Cost Effective Speaker Isolation


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2009
No Where Near to where I want to be yet...
Hi Guys,

Currently I am having to place my Speaker on Table Top of a cheap computer tables. My speakers have rubber feets. Are they enough to dampen any vibrations? I would be glad if they are! :p

If not, I was looking at following cost effective options.

1. Does cork sheets work enough? There are options of 5 mm Cork Sheets covering whole base and 4/10 mm coasters under each feet.

2. Acoustics Foam PADs. 3 options...

2.1 MMT ACOUSTIX® MISO 4 | Studio Monitor/Speaker Isolation Pads

2.2 MMT Acoustix® MISO2 : Monitor Isolation Pads

2.3 MMT Acoustix® MISO2 : Monitor Isolation Pads

3. There is a whole sheet of similar material like 2.3. They are from same company and look similar. There may be some material differences.. But, these option gives interesting choice. I can cut two 12x12 pieces for speaker base and 24x36 or 24x24 pieces to put behind speakers as sound absorbers.

What do you guys have to say about this?

P.S. The speakers are Indiq Diamond Mishra BS. ( 9 X 9 X 22, About 10 KG each).
If you have a thick rubber footmat (like 1 inch) or anyone you know has gym mats, try it out before buying anything new

The speakers are big. It'll be a challenge to entirely dampen the vibration.

The idea of keeping some piece at the back is a waste. It'll doing nothing acoustics wise, but will gather dust.

Hi Guys,

Currently I am having to place my Speaker on Table Top of a cheap computer tables. My speakers have rubber feets. Are they enough to dampen any vibrations? I would be glad if they are! :p

If not, I was looking at following cost effective options.

1. Does cork sheets work enough? There are options of 5 mm Cork Sheets covering whole base and 4/10 mm coasters under each feet.

2. Acoustics Foam PADs. 3 options...

2.1 MMT ACOUSTIX® MISO 4 | Studio Monitor/Speaker Isolation Pads

2.2 MMT Acoustix® MISO2 : Monitor Isolation Pads

2.3 MMT Acoustix® MISO2 : Monitor Isolation Pads

3. There is a whole sheet of similar material like 2.3. They are from same company and look similar. There may be some material differences.. But, these option gives interesting choice. I can cut two 12x12 pieces for speaker base and 24x36 or 24x24 pieces to put behind speakers as sound absorbers.

What do you guys have to say about this?

P.S. The speakers are Indiq Diamond Mishra BS. ( 9 X 9 X 22, About 10 KG each).
Similar type of isolation pads are also available on Doogesound website, Indian brand but I think they are importing it from china. Cork is a good isolating material. I had seen one or two videos where a person has used it below the speakers on a metal speaker stand. Usually rubber feet's are enough but there is no harm harm in trying other non expensive options till you reach to satisfaction level.

Cork is difficult to find in sheet form. I have once purchased a set of four Round Hot pot stands that can also be placed below speakers. Mr. DIY store if you have that in your city or nearby. Another place you can find it in is AC repair shops, they use it.
You can buy Bouncing rubber ball (kids play with it) from local shop gift and stationery shop.
Cut it in half and use it.
Thanks for the recommendations. But, speakers are already having Rubber Feet. I was looking at something which will provide isolation beyond these. Hence looking at mentioned options.

I was also wondering if the mentioned options will provide any noticeable improvement over stock rubber feet?
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Similar type of isolation pads are also available on Doogesound website, Indian brand but I think they are importing it from china. Cork is a good isolating material. I had seen one or two videos where a person has used it below the speakers on a metal speaker stand. Usually rubber feet's are enough but there is no harm harm in trying other non expensive options till you reach to satisfaction level.

Cork is difficult to find in sheet form. I have once purchased a set of four Round Hot pot stands that can also be placed below speakers. Mr. DIY store if you have that in your city or nearby. Another place you can find it in is AC repair shops, they use it.
Here are the Cork Options...

If your speakers already have feet, the points of contact are under the feet and if you feel it needs more damping, under those points is what you should damp instead of looking at sheets under the whole bottom of the speakers which is a waste.
Look at:
These should be all that you need.
The best ones of this sort are made by DiversiTech but afaik, they are not available in India for a reasonable cost.
There are other similar one's available from that brand on Amazon. Choose your poison!
Thanks for the recommendations. But, speakers are already having Rubber Feet. I was looking at something which will provide isolation beyond these. Hence looking at mentioned options.

I was also wondering if the mentioned options will provide any noticeable improvement over stock rubber feet?
You mentioned rubber feet. If these have come along with speakers and providing good isolation then no need to waste money on other things like cork, pads or other stuff. I am using standard rubber feet that came along with my wharfedale bookshelf speakers to isolate from the metal plate of speaker stands. Just my view point otherwise you can do necessary modification as per your need.
You mentioned rubber feet. If these have come along with speakers and providing good isolation then no need to waste money on other things like cork, pads or other stuff. I am using standard rubber feet that came along with my wharfedale bookshelf speakers to isolate from the metal plate of speaker stands. Just my view point otherwise you can do necessary modification as per your need.
Yup, Speaker stand themselves are solid. I was thinking of additional damping as currently my speakers are sitting on cheap PC table like below...

Hi Guys,

Currently I am having to place my Speaker on Table Top of a cheap computer tables. My speakers have rubber feets. Are they enough to dampen any vibrations? I would be glad if they are! :p

If not, I was looking at following cost effective options.

1. Does cork sheets work enough? There are options of 5 mm Cork Sheets covering whole base and 4/10 mm coasters under each feet.

2. Acoustics Foam PADs. 3 options...

2.1 MMT ACOUSTIX® MISO 4 | Studio Monitor/Speaker Isolation Pads

2.2 MMT Acoustix® MISO2 : Monitor Isolation Pads

2.3 MMT Acoustix® MISO2 : Monitor Isolation Pads

3. There is a whole sheet of similar material like 2.3. They are from same company and look similar. There may be some material differences.. But, these option gives interesting choice. I can cut two 12x12 pieces for speaker base and 24x36 or 24x24 pieces to put behind speakers as sound absorbers.

What do you guys have to say about this?

P.S. The speakers are Indiq Diamond Mishra BS. ( 9 X 9 X 22, About 10 KG each).
try a simple cotton cloth first to see if it makes a difference. works very well for me.
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