The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL Price


New Member
Jul 4, 2011
The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set at a steal price - about Rs. 1500/-


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Edition Blu-ray, 15 disc set is on sale at Amazon UK by market place seller Mekodu-uk and also by dodax-online-uk (both looks like same seller) for 10.44 plus 3.58 shipping to India. Total cost 14.02 which comes roughly to
Rs. 1500 which I think is an absolute insane price for a 15 disc set. :yahoo:
No deduction of overseas VAT in this deal. So the price is fixed at 10.44 plus shipping.

The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy Extended Edition Blu-ray 2011 2001: Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, Sean Astin, Andy Serkis, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom, John Rhys-Davies, Peter J

The same seller is also selling at Great prices on Blu-rays, DVDs, CDs, Games, Clothing, Toys & more. for 10.43 with free shipping within UK, not sure if he ships to overseas from this site. At present it is out of stock there, but check later for stock. - Buy The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy: Extended Edition Box Set (15 Discs) (Blu-ray) online at and read reviews. Free delivery to UK and Europe!

Checked the local prices for the same in India.

FLIPKART Rs. 3599/-
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy -: Rs. 3599/- Buy The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Online at Low Price in India | Elijah Wood, Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom, Peter Jackson | Movies & TV Shows
Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

Out of enthusiasm, I think you overlooked the region code of this box set which is "B" (also known as "2")!!
Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

Out of enthusiasm, I think you overlooked the region code of this box set which is "B" (also known as "2")!!

Thanks for pointing that out. I did notice the region code. Most of the forum members here have a multi zone blu-ray player or zone B player, thought it will help someone to get these on a bargain price if required.
That's why I made links to sites so that individuals can go through the information and decide themselves before placing order.

Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

The minimum I am getting now is around 16.57 and I think the 10.5 is not available from your listed seller.
Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

manniraj :

Looks like the deal is over. But keep checking as this deal frequently appearing on these 2 sites. I had a tough time yesterday ordering one for myself as the server was overloaded with traffic. After a lonnnnng struggle, managed to grab one.
Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

Ohh..Last 10 days back I have purchased the same for Rs.3600/- from Flipkart...
The picture qulaity was fullHD .. and sound was excellent its DTS HD Master audio.. njoyed the whole Trilogy ..watching ion Bluray......
Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

God the same last year via when I was in US...for $30...
Re: The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy (Extended Edition) [Blu-ray] - 15 Disc set STEAL P

Finally received the extended blu-ray set (15 disc) from UK this week, total paid Rs. 1496.05, duty NIL :)
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.