My recent acquisition


Aug 27, 2008
Hello all,

I just received my Wharfedale diamond 9.6. in this afternoon. after two and half weeks.

Got it for 33.6k in vector Bangalore.

This is the beginning of my upgrade. And I thought of starting off with speakers.

They are really big. And look good. It has bi wiring option. Comes with spikes. Packaging was good.

I had to give more volume than my old yam ns8390. Then they were sounding quite good in low volumes which I like.

Have not tried much. Still running with old cables and my old Yamaha v 450 AVR.

Will let you know from common man point of view. How they are over time.

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Congrats on the new purchase !! have blast with it (not literally though :p ) !!

Its a very nice speakers and is quite an improvement to your old Yammy !!

Best suited for movies and music !! untill your next upgrade !!

Congratulations.It's a Wonderful choice.
Dual 8" speakers ...Immm.:D
The Diamond 9.6 will surely teleport you to a new world of Music & movies alike.

Please go easy with the volume knob initially, until the speakers bed in properly.
Don't overdrive it.

Anyways Once again Heartiest Congrats.
with best wishes,

you may like to upgrade from Yamaha v 450 AVR to some dedicated stereo AMP do justice to the new speakers . ..

for the cable you can take help of soundgreat , he is an expert on that subject.

MX OFC cables are good alternatives with lowcost .

How your equipment is protected ? have you added any servos etc ??.
adding a power protector will be a good idea see my thread in general chit chat for voltage protector
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Thanks a lot everybody. It is indeed a family in here.

Thank you.

Kaushik, I do not have voltage protector.

I will read your thread and will invest fast.

with regard to my ongoing upgradation. I got a sub. With WF 9.6 I did not want WF 150. 250expensive. i got around in bng, I had to settle for Polk DSW PRO 600 for 25k. at pro fx.
And monster 300 bass sub cable for 3.5k. Got some monster cables from sonodyne. infact i bought 8 mts at home only 7.5 mts was left. What else can I say ?

I have set it up. Two days I was in depression. Oct 2 was a bad day for me to see my set up sounding and ending with a fight with wife.

With trial and error I have set it up which looks quite good. Just waiting to be alone.( a never ending wait always ).

Since my living area is 23 x 14 feet with lot of doors and windows ( i live a small place so bigger the houses <rented>). Other factors also may be involved.

I also biamped my WF with Yam 450 (from zone B) i did not honestly find any difference.

Next step will be a plasma. Will keep you all informed.

could any one tell me what will be the ideal plasma 42", Pana PV8 or 80 or samsung full HD.

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Congratulations do let me know how the speakers sound for music. With what amp and cdp did u audition it at Vector m planning to go there this weekend.

AS fas as Tv's go for Plasma, Panasonic is a good choice and

Sony W series for LCD 42W400 would be a good choice. :)

just recently i tested some RCA-cables marked as GoldMan,
specifications : very low capacitance,OFC copper,low noise

yes these are low cost cables , i bought in SP Road, for my stereo setup
results were very good ,i get smooth mid and high end frequencies ... bass is better ...Value For Money ! !

try these :) if u use analogue out from CDP to Avr via RCA.

the pack is a 3RCA cable set , also video will be better if u use these !
Congratulations Pradski on your purchase! I am sure you will have a great time with the equipment until 'upgraditis' hits once again:)

With what did you compare the 9.6? Also how much of a difference did you find between the 9.5 and 9.6 (apart from the bass increase, of course)?
Thank you Sid, anooj,rem,kaushik and vortex.

Anooj, I had the same opinion, until my friend did R &D about plasma for 1 year convinced me, and later this forum. I am totally convinced of plasma.

Rem, they sound good for stereo. I am litttle confused which avr and cdp was used.

Kaushik, I use optical cable which I got in SP road few years back, Monster video connect. Rest of the connects are also monster ( at that time I knew only this )
I will be going for HDMI AVR which I have to decide between
the four ONKYO 606, 706 OR DENON 1909, 2309.

Vortex, I did not compare with 9.5 as he had not set up along side.
Infact he had a B & W along side to compare ( i did not bother to ask which model as it was 99k ). And 9.6 was equally competant to B & W in many ways.

speaker was sounding good in studio. Since it came it is sounding little odd. The bass part of the mid range do not have much depth. The higher frequencies are not complimenting enough. ( in blending with )

hoping these problems are from location and yam AVR. With polk sub, after lot of trial and error setting up. It is quite good. Once I get my centres and surrounds which I have to hunt after avr, hoping it may improve.
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If its plasma you are after definitely you should be looking at the Panasonic ones they are the class leaders among the lower to mid budget plasma tv mftrs.

If money is no object you can check out the Pioneer Kuros series they make the best Plasma tv's money can buy.

But technology wise all mftrs are moving towards LCD including Pioneer and Panasonic. The weaknesses which LCD's had earlier like viewing angle issues and all have all been eliminated by most of the LCD mfrts. So I suggest that you dont completely rule out plasma out of the equation.

Moreover Plasma Tubes have lesser shelf life when compared to newer LCD's You can find many articles regarding that on the net.

But Pioneer Kuro series is truly outstanding products if you can get a dealer who is selling those do check them out, I think the price is well above 3lacs.
speaker was sounding good in studio. Since it came it is sounding little odd. The bass part of the mid range do not have much depth. The higher frequencies are not complimenting enough. ( in blending with )

hoping these problems are from location and yam AVR. With polk sub, after lot of trial and error setting up. It is quite good. Once I get my centres and surrounds which I have to hunt after avr, hoping it may improve.

Though this may sound stupid, just for safety, please check once again that the connections are correct. That is +ve to +ve and -ve to -ve.

Get the two speakers to toe-in to an imaginary position some five feet behind your sitting position. There is no harm in taking two long cords and drawing a triangle - the middle of the speakers as two corners, and the position behind you as the third. Now hear the speakers. Once this is done, place yourself in the sitting position, and get someone to change the angle of the speakers (vis-a-vis your position) in minute (very small) adjustments. Do it with one speaker, and if that improves the sound, turn the other speaker too in a corresponding angle to the imaginary third point. .

Third, if possible, play a music CD, and keep it running at low volume for a full night. This is called breaking-in. Though I personally don't believe in the theory, I have heard considerable improvement after the speakers have been used for sometime.

Most important, the Diamonds are good speakers, and they will sound well if you take care of small issues. Faith in God, Wharfedales, and Yamaha?

Rem, Thanks, budget for tv is upto 60 - 65k. for 42". panny pv 8 or 80. Pioneer read a lot in this forum - expensive.
37" plasma not available. If LCD is so good which would you suggest in 37 - 42 ". Then I can save.

Venkat, Thanks a lot. I checked my connections and removed what I think I had biamped from zone B.
I have yamaha towers connected to zone B now which sounds better than WF 9.6. May it needs break in like you said. I will work on it.

placements are little difficult as the TV is in the corner and immediately a large entrace comes and other speakers is on the other side of the entrace. Till I get my wall mounted TV, i will have this problem.

Thanks for your help.
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Rem, Thanks, budget for tv is upto 60 - 65k. for 42". panny pv 8 or 80. Pioneer read a lot in this forum - expensive.
37" plasma not available. If LCD is so good which would you suggest in 37 - 42 ". Then I can save.

Venkat, Thanks a lot. I checked my connections and removed what I think I had biamped from zone B.
I have yamaha towers connected to zone B now which sounds better than WF 9.6. May it needs break in like you said. I will work on it.

placements are little difficult as the TV is in the corner and immediately a large entrace comes and other speakers is on the other side of the entrace. Till I get my wall mounted TV, i will have this problem.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Pradski,

You can check out the Sony for LCD's what I have heard Samsung and Lg have good TV's in their more expensive range but in their budget range its not all that great.

IN your budget you can get

Sony W Series - KLV-32W400A - This is only 32" though but is Full HD which is difficult to get in this budget the price quoted in the website is Rs 62,900 but think you can get it at cheaper rate.

Sony S series KLV-37S400A - 37" tv is there in your budget but I have not heard much about this series need to look for reviews about this on the net and this is not Full HD either.

BUt the W series has got rave reviews wherever it has been tested so I would recommend that. But sadly its next version the 40" costs around 1lac.

The link for the Sony India Bravia LCD site is KLV-32W400A : W Series : BRAVIA� LCD TV : Sony India

Do check that out I think you can get the TV's for a lesser price than what is given in the website.
Avoid the Opical cable for audio,use high Q digital Co-ax...sound will be better!

As the Toslink(optical/SPDIF) is the worst of the interfaces because the electrical to optical and optical to electrical conversion adds to the jitter. Toslink creates additional stages that the clock must pass through, picking up jitter due to power/ground noise and uncertainty of when the edge (logic change) transitions get detected...
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