Review of Lithos Kontra and Q-10 speakers


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Hi Folks,

Before I start this review, I would like to put some context around the review. I have always been a keen follower of Indian made Hi-Fi. Not because I have anything against a foreign brand, but more so because by the time these foreign equipments reach our shores, you end up paying too much money for what it is worth. I have always felt that the Indian hi-fi manufacturers such as Lyrita, AP, Lithos, Norge, Cadence, Rethm etc could potentially give you more bang for your buck than a foreign brand.

I currently own a pair of speakers from Enbee. Amplification is a pre-power combination, also from Enbee. I have had this setup for around 3-4 years now, and was looking to move a step up. Hence the audition of Lithos, since it was one of the brands that I was interested in.

I met up with Rajiv (Lithos owner) at his demo room in Bandra, Mumbai. Lithos has three speakers in their range. The Noa is the smallest and are more suited as surrounds for a HT application. Next up is the Q-10, which are narrow bookshelves in MTM configuration, paired with a powered sub-woofer (Q-bic). The bookshelves and the sub are sold together since the bookshelves by themselves cannot produce much low end. The top of the line speakers are the Kontras, which is again a pair of MTM bookshelves placed on top of individual powered sub-units (i.e, the total system consists of 2 subs and 2 bookshelves, with the bookshelves designed to be placed over the subs). You can find more details of the speakers at the Lithos web-site.

Now to the sound (which is what really matters!)......of course the usual caveat applies "this is purely my personal opinion, based on my tastes and preferences. Many factors contribute to the quality of the sound, including source, amplifiers, cables, environment etc..etcYMMV"
I did not hear the Noa, and only heard the Q-10s and the Kontras. Both the speakers were powered by a NAD power amplifier with a high end Yamaha AVR doing duty as the pre-amp. The source was a DVD player, with digital out into the AVR's DAC. Rajiv had a huge collection of FLACs on his HDD connected to the AVR, but since I had brought my own CDs, we played them through the DVD player-Yamaha AVR-NAD combo.

The Kontras are quite good speakers, and did a lot of things right. Has good clarity, imaging, soundstage, nice tight bass, and was very easy to listen to. I was impressed by the depth of the image.....the speakers were pulled quite a bit into the room, with a good 8 odd feet of space behind. You could really get a very good sense of depth from these speakers, especially on well recorded music. You could easily pick out the different instruments even in complex music without losing the overall musicality. Though the Kontra subs are not very large (they were 8 inchers), the quality of the bass was very good, and was more than sufficient for a medium-large room. I felt that the Kontras were good all-rounders that did not favour any particular genre. Overall, very good speakers that are definitely worth an audition. I played a wide variety of music through these speakers:
- Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall, lost for words
- BB King - Ghetto woman
- Dave Brubeck - Take Five
- Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
- Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
- Eric Clapton (Unplugged) - Layla, Tears in Heaven
- Carole King-James Taylor - Machine Gun Kelly
- Katie Melua - Nine Million Bicycles, Two Bare Feet
- Rockstar (Hindi Movie OST) - Jo Bhi Main
- Rahat Fateh Ali Khan - Nit Khair Manga Sohneya
- KK - Pyaar Ke Pal, Yaaron
- Kadri Gopalnath - Kaapaali
- Pandit Jasraj (Raga Symphony) - Solace in darkness, Sacred Sound

The Q-10s were not really in the same league as the Kontras, though they did all that the Kontras did, albeit at a smaller scale. Like the Kontras, they worked well with all genres of music and did not favour any one genre. One peeve that I did have with the Q-10 was that the high end was a bit too sharp for my taste. Playing Eric Clapton's unplugged CD, I really had to tell Rajiv to change the CD since my ears had begun to hurt from the sharpness of the acoustic guitar. Rajiv too agreed that the Q-10 are a bit brighter than the Kontras. I was also not very happy with the integration of the sub and the bookshelves. They seemed a little out of sync with each other.....though Rajiv said that it can be improved with better placement. Most of the songs that I played on the Kontras were repeated with the Q-10s. Again there are so many factors that affect the sound that what sounds harsh (to my ears) in one setup could sound totally different in another setup with a different set of components. The Q-10s are definitely very decent speakers, though it was not exactly to my taste.

MRP quoted by Rajiv for the Kontras were 1.4L + VAT and for the Q-10s, 57K + VAT. I did not discuss any discounts with Rajiv.

Rajiv is planning to launch a new reference speaker called the Karma in the next couple of months, though I reckon it will be priced even higher than the Kontras.

On a side note, Rajiv seems like a great guy...very friendly and un-assuming, and did not at any point indulge in the usual sales BS that we are so used to. I would have no hesitation in buying from him if all other factors fall into place.

P.S - I was not thinking of writing a review about Lithos on the forum at the time of the audition; hence have no photographs of the speakers.

Thanks for the detailed review. Kudos to Rajiv ! He is one of the oldest players in the Indian manufacturing scene.

The speakers deserve better upstream gear. The preamp in an AVR is the worst thing one can have in a stereo chain. The dvd player is a mistake !

This means that the speakers are capable of even better sound!
APK, you should have visited me. I have currently as my second system NAD C372 and Lithos Q-10, as we have discussed, but would have connected them with a far better source.

Rajiv did this very same mistake a few months back when I took someone to him for demo of Q-10 in HT set-up. Rajiv forgot to switch off soft clipping, and had his media player playing in night mode. We realized all this only after silently and politely sitting in disappointment for an hour, and my friend went elsewhere and Rajiv lost the deal. Pity it did not occur to me to warn you. When you come this way again do give a shout.
Kudos to Rajiv ! He is one of the oldest players in the Indian manufacturing scene.

True.....Rajiv mentioned that he's been building speakers for the past 15 years!

The speakers deserve better upstream gear. The preamp in an AVR is the worst thing one can have in a stereo chain. The dvd player is a mistake !

I agree. I reckon that he uses the AVR and DVD player in the setup more because a large majority of his customers pick up the speakers for HT rather than music.

This means that the speakers are capable of even better sound!

Yes....even I felt that given better upstream compenents, the speakers would perform better. This is probably more so for the Q-10s, which I felt did not fare that well as compared to the Kontras.

The fact that his speakers do well with music as well as HT (judging by the larger number of customers from this area), Lithos speakers could be a great option for someone looking for a single solution to both music and HT.
So Kontras are ideally a 2.2 setup. Meaning 2 bookshelf's & 2 subwoofers, should be very good for stereo listening.......Incase of HT setup, how should one select the Center channel & Surround speakers ?
Nice review. Bit surprised to know speakers so costly can be so sharp to bleed ears on Eric Clapton unplugged. The guitars in it are sharp but sweet.
So Kontras are ideally a 2.2 setup. Meaning 2 bookshelf's & 2 subwoofers, should be very good for stereo listening.......Incase of HT setup, how should one select the Center channel & Surround speakers ?

I was not looking for an HT setup, so I did not listen to the speakers in HT mode. However, I saw another Kontra bookshelf (it's an MTM configuration) kept horizontally below the TV in Rajiv's demo room. I reckon this will be used as centre in the HT setup.

From what I could gather, the Lithos speakers are quite modular, ie. you can mix and match speakers from different lines. For example you could build an HT with the Kontras as fronts, single Kontra MTM bookshelf as centre, and Q-10s as rears, or have Q-10s as fronts, single Q-10 MTM bookshelf as centre and Noa's as rears etc. It depends upon your preferences and budget.

Since I did not listen in HT, it would be prudent for me to comment on how they sounded for that purpose. You could always call up Rajiv for an appointment. He is a very nice guy to deal with.

Nice review. Bit surprised to know speakers so costly can be so sharp to bleed ears on Eric Clapton unplugged. The guitars in it are sharp but sweet.

This could be because of the upstream components. Since a large number of Rajiv's customers buy his speakers for HT, he had the speakers connected to an AVR (for pre-amp) and then to a NAD power amp. I had played my CDs through a DVD player (transport) connected to the AVR's DAC. BTW, to my ears, only the Q-10s had this problem with Clapton's guitar. They sounded just the way they should on the Kontras.

I think a proper stereo setup would make the Q-10s sound much better. Maybe other owners of Q-10s can comment on this aspect of the sound.

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APK, you should have visited me. I have currently as my second system NAD C372 and Lithos Q-10, as we have discussed, but would have connected them with a far better source.

Rajiv did this very same mistake a few months back when I took someone to him for demo of Q-10 in HT set-up. Rajiv forgot to switch off soft clipping, and had his media player playing in night mode. We realized all this only after silently and politely sitting in disappointment for an hour, and my friend went elsewhere and Rajiv lost the deal. Pity it did not occur to me to warn you. When you come this way again do give a shout.

Yes Gerry.....the upstream components could have ruined the sound. Sure...will let you know if I come to mumbai again

Since you own the Q-10s, maybe you could share your opinion of them in a decent stereo setup.
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I will be listing them for sale soon. To me they have always sounded excellent. But my opinion cannot be considered neutral. Someone else must opine.
I heard the Noa-1 in an audiophile setup, powered by a nad 355 or something, I was quiet impressed with it. Yes, the timing issues can occur with sub-optimal subwoofer placement. I am sure the Q10s have the capacity to sound really good with a proper configuration. :)

Lithos has a new 'reference' speakers called Karma. I remember that Rajiv was working on these when I met him last year


Anybody heard these?
Sadly, I am selling my Kontra's with the NAD amp and NAD CD player. Only selling my system as have moved out of country and cannot take them with me. Let me know if anyone is interested. Looking at a total price for all 3 with cables ( sommer cables connecting the amp to the speakers) of Rs.75,000. If interested call me on 9820899970.
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