
Not sure of the Cambridge but the analog outputs of th neostream are kind of an after thought. It's a digital transport first and foremost.
I having been using the iFi Audio Neo Stream and it's a beautiful player. Recently Cambridge released the CXN 100 and since I have the CXA81 it would be perfect match.

Is it really worth it. Has anyone been using the CXN100. Please suggest should I upgrade or continue with the iFi Audio Neo Stream.
Maybe it's greed. I should be happy with the iFi Audio Neo Stream.
Though I haven't used the CXN 100 - but I have -
- Heard the neo stream - not in my setup.
- Owned the CXN V2 - the predecessor to the CXN 100.

I believe both are pretty good, there is nothing you would gain or lose by changing except the "flavour of sound".

The one advantage the Cambridge products might have over the neo stream is STABILITY, but your mileage may vary. My experience with Neo Stream was very buggy, lots of niggles in the functionality. CXN V2 however was stable as stable can be. The app is pretty good too.

Now I am not sure if neo stream is stable now, but if it is, then well that advantage is gone too.

***Also do note the DAC in CXN V2 was pretty damn good - I did A/B it against some fairly expensive products, but I couldn't really fault it. It does what it does very well. Solid command over the frequency spectrum.

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Though I haven't used the CXN 100 - but I have -
- Heard the neo stream - not in my setup.
- Owned the CXN V2 - the predecessor to the CXN 100.

I believe both are pretty good, there is nothing you would gain or lose by changing except the "flavour of sound".

The one advantage the Cambridge products might have over the neo stream is STABILITY, but your mileage may vary. My experience with Neo Stream was very buggy, lots of niggles in the functionality. CXN V2 however was stable as stable can be. The app is pretty good too.

Now I am not sure if neo stream is stable now, but if it is, then well that advantage is gone too.

***Also do note the DAC in CXN V2 was pretty damn good - I did A/B it against some fairly expensive products, but I couldn't really fault it. It does what it does very well. Solid command over the frequency spectrum.

Thank you for the clarity. I am going for the CXN 100.
Sounds like you had made up your mind and were waiting for a nudge to take action.🙂
It was always going to be a long shot finding someone who had experience with both these specific streaming DACs.
But since you have both these now maybe you could share your thoughts and opinion?
Hope the CXN100 is doing well for you.
I read there are better reviews for cxn v2 than cxn100. I had the CA Azure Cdp v2 earlier which had the dual Wolfson dac and I got hooked to Cambridge Audio. This cdp blew many expensive dacs.

If you're looking for a streamer at this budget, you can try minidsp shd studio. The streamer is good for things like spotify connect, airplay but the biggest benefit you will get is the Dirac live room correction. It is going to impact more on your audio chain than a streamer upgrade.
If you're looking for a streamer at this budget, you can try minidsp shd studio. The streamer is good for things like spotify connect, airplay but the biggest benefit you will get is the Dirac live room correction. It is going to impact more on your audio chain than a streamer upgrade.
Dirac is not all a bed of roses. It has both positives and negatives. Full spectrum dirac makes the sound unnatural for me. Only bass with a cut off around 200-250 Hz sounds far better.

Have a NAD M10v2 with full dirac license.

There are multiple ways to do it - house curve in roon allows the same thing.
Dirac is not all a bed of roses. It has both positives and negatives. Full spectrum dirac makes the sound unnatural for me. Only bass with a cut off around 200-250 Hz sounds far better.

Have a NAD M10v2 with full dirac license.

There are multiple ways to do it - house curve in roon allows the same thing.
In my case, I am fully satisfied with Dirac live full license :) Mine corrects the bass mostly in my case.
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