Does this sound like an HDMI issue?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
So, have been facing this problem the last few days:

1. All systems on same power outlet, always on.
2. Turning on TV from remote subsequently turns on the AVR, too.

1.These days, the AVR turns on, but TV audio is mute on turn on.
2. Toggling between TV and Audio system on the TV remote does nothing.
3. Unplugging and reseating the HDMI cable does nothing initially.
3a. But if i do the above and switch off-switch on the avr from the denon remote, sound comes back up.

What might be going wrong here?
I think TV works fine, AVR works fine, and there could be an issue with hdmi.

You can try a different port in the AVR for the HDMI if not done already.
I am no expert but I think since the TV and AVR gets started simultaneously, that might cause this. You can try by powering off the AVR from remote while shutting down the system for the day and powering the AVR on from the remote while turning the system on next time.
Honestly. It is hard to narrow down the issue.

I have faced a similar issue and can reproduce it. Its down to how I power down the equipment when I am done using them.
If by chance, I power down the TV and leave the AVR to turn off later, I run into this issue.

I suggest trying a different HDMI cable as an opt. Don't buy a new one. Just try reusing another cable you have or borrow one.
Suggest regularly power cycle your devices - ie switch power off from the outlet.

Try and see if that helps.
Hi all,
Sorry I missed these messages, as for some reason, i got logged out of the forum.
Noticed only today and logged in.

This evening, I replaced the hdmi cable and sound works fine now.

But will also keep the power cycling thing in mind and try and follow it.

Lazy me, I always leave things on. :(
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