Hi all...wish you all a great new year ahead 
My listening has mostly been gaana with whatever they claim to be HD for paid subscribers for the last 3 years. Ive never had any downloaded collection of my own. So ganna and tidal via chromecast have been my staple diet.
I had been looking for a streamer with inbuilt chromecast. And the only one i came across was the cambridge audio cxn v2. And if i spent that kind of money, i wanted a aes-ebu out, which it sadly didnt have. So i figured i had to optimise the CCA as best as i could. And everything used, should be able to continue in service even after i upgraded to the metrum ambre as transport, or the expenditure would be futile.
So got a small 500cvt that i can chuk under my daughters bed. Then the cvt was fed to a isotek evo3 polaris power filter. This inturn feeds a Jay's audio LPSU ( thanks manniraj
). The power cable feeding the LPSU is a isotek evo 3. The CCA is hardwired with an amazon fire stick adaptor, so it is hard wired to LAN, without any wifi gremlins. The CCA is then fed to the AMR dp-777 dac cum pre amp with a audioquest cinnamon or forest ( i honestly dont remeber ) mini optical cable, specially designed for the CCA.
And how does it sound after all this faff...in one word...phenomenal
There is dynamic head room and such rich tonality in the mix, 2 main complaints of mine over these last few years. And iam so surprised with the improvement in sound quality that clean power brings.
However , iam not done yet. I still have to add a 500va isolation transformer after the cvt to get the purest power feeding the dac cum preamp and the CCA. Will update once the ultra isoltaion is added in the chain
So no more CCA bashing on the forum i guess. Google designed a great solution , and just left the power end to end users to decide on. Great design and decision by google in the end

My listening has mostly been gaana with whatever they claim to be HD for paid subscribers for the last 3 years. Ive never had any downloaded collection of my own. So ganna and tidal via chromecast have been my staple diet.
I had been looking for a streamer with inbuilt chromecast. And the only one i came across was the cambridge audio cxn v2. And if i spent that kind of money, i wanted a aes-ebu out, which it sadly didnt have. So i figured i had to optimise the CCA as best as i could. And everything used, should be able to continue in service even after i upgraded to the metrum ambre as transport, or the expenditure would be futile.
So got a small 500cvt that i can chuk under my daughters bed. Then the cvt was fed to a isotek evo3 polaris power filter. This inturn feeds a Jay's audio LPSU ( thanks manniraj

And how does it sound after all this faff...in one word...phenomenal

There is dynamic head room and such rich tonality in the mix, 2 main complaints of mine over these last few years. And iam so surprised with the improvement in sound quality that clean power brings.
However , iam not done yet. I still have to add a 500va isolation transformer after the cvt to get the purest power feeding the dac cum preamp and the CCA. Will update once the ultra isoltaion is added in the chain

So no more CCA bashing on the forum i guess. Google designed a great solution , and just left the power end to end users to decide on. Great design and decision by google in the end