Unable to play music on RuneAudio


Active Member
Mar 2, 2015
Kolkata, India
I am using Swara Streamer and Thyaga DAC from Acoustic portrait.
The streamer is using RuneAudio.

For some reason I am unable to play music from there. It works well, if I source it from laptop USB instead of Swara streamer. I would request your help/suggession for any settings that I misconfugured in the RuneAudio.

First I checked MDP settings, the output shows Acoustic Portrait. To be noted, that though Swara streamer has its own DAC that hats on the RPI, I am bypassing the Swara DAC and using Thyaga DAC, hence the USB connects from streamer to Thyaga DAC

Then I checked Settings RuneOS kernel, I kept it default as shown below


I browsed to sources and I can see the music stored in the USB connected to Swara Streamer.

After I select a music, I can see it added to queue, but when I click play it does not play. Even clicking play button, it does not play


I am attaching the config.txt for reference

Can someone please help where I am going wrong

Kind regards,
there is nothing wrong with the linux layer. All your isses are to do with the web application running and it has set your volume setting to some crazy values

[ 6.600826] usb 1-1.3: Warning! Unlikely big volume range (=32767), cval->res is probably wrong.
[ 6.600849] usb 1-1.3: [10] FU [Acoustic Portrait Playback Volume] ch = 2, val = -32767/0/1
[ 6.601563] usb 1-1.3: Warning! Unlikely big volume range (=32767), cval->res is probably wrong.
[ 6.601580] usb 1-1.3: [10] FU [Acoustic Portrait Playback Volume] ch = 1, val = -32767/0/1
[ 6.602398] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
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You have 3 dacs on this device
1. inbuilt dac. This is disabled
2. hifiberry dac with the id sndrpihifiberry (must be a board connected on the RPI4). This is enabled
3. A dac with the id Portrait. This is disabled.

MPD audio outputs status: (mpc outputs)
Output 1 (Acoustic Portrait) is disabled
Output 2 (bcm2835 ALSA_1) is disabled
Output 3 (snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac) is enabled
Output 4 (bcm2835 ALSA_2) is disabled

For a trouble free operation with mpd install a proper client on your laptop, desktop, etc or your android/ios phone rather than using the rune web interface.

Every configuration can be handled by external clients (cantata on windows, linux, mac) or MALPD on andoid or max mpd on IOS
Thanks for your replies.
To be honest, I do not understand much of the MDP or runeaudio or streaming technology.
But I can do basic operations in Linux and change configuration files.
What are some steps to fix this?
May be you have answered by question but step wise inputs will help me.

One more request, I also like to use Spotify. I have a spotify premium account.
I would prefer to stay with RuneAudio unless you says it's difficult to use that and I should switch to volumio or something else.

Thanks in advance
You have 3 dacs on this device
1. inbuilt dac. This is disabled
2. hifiberry dac with the id sndrpihifiberry (must be a board connected on the RPI4). This is enabled
3. A dac with the id Portrait. This is disabled.

For a trouble free operation with mpd install a proper client on your laptop, desktop, etc or your android/ios phone rather than using the rune web interface.

Every configuration can be handled by external clients (cantata on windows, linux, mac) or MALPD on andoid or max mpd on IOS
I intend to have only Acoustic Portrait DAC enabled and rest disabled.
Also can you kindly give me direct link to download a client for Android and for Windows?
there is nothing wrong with the linux layer. All your isses are to do with the web application running and it has set your volume setting to some crazy values

[ 6.600826] usb 1-1.3: Warning! Unlikely big volume range (=32767), cval->res is probably wrong.
[ 6.600849] usb 1-1.3: [10] FU [Acoustic Portrait Playback Volume] ch = 2, val = -32767/0/1
[ 6.601563] usb 1-1.3: Warning! Unlikely big volume range (=32767), cval->res is probably wrong.
[ 6.601580] usb 1-1.3: [10] FU [Acoustic Portrait Playback Volume] ch = 1, val = -32767/0/1
[ 6.602398] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
How may I fix this?
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How may I fix this?
Go to the shell prompt and type the following command

alsamixer -c 2

After that you will get a screen. You can use the right and left arrow keys to select the controls. And you can use the up arrow key to increase volume and down arrow keys to decrease volume. This should fix the volume values.

But you also have to enable the Dac. For that use cantata, MALP client or MPD control kind and search for 'Output' in the menu items. In the menu item you will be able to enable the Acoustic portrait DAC.

You can also enable your Portrait dac from linux command line by doing

mpc enable Portrait
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Go to the shell prompt and type the following command

alsamixer -c 2

After that you will get a screen. You can use the right and left arrow keys to select the controls. And you can use the up arrow key to increase volume and down arrow keys to decrease volume. This should fix the volume values.

But you also have to enable the Dac. For that use cantata, MALP client or MPD control kind and search for 'Output' in the menu items. In the menu item you will be able to enable the Acoustic portrait DAC.

You can also enable your Portrait dac from linux command line by doing

mpc enable Portrait
For alsamixer -c 2 I see the following screen.
Why do I see two Acoustic Portrait?
Should I bring down the vertical bars to green level?

I installed Cantata on Windows 11 in my laptop, but stuck at the below configuration. Should I use runeaudio.local and port 22 here with default password of runeaudio as "rune" and leave music folder default as shown below?

On running mpc enable Portrait I see the Connection refused error
For alsamixer -c 2 I see the following screen.
Why do I see two Acoustic Portrait?
Should I bring down the vertical bars to green level?

No. Leave it as it is.

View attachment 88347

I installed Cantata on Windows 11 in my laptop, but stuck at the below configuration. Should I use runeaudio.local and port 22 here with default password of runeaudio as "rune" and leave music folder default as shown below?
View attachment 88349
Instead of localhost, put the IP address of your rasperry PI3 or runeaudio.local. But remember runaudio.local starts working late after boot when avahi daemon starts running. MPD port is always 6600.

Music folder from your debug.txt shared earlier is /mnt/MPD.
Do not put \mnt\MPD. Windows uses \ instead of /

On running mpc enable Portrait I see the Connection refused error
View attachment 88348

Is mpd running?

ps -ef | grep mpd

will tell you if mpd is running.
The command will check if mpd is running on port 6600

You can use the following to check

telnet 6600. e.g. on my raspberry pi

MusicPI:(pi) /home/pi >telnet 6600
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
OK MPD 0.24.0
Connection closed by foreign host.

if you see the above output then you can run the command below. NOTE You will probably see the line OK MPD 0.19 because runeaudio has installed an ancient version of MPD. This is the reason I don't use rune, volumio, etc. I just use the official raspberry PI OS. But we can make it work on the older versions installed by rune.

MPD_HOST= mpc enable Portrait

You can enable Portrait dac in Cantata, MALP, mpd control too. You are missing a lot of mpd features by using rune. e.g. here is my mpd.conf

You will face the same issues in volumio too. Best is to get a bit familiar with linux and use the official Raspberry PI OS rather than hacked suboptimal versions. The reason why mpc did not work straight away on your raspberry pi because it is missing the following line

bind_to_address "/run/mpd/mpd.sock"
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No. Leave it as it is.
OK, thanks.

Instead of localhost, put the IP address of your rasperry PI3 or runeaudio.local. But remember runaudio.local starts working late after boot when avahi daemon starts running. MPD port is always 6600.
OK, will use the IP. In my case its

Music folder from your debug.txt shared earlier is /mnt/MPD.
Do not put \mnt\MPD. Windows uses \ instead of /
I tried till this point, but Test connection does not work. I used "rune" (without quotes) as password


Is mpd running?

ps -ef | grep mpd

will tell you if mpd is running.

I see following output

The command will check if mpd is running on port 6600

You can use the following to check

telnet 6600. e.g. on my raspberry pi


if you see the above output then you can run the command below. NOTE You will probably see the line OK MPD 0.19 because runeaudio has installed an ancient version of MPD. This is the reason I don't use rune, volumio, etc. I just use the official raspberry PI OS. But we can make it work on the older versions installed by rune.

MPD_HOST= mpc enable Portrait

Did not try this yet, since previous issues are not yet solved.
I see following output
View attachment 88357
mpd is not running. I'm not sure how runeadio has implemented mpd startup. Run the following command

systemctl start mpd.service

and after that do ps. e.g. on my raspberry pi, this is the output. The first line /usr/bin/mpd --systemd is the mpd process running. Only if mpd is running will you hear music. So your first problem is that mpd is not running. Second problem is Portrait dac is not enabled. Let me know what happens when you run the systemctl command

MusicPI:(pi) /home/pi >ps -ef|grep mpd
pi 879 1 1 Dec21 ? 00:02:10 /usr/bin/mpd --systemd
root 8859 8850 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 supervise upmpdcli
root 8860 8850 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 supervise log upmpdcli
root 8863 8850 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 supervise mpdev
root 8864 8850 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 supervise log mpdev
qmaill 8875 8864 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/multilog t /var/log/svc/mpdev
qmaill 8876 8860 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/multilog t /var/log/svc/upmpdcli
pi 8929 8863 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/mpdev -v
upmpdcli 8958 8859 0 Dec21 ? 00:00:13 /usr/bin/upmpdcli -c /etc/upmpdcli.conf
pi 28876 6847 0 00:28 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mpd
mpd is not running. I'm not sure how runeadio has implemented mpd startup. Run the following command

systemctl start mpd.service

and after that do ps. e.g. on my raspberry pi, this is the output. The first line /usr/bin/mpd --systemd is the mpd process running. Only if mpd is running will you hear music. So your first problem is that mpd is not running. Second problem is Portrait dac is not enabled. Let me know what happens when you run the systemctl command
Noted, lets check if the first problem is solved. Here's what I get
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This is good. Now mpd is running

Now if you run the command

mpc enable Portrait

It should work. Also cantata should be able to connect
MDP services started, Can telnet, Enabled Acoustic Portrait, still hear no music ... on adding songs to queue and clicking play it does not play, neither does Cantata connects, tried ip and also runeaudio.local.
Let me resend the debug file below
MDP services started, Can telnet, Enabled Acoustic Portrait, still hear no music ... on adding songs to queue and clicking play it does not play, neither does Cantata connects, tried ip and also runeaudio.local.
Let me resend the debug file below

You can see what is coming in the logs by doing

journalctl -fl

Then on cantata hit the play button.

The output of netstat doesn't show mpd btw

Let us continue this tomorrow.

###### Network listening sockets (netstat -lnp) ######
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 355/smbd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 272/systemd-resolve
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 276/redis-server 12
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 288/nginx: master p
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 288/nginx: master p
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 288/nginx: master p
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 267/sshd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 355/smbd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 410/shairport
You can see what is coming in the logs by doing

journalctl -fl

Then on cantata hit the play button.

The output of netstat doesn't show mpd btw

Let us continue this tomorrow.

###### Network listening sockets (netstat -lnp) ######
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 355/smbd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 272/systemd-resolve
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 276/redis-server 12
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 288/nginx: master p
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 288/nginx: master p
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 288/nginx: master p
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 267/sshd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 355/smbd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 410/shairport
Sure, thanks for the help so far
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