ACER H5370 BD 3D capabilities - difference between 3D pjs and 3D ready pjs


Active Member
Oct 7, 2009
For this wonderful projector - Acer H5370 BD, have got couple of private messages on its 3D capabilities and what all is needed to make 3D work on it.

Trying to create a separate thread to spell out my understanding of the same. Hope it helps the ever growing club of this projector's owners.

First things first Acer H5370BD is a pure play 3D Projector, i.e. if you have 3D content as source - be it a 3D blu ray player playing a 3D movie or a plain jane old laptop running SBS (Side By Side) or HSBS (Half Side By Side) 3D video content, which displays parallel frames targeted for each eye to create 3D effect or any other format, it can be directly projector as 3D by this projector on your screen or your wall...all you need to do is to just switch the 3D mode on the projector, select the right 3D format, wear your 3D DLP glasses and you are ON:yahoo:!

3D Ready projectors on other hand, likes of Acer K330 (which I was eyeing before), need content to be directly streamed to the projector, typically at 120 hz, with overlapped content for an eye being streamed at 60 hz each. So you need decently powered computers, running players like Stereoscopic player, etc. to stream this or a 3D blu ray player. They cannot natively render 3D content and need an external source to do the rendering part while projection of the same to screen/wall is taken care by them.

Now back to this 5370 beauty, I use the following setup to run my 3D videos and love the overall 3D experience (find it better than 3D experience at movie halls in Gurgaon):

1. Core 2 Duo CPU with 2 GB of RAM - running XBMC or VLC to play HSBS movie content.
2. A VGA cable
3. Acer H5370 BD projector
4. Sainsonic 3D DLP 144Hz glasses link

Selecting and enabling the 3D mode is slightly tricky in this projector and once you get to the menu option for enabling 3D mode, follow these steps:

1. Switch the 3D mode on from the menu option.
2. In the same menu select 3D mode or format, It should be auto by default (which I believe should work if you are running a 3D blu ray). Change it to Half Side by Side (of SBS based on the content format you have).
3. Press the > button on remote to select this format. Selection is not by Ok or center button, This is one major source of confusion with owners believing that 3D is not working for them.
4. You should now get an overlapped image as an output from the projector.
5. Power on your glasses and wear them. If any distortion try changing the left right sync using a button on the glasses. Atleast the ones I have support this button so hope others should too.

This projector also supports simulating 3D for your 2D content (haven't tried it yet, but will update once I have tested it). All you need to do, as per the user manual is to connect your 2D source via HDMI to this PJ and an option to convert 2D to 3D gets enabled (again have not tested it yet).

Happy 3D viewing!!! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

P.S. - please feel free to correct me where ever I have wrongly indicated any of the technical info and add to any 3D experiences/tricks (esp 2D to 3D conversion) if you know them!
Nicely written,thanks.
I have played via my BDp and it plays it perfectly.
In 3D ready PJs,you need to play 3D from HTPC only(Graphic card).With this PJ(5370),you can connect 3D bluray player directly.The earlier acer model was 3D ready(5360).
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Thanks, another interesting point I would like to make is that you can even convert your normal 2D pictures to 3D mode using the projector and then watch them on big screen using 3D glasses.

It makes your photo album viewing experience more enjoyable.
Hi Prem,
In your post u said .,this PJ can play 3d content from sbs, hsbs,3d bluray etc..have you tried all ?? Which of these give best 3d effect or all are same ??
Hi Piyush,

I have tried SBS/ HSBS... the menu will let you choose the type of file and it all gives similar output as per my opinion.
Hi Prem,
In your post u said .,this PJ can play 3d content from sbs, hsbs,3d bluray etc..have you tried all ?? Which of these give best 3d effect or all are same ??

3D effect is the same, but blu-ray disks will have better PQ. In HSBS the horizontal resolution is halved where as in OU the vertical resolution is halved. The resolution remains the same in Full SBS and Full OU movies. The overall PQ of these file types depends on the encoding used to convert the blu-ray movies. Another 3d format is MVC mkv which is a full rip of the blu-ray disks, but only a few PC media players can play this format.
I have tried SBS/ HSBS... the menu will let you choose the type of file and it all gives similar output as per my opinion.
Hello there. I am new to the pj world and just picked up the Acer H5370Bd and have a few questions on it if someone could please enlighten this newbie :\

1) Will ANY 3D blue ray player work?
2) Can I hook it up to my DISH to watch sports or 3D movies on pay-per-view?
3) Can I hook it up to my xbox 360 to play video games?

Thanks :)
Hello there. I am new to the pj world and just picked up the Acer H5370Bd and have a few questions on it if someone could please enlighten this newbie :\

1) Will ANY 3D blue ray player work?

YES. as far as it has HDMI and you have a High Speed HDMI cable it will ..

2) Can I hook it up to my DISH to watch sports or 3D movies on pay-per-view?

YES. you can either hook the DISH through HDMI else RCA video else VGA whatever your STB ( Set Top Box ) supports.

3) Can I hook it up to my xbox 360 to play video games?

YES. same idea as above 2.

Thanks :)

replies in BOLD

also go through this thread for more info for the PJ.

ACER 5370 BD bible.. :)

and welcome to the forum.
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