HiFimeDIY Sabre USB DAC. 96khz/24bit - ES9023+TE7022 + USB to optical converter

going OT but do not want to open new thread :

anyone tried Stoner Acoustics UD100/110 50$. seems to good and similar to ODAC.

My guess was correct.

Are we invited to listen to the new dac at your place while having a filter kapi made from fresh beans grinded in your new mixie?
Whoa, it's a long way to go for that! Added to which, sadly I cannot drink kaapi, so never have it in the house, and this one would not be any good at grinding. But hey, sure... bring your own coffee, or we make good masalla chai :p

(offtopic... had this mixie (hand blender) for a decade, and replaced stuff, so there has been investment in parts, and a collection of accessories. Now the switch is feelably on its way out, so buying this unit so all other bit are not wasted when it dies. Back to audio, eh :D )

Currently Mrs G has asked for veena music, so the hifi is in use. She's going out in an hour or so... then I'll check out this new DAC. We are now a 2-DAC household! Or three if including my firewire interface.
i doubt either of these days should be used to power headphones directly.
you should add a Headphone amp in the chain.

Yes, today I tried it with 2 amps (Bravo Audio Tube and Fiio E11). It shines with both amps with sweet and smooth sound signature. Even though I am more impressed with U2-Bravo combo but for convenience sake, I am using it more with portable Fiio.
Ten Minute test, on laptop... Not bad, but not wonderful. Bass is quite full, but not so much the mids/highs.

Attempt on PC... Did not get it to work with JACK (Linux audio). Only a bit surprised, It took a while to hit the right configuration detail with the ODAC. Now, having changed that, the ODAC config will go temperamental on me! That's life on my system :(

I've seen it plug and play on a couple of Linux systems, so let this not be a put off for Linux folks.
Nope. After it arrives in India, I believed that they will update the fresh consignment no. that can be tracked on speed post India. God knows where is stuck now. I sent a mail to HK post for which an auto response came... LOL

???????????????????????2921 2211??????




Nope. After it arrives in India, I believed that they will update the fresh consignment no. that can be tracked on speed post India. God knows where is stuck now. I sent a mail to HK post for which an auto response came... LOL

Santy, what you can do is take the HK post tracking number and visit your area foreign post office and they should be able to get the new tracking number with the status. I was able to get the India post tracking number for my Singpost parcel. And the funny thing is that by the time I was able to get the tracking number from the PO the post man delivered it at my place :ohyeah: and I was in the PO :p
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