Odd pricing of Speakers in India

I think our govt focus is on the existing media spread matters and other skeletons....as usual nothing will be done much for the consumer or even farmers......bottom line, we have to fend for ourselves.....

A dealer who purchases in bulk can afford to provide the product at cheaper rates....for example...Vijay Sales.....even Vijay Sales prices are a bit high although lower than mrp......you can go to a local dealer and still negotiate and get a good deal...

Here is an example...

Approx 4/5 years Back Toshiba launched its range of thin LED TVs.....mrp was 28k and Vijay Sales was selling for 25k.....seems like a wow deal.....I contacted the local dealer in my area and asked him for 20k......cash deal with 3 years warranty.....he closed the deal at 21k......TV is still working fine flawlessly......I cracked similar deals for another 5 friends / relatives and all are happy users...

Totally agree. Consumers "upbhokta" is like bhukt bhogi now a days. Just because these HiFi products are not mass products like samsung, lg and philips to name a few. Still many people never heard of marantz, Martin Logan etc in their life. There are lot of reasons for pricing structure of these products and hidden from consumers. Of course they might charge more from you and then you can do nothing except buying one :)
It's also not like aalo and pyaj of people stop buying the rates will down. People don't do this act even for aalo pyaj in India like people have unity in China to bring stuff pricing down.
Are we all being taken for a ride by whoever's deciding on the retail pricing of these India because of the hype around them?

Mostly yes.. Some distributors of the "most established, flashy brands" seem to benefit from this.. I have first hand experience with Onkyo, Denon, Klipsch.. "exorbitant pricing".. I have expressed similar views as yours w.r.t pricing..

Pro FX, Onkyo India, Cinebels usually have exorbitant prices..

There are cases where the distributors price it exceptionally for few brands.. (Taga Harmony). - Here is a complete list of prices in europe - https://www.atrade.gr/shop/search/taga and check hifimart.com / ebay.in prices for comparision and you might be stunned to prices are comparitvely cheaper in India than Europe..

The rationale behind pricing of Taga Harmony is that(which i think), the brand is relatively new in India, so the distributor decided to risk himself by pricing it on part with internatioanl prices (or) most of the times less than the international prices..

How is one brand able to price it "exceptional" while the other is "exorbitant".. It is the discretion of distributors and no blaming on duty (or) shipping charges..

If you take well established brands & premium products, it is reverse.. The markup is higher.. Always higher..

Then it's a matter of letting the dealer know when you hand over your hard earned cash that the price you have paid is somewhat extorbitant. If enough people complain then eventually the message would filter through to the manufacturers.

If only, India is doing volumes, then the manufacturer might take the feedback seriously..

Just to give you other scenario & what is reasonable for each region & country..

The Yamaha YBR 125 sells in UK for 2,500 Pounds (2,25,000 INR), but here in India it is 65,000 INR..

The Duke 390 sells in UK for 4,500 pounds (4,00,000 INR), but here it is 2,50,000 INR..

The CBR 250R sells in UK for 4,000 pounds (3,60,000 INR), but here it is 2,00,000 INR...

The Huwaei Honor 7x mobile is 270 pounds in UK (24,300 INR), which it retails for (15,999 INR) or even less...

What necessarily sells for US $1,000 (or) Pounds (or) euros, not necessarily have to sell here (india) on the converted value..It has to be priced less..
I like to share a similar example where I recently purchased a pair of bookshelf speakers from Piega India distributor where I got at similar price as international price. Why? The rationale behind pricing of Piega is that (which i think), the brand is relatively new in India, so the distributor decided to risk himself by pricing it on part with international prices (or) most of the times less than the international prices. Piega speaker ranges from 900 pounds to few lakhs in international audio shows. So, in nutshell I'm quite happy with my purchase because got swiss quality craftsmanship @my price with warranty.
Hope you feel okay after the 'Rant', ;). So are you buying the Kef's?
I have actually set aside 1Lakh budget to buy a new pair of Speakers so I could easily afford to buy them at the price quoted however I refuse to pay the extortionate amount being asked so I'll pass on them.

If I ever decide to sell all my bulky kit and downsize I may seriously consider getting the Wireless version provided I like the SQ they produce (never actually heard either in person so I hope they live up to the hype). Also I've read that the bass on Wireless is better tuned by the on-board electronics compared to the passive ones.
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