Half review - Audio-GD DAC19 10th Anniversary Edition


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2014
Bitten by the PCM1704 R2R bug after reading everthing on net about R2R DAC's, I ordered this one couple of months back and have been living with it since last one month. All of the hype has been proved right about this DAC, its sweet and full sounding, devoid of any digital harshness. In the first few days, it didn't impress me much, but just couple of days back I plugged in my old DAC and immediately noticed what is missing prompting me to write something about it. Guitar does sound like guitar and sitar like a sitar, the timbre of the sound is what makes this DAC special. In my opinion, one must live with an this DAC for about few weeks and then try to judge if its worth all the praise or not, I can bet you wont be disappointed especially if you listen to acoustic or classical music.

My previous DAC Arcam rlink was not a top of the line DAC though I thought it sounded warm and really nice, but DAC-19 is certainly an exceptional sounding DAC for me. It will never sound digital even if you play electronic music through it. Though some people do not find it as detailed as D-S DACs and think its mellow sounding. Being mellow (wrt to other DAC's) does not mean that detail is not present, just our brain interprets and compares immediately with what we are used to.

I would have loved to do a full fledged review but do not have any courage to do so. If any FMs are interested in knowing more about this DAC. they can definitely ask. I would be more happy to answer with best of my abilities.

Very smooth sound with real black silence. A plucked sitar sting has the timbre of of a real sitar string. Same goes with acoustic/percussion instruments as well as vocals.
You will never get tired of listening to music.
Few jumpers on PCB to change sound signature according to your preference.
Joy to listen though headphones, music does not shout in your head.
Really suited for soft acoustic numbers
All in all, its designed to sound like playing a vinyl record. If you like that kind of sound, you will love this DAC.

Certainly not neutral, the sound seems colored for a certain taste
Not for hard rock or electronic kind of stuff. Electric guitars and other electronic instruments lack the punch. Can be very soft sounding at times.
You will not like it if you like very noisy music.

My Gear:

Audio-gd DAC19
Naim nait XS2
Dali Mentor Menuet Speakers
Landed cost please.
It would be great if some Delhi experts can do the full fledged review
Is yours one is Amanero USB? I have ordered it last week with stock XMOS USB. It has just landed in India. Now have to wait till the clearance made by Kolkata Customs. How many days it took to reach your door step?
Is yours one is Amanero USB? I have ordered it last week with stock XMOS USB. It has just landed in India. Now have to wait till the clearance made by Kolkata Customs. How many days it took to reach your door step?

Yes its amanero usb. It took exactly one month to reach me after shipping though it landed in india after 3 days.
At last after more than 2 months (63 Days exactly) the DAC-19 reached my doorstep. For 52 days it was with Kolkata customs. No intimation nor any memo or notice I received this time. Just wondering, what went wrong? I hope, as fellow enthusiastic you can feel my pain and frustration I went through for over last 5 weeks. No clue, no sign from postal or customs department. Only kept the patience quite painfully. Just in the middle of last week I visited the Foreign Postal Department to know the ground with so many speculation in mind and found that the whole department was busy in shifting to another floor, another room. The delay occurred due to that shifting. I was almost going to make complaint or query through Right to Information Act. What a relief! Now the pain is over......busy with burn the new gear, even when I am sharing this experience.
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At last after more than 2 months (63 Days exactly) the DAC-19 reached my doorstep. For 52 days it was with Kolkata customs. No intimation nor any memo or notice I received this time. Just wondering, what went wrong? I hope, as fellow enthusiastic you can feel my pain and frustration I went through for over last 5 weeks. No clue, no sign from postal or customs department. Only kept the patience quite painfully. Just in the middle of last week I visited the Foreign Postal Department to know the ground with so many speculation in mind and found that the whole department was busy in shifting to another floor, another room. The delay occurred due to that shifting. I was almost going to make complaint or query through Right to Information Act. What a relief! Now the pain is over......busy with burn the new gear, even when I am sharing this experience.

That's really long wait time. I can imagine what must have gone through your heart all the time though in my case the wait was only 4 weeks. Indian postal dept seriously needs a lift up, I think there should be an easy process in which the receiver can obtain his parcel directly from customs office, without any harassment, at least costly ones. Anyway, congrats to you on your new purchase and do share your experience with this one.
That's really long wait time. I can imagine what must have gone through your heart all the time though in my case the wait was only 4 weeks. Indian postal dept seriously needs a lift up, I think there should be an easy process in which the receiver can obtain his parcel directly from customs office, without any harassment, at least costly ones. Anyway, congrats to you on your new purchase and do share your experience with this one.


I am wondering if you had tried the DAC-19 with a jumper on PLLEN? I wanted to know if you made the review just on default settings or not? If you are using a dedicated PC or a quality media player/streamer to connect with DAC-19 either through USB or SPDIF then I will recommend to try that option (just put a jumper on PLLEN), it has more to offer than the default settings (without any jumper). It is like took off the last veil over the musical presentation. Default option is also good, still it is felt like the presentation is very formal (whole thing is chained up invisibly).

But careful, in the absence of dedicated pc or player do not play with that option as it might get worse.

I am wondering if you had tried the DAC-19 with a jumper on PLLEN? I wanted to know if you made the review just on default settings or not? If you are using a dedicated PC or a quality media player/streamer to connect with DAC-19 either through USB or SPDIF then I will recommend to try that option (just put a jumper on PLLEN), it has more to offer than the default settings (without any jumper). It is like took off the last veil over the musical presentation. Default option is also good, still it is felt like the presentation is very formal (whole thing is chained up invisibly).

But careful, in the absence of dedicated pc or player do not play with that option as it might get worse.

Yes I tried PLL jumper and it did had some positive effect on sound clarity , but it also took most of the bass and made the music more dry, maybe because I dont have a streamer or a dedicated media pc, just my laptop!
The work of the PLL is like a kind of insurance policy which cost little to prevent from greater possible incoming troubles through inputs, still PLL itself is taking a toll (which is little but not free). So if one can make sure that there will be no trouble through inputs (using high quality source gear) then a sound signature can be achieved which will be totally toll free by disengaging the PLL.
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