Channels which shows the movies with DTS sound


Oct 6, 2007
Hi guys,

I have just attached my Hathway setup-box with my home theatre system, and noticed that Sony, Star movies, Star Plus shows the DVD movies..!! I just saw "Speed" which came on starmovies yesterday, and thought that I was watching the DVD with Surround sound..!!(same thing about "Awarapan" on Star Plus or Sony)

I am not technically that good, but I just attached left and right out (Red and white cable) to my DVD player (red and white TV in). If we have just 2 channels cable..then how it is possible that I can hear sound seperation (i.e.speech from center channel, some of the effects form Rear channel)?

And also you guys know any other Channels which telecasts the DTS materials?

Just curious about the above..
I am not technically that good, but I just attached left and right out (Red and white cable) to my DVD player (red and white TV in). If we have just 2 channels cable..then how it is possible that I can hear sound seperation (i.e.speech from center channel, some of the effects form Rear channel)?

I am a little confused here. You attached a two way audio cable from your STB to the DVD Player? Is your DVD Player, just a player or does it have an in built amplifier. What else do you have in the system. How are your speakers connected? How many speakers do you have.

Once I am clear about this, I can explain how you hear 'surround' sound from your system.

And also you guys know any other Channels which telecasts the DTS materials? Just curious about the above..

None of the channels in India are currently transmitting in with multi channel PCM. Though the signal are digital and may contain multichannel PCM, the STBs provided by these companies do not have the capacity to receive multichannel and send that to our receiver or other system.

Hi Venkat,

I have my old Philips hometheatre with inbuilt amplifier which includes 1 centre, 2 fronts and 2 rear speakers. It has 2 sockets for left and right (red and white) cables. Even I tried to reduce the volume of the centre speaker to check whther its really DTS sound or not, and found that I can hear very low volume of dialogues and more background sound!!.

As you say none of the channels in India are currently transmitting in with multi channel PCM, how can I am able to reduce the dialogues from the center speaker (as sound is seperated) ?

I wonder if anyone in this forum has checked for the sound quality for the Star movies with their 5.1 system.(with obviously DTS mode on)?

Probably your system is using pro logic to emulate 5.1 sound from a stereo source.

I dont think any channels in india support native dts/dolby digital .
What is happening is either the Philips system is amplifying 2 channel sound into all channels, or as Audiodelic says, emulating 5.1 sound from a two channel sound. That is how you are able to hear it from all speakers. This is not genuine 5.1 sound.

Try disconnecting you center and Front L&R speakers. You will yet hear the dialogues. though they will be coming from your rear speakers. Or see if you can hear the dialogues from the rear speakers. If so, then it is not true 5.1 sound.

It sounds like you are sending stereo output to all the channels. Also there are currently no DTS broadcasts at all either on cable or satellite only Dolby Digital 5.1 at best.
Hai all,
Many of the earlier versions of HTBs of Sony, phillips etc have 5.1 channel analog input facility for external DVD players also otherthan their own inbuilt DVD/VCD players. I have preserved one such model which is Sony-RX-V-90 released in the year 1999 which will put presentday high end HTBs to shame. If the two channel audio output of the Hathway Settop box is connected to Fron Left and Front right DVD input and theatre mode is activated I get excellent surround effects.This may be the case with aksheye receiving surround effects. However they are not true DTS effects.As marcilians has rightly pointedout there are no DTS broadcast/telecast in India at present.
It sounds like you are sending stereo output to all the channels. Also there are currently no DTS broadcasts at all either on cable or satellite only Dolby Digital 5.1 at best.

Where and how can we get the DD 5.1 telecast? What equipment do I need to enjoy the same?
Where and how can we get the DD 5.1 telecast? What equipment do I need to enjoy the same?

The only place where I have seen HD and heard DD5.1 was in Nashik when I was there a couple months ago. Not sure if it has expanded beyond that region. Otherwise all DD51. is coming via my Oppo universal player (DVDs or DTS CDs or SACDs or DVD-A)
Thanks guys for all of your information. But the bottom line is we can enjoy Movies in DTS from TV broadcast(though fake) till the time DTS broadcasts will come.. :)

And Venkat...I will try to disconnect the center, left and right and will check whether I can hear the dialogues from the rear speaker this weekend.

Thank you guys once again...
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