Strange problem with my new Denon 2310. Please HELP....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
Dear all,

I got my new Denon 2310 on Monday 7-Sep. This is my setup

AVR - Denon 2310 (6-16ohm speakers, 7X105W)
Fronts - Kef iQ7 (8ohms, 150W) (Bi-amped using the Amp)
Center - Kef iQ60C (8ohms, 150W)
Rear - Jamo s416 (6ohms, 80-120W)
Sub - Onkyo HT (8ohms, 100W, Powered Sub. This is from my old HTIB)

Now I have a strange issue. Sometimes when its playing stereo with a resonable volume, the speakers gets muted automatically. The sound comes back automatically after 2-3 seconds and playback continues normally. The AVR doesnt go to standby mode. Only the speaker output is cut and resumed after 2-3 seconds. I looked into the trouble shooting guide. It only speakes about a situation where the Amp goes to standby due to the activation of Amp protection circuit. But in my case the Amp is not going to standby, but the speakers are just muted for 2-3 seconds.

I have connected the Amp through a stabilizer (V-Guard 1KV, Crystal model and a spike buster). So I dont think its the voltage problem. And the Amp DOES NOT get heated up at all.

Is it because of the Bi-Amping? My front speakers are rated for a max power of 150W. The Amp is rated at 105W/per channel. Now after Bi-Amping the AMP will pump out close to 200W the front speakers that it cannot handle. I know that 105 is the peak power, but can this be an issue?

BTW, do I really require Bi-Amping in this case?

I would really appreciate any help on this regard.

I had a similar issue sometime back and for me the root cause was a faulty speaker. My old, really old, sonodyne speakers had short circuited and the Onkyo 703 AVR would go in the mute protection mode. It happened a few times before one fine day the AVR konked off !!

Went to the Onkyo dealer and he asked me to change the speakers. which I did for a diamond 9.6 and its happily ever after !! no issues since then.

Check for your speaker if they are old. Might be one of the reason. "might be"
1--kindly chk for any loose spkr wires at the amp end,and speaker terminals , cud be there is some loose ends +ve and -ve coming into contact, u cud reconnect all the cables and try/or else use banana jacks
2--does this happen only @ high volume levels---if it does then the amp is going into protection mode
AM sure reconnecting all your cables securely shud work
3--u mention bi amping , how have u done the connection ,is your amp 7.1 and are u using the back 2 channels to bi amp your main spkrs? do explain your connections
4--power handling of the spkr and amp power ,i dont think is an issue here
5--bi amp/ bi wire in a AVR doesnt really make an audible difference, it definetly does in a stereo set up
Dear All,

Thank you very much for all the great suggestions.

I think I have narrowed down the issue. I think its my TV. Sounds strange rt :). This is my theory

I have connected my AVR to my Sony rear projection TV thru HDMI. The new Denon will respond to changes in TV when connected thru HDMI even though HDMI control is set to OFF.

Seems like my Sony TV sends some singnals back to AVR 2 minutes after it is switched off. The lamp in TV full standby mode after around 2 mins and this is when Amp also mutes the speakers. Denon mis interprets these signals and mutes the speakers for 2-3 seconds. It doesnt go to stand by mode. So I know that the protection circuit is not kicking in.

Now I removed the HDMI connection between AVR and the TV and the problem seemed to have gone!. I am going to do more experiments.

I am 90% sure that AVR-TV with HDMI is causing the issue and it is happening due to my old sony TV. There could also be a HDMI version mismatch.

Hey John!!

When you need to shortlist a particular issue then it is best to go back-to-basics.

Firstly, connect your speakers in regular mode. No bi-amping. try this and see if this works.

Secondly, disconnect your front speakers and connect surrounds as fronts. This will tell us if there is some fault with your fronts.

Thirdly, by-pass the v-guard for a short while and then check your fronts.

Please make sure that you change only one parameter at a time to arrive at a definite conclusion.

Update us as soon as you are done.


Dear all,

I got my new Denon 2310 on Monday 7-Sep. This is my setup

AVR - Denon 2310 (6-16ohm speakers, 7X105W)
Fronts - Kef iQ7 (8ohms, 150W) (Bi-amped using the Amp)
Center - Kef iQ60C (8ohms, 150W)
Rear - Jamo s416 (6ohms, 80-120W)
Sub - Onkyo HT (8ohms, 100W, Powered Sub. This is from my old HTIB)

Now I have a strange issue. Sometimes when its playing stereo with a resonable volume, the speakers gets muted automatically. The sound comes back automatically after 2-3 seconds and playback continues normally. The AVR doesnt go to standby mode. Only the speaker output is cut and resumed after 2-3 seconds. I looked into the trouble shooting guide. It only speakes about a situation where the Amp goes to standby due to the activation of Amp protection circuit. But in my case the Amp is not going to standby, but the speakers are just muted for 2-3 seconds.

I have connected the Amp through a stabilizer (V-Guard 1KV, Crystal model and a spike buster). So I dont think its the voltage problem. And the Amp DOES NOT get heated up at all.

Is it because of the Bi-Amping? My front speakers are rated for a max power of 150W. The Amp is rated at 105W/per channel. Now after Bi-Amping the AMP will pump out close to 200W the front speakers that it cannot handle. I know that 105 is the peak power, but can this be an issue?

BTW, do I really require Bi-Amping in this case?

I would really appreciate any help on this regard.

Dear All,

I sorted out the issue. It was my TV that was messing things up. My theory turned out to be correct.

I really appreciate all your help on this.


Problem: I purchased Denon AV 2310 from Singapore and when I brought it in India I realise its HDMI ports not working. When I took it to Dennon care in Delhi they said HDMI card is faulty and need to be replaced. They asked for INR 30,000 i.e.450 USD.

I am not ready to pay this charges. Can you guys suggest me any practical alternate please
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