Rear Sur Spkrs for 7.1 ch onkyo (506) + Jamo (S606 HCS3)


New Member
Mar 20, 2009
my config is as follows - onkyo 506 avr, 5ch S606 HCS3 from JAMO, SUB 300 from Jamo..
Now i realise that there is a lot of bass and less mid-range accoustics/instruments.
Now i need 2 rear ch surround spkrs which have heavy tweeters or higher on wattage to enhance musicality and not just bass...
maybe i am confused, deluded or whatever, need ur help on this one..
i have the following options -
1. jamo S60 sur (same as the l/R surround) - 9k -80W continuous
2. jamo C500 (or sthg like that) dipoles 100W cont - but expensive 20k
3. surrounds incl with jamo 406 - Rs 6k
pls suggest other brands
I feel the need for higher powered rear spkrs with less more mid range
is it poss?
rear speakers dont enhance musicality for the most part. They tend to provide effects and since you already have surrounds then may not be much help at all. Also they will not be active for too many things since there are not enought 6 or 7.1 sources.

I think you are better off by tuning your system properly. Get someone who knows a bit of HT calibration and can tune as your settings may not be balanced for the suround experience. THe Jamo set is not bad and thats why I am suggesting as above.

my config is as follows - onkyo 506 avr, 5ch S606 HCS3 from JAMO, SUB 300 from Jamo..
Now i realise that there is a lot of bass and less mid-range accoustics/instruments.
Now i need 2 rear ch surround spkrs which have heavy tweeters or higher on wattage to enhance musicality and not just bass...
maybe i am confused, deluded or whatever, need ur help on this one..
i have the following options -
1. jamo S60 sur (same as the l/R surround) - 9k -80W continuous
2. jamo C500 (or sthg like that) dipoles 100W cont - but expensive 20k
3. surrounds incl with jamo 406 - Rs 6k
pls suggest other brands
I feel the need for higher powered rear spkrs with less more mid range
is it poss?
thanx man, i have called the engineer from the place i got this, who will also get two of his display pieces of jamo s602 (6ohms, 80W/130W). Now the guy also tells me that s416-SUR@6ohms at Rs6k is also not bad...
And of course, I will also ask the guy to calibrate it as well...
some afterthoughts on my own decision-
**I wonder though whether the onk506 was enuf.
**also i think if was going for a sub, maybe i could have gone with fronts that dont have a woofer, and have bigger mid ranges..
(somehow i am lacking the punchier instruments section- not to be confused with the bass punch)
well try looking at cambridge audio S70 floorstanders,S30 surrounds ,i have heard the S30 speakers i thing costs about 7k are hell of lot better then jamo s602.
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