Crown XLS 2502 : My Review of Sorts...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2016
1.Initial Impression

My First Impression with Crown XLS 1502 was paired to MA Silver Floorstanders, The Sound was pretty Harsh, coupled with boomy bass; a typical Noisy DJ sound which put me off instantly. Had concluded that it would probably do good for HT purposes where a cheaper amplification is required and an AVR will adjust for Room and tonality etc. This also lead me to abstain looking for Class D solutions to my amplification requirements.

During a period of time I used a variety of amplifiers , Listened to various amplifiers; Mostly Class AB or A, from Krell, Plinius, Martin Logan, Gryphon , Parasound, Vidar, NAD, BAT, NHT, Sansui etc to Name a few.

If you don't want to Get Bored with my Journey of indecisiveness , You Can directly move on to review of XLS 2502 on Para #4 or Conclusions #9.

2. Class D Revisited

While I was contemplating an upgrade for my MA Silver FS + matched amplification , & I was looking for Options for speakers to buy, impulsively bought Flying Mole Class D 100WPC Monoblocks (stop Gap) as my Vidar was Sold . I was pretty intrigued with the Laser sharp stereo image they were capable of producing, with highly resolving bass signature. Almost neutral , devoid of any specific sound signature you can easily ascribe them to.

Recent whatshifi show in Mumbai, there was a interesting Floorstanders made of toughened Glass (yes Glass) called Waterfall Audio, which really excelled in the most neutral presentation. They wer being driven by a Yamaha PXA 500 a Pro series amp mated to Denon AVR as Pre . On asking the French Speaker designer was pretty clear about the higher amplification required to drive them and felt the Yamaha did drive them according his expectations. My reservations with Pro amps & Class D, almost resolved.

Out of the Speakers that I liked, on the top was ATC SCM series which ,with poor sensitivity , usually demanded higher amplification than 100wpc. ATC with the suitable Class AB Amplification was always going above my modest budget for the combo and I was stuck with indecisiveness. Various othe speakers I listened,Which included B&W 700 series, Klipsch 8000f, MA Gold, Heco GT, Sonus Faber Venere, Dynadudio had their own strengths and weaknesses but nothing really came close to the comprehensive signature I was looking for. So the shortlist included ATC SCM 19or40, Magnepen 1.7i , Heco GT & Audionote Level 1 etc. The option of Highly Sensitive Speakers with Tube amplification was dropped because of high intensity Rock /R&B/ Electro/ Bollywood genre I currently listen to. So Warm speakers with matching/overwhwelming amplification was the route I was left with.

3. Magnepan Mc 1 Happened
I loved the soundstage, vocals & highs of Maggies but the my Bass oriented listening , always didn't click all the check-boxes. Finally after much deliberation I Picked Maggies from HFV Classsifieds & with 80hz lower limit , I was clear about using the Subwoofer. @tuff recommended to get Crown , if you want to extract the best out of Maggies.

4. Crown XLS 2502
In spite of my not so impressive initial impressions I went ahead with Crown, saving few bucks instead of Qsc RMX. Gati Screwed up with Maggie delivery, I had lot of time to check the Crown with PMC 20.26. Chain Looked like this.

Roon PC – Gungnir Multibit DAC – Marantz SR7010 (as Pre) – Crown XLS 2502 – PMC 20.26.

Initially again the boom, and harsh Highs & seemed nothing has changed, I was patient enough to give a burn in for 30 odd hours, when the amp started getting more listenable. At 50 + hours it became pretty good and continues to improve from then on. The pairing with Maggies was really magical, with unbelievably huge soundstage and beautiful Highs and vocals, LF below 80 Hz was supported by XTZ 12.17 and the blending was nearly perfect. Apart from Maggies & PMC I tried the XLS with ATC and I got unbelievably lovable SQ response. Not Only Crown drove the ATCs easily , but excelled at every parameter of SQ.

5. Operation:

It is quite intutive, important advantage of this Pro amp is having RCA inputs along with XLR inputs. Only one input works any time and no way to switch between inputs. Prefers XLR input over others. Has input Sensitivity selection 1.4mV (balanced or when youre picking up Noise with Lower sensitivity) or 0.775mV when RCA is used. The LEDs for Clipping and Thermal cannot be switched off via menu, but all other LEDs including LED Panel can be completely shut off without any kind of distraction, Quite useful when using for HT Purpose. Comes with Channel 1 & 2 seperate Gain Control dials, Quite useful for balancing the L?R channels.

It has few Modes to Chose from the Front LED Menu, Stereo Mode is Default, You can Chose Bridge Mode and Y mode etc. LF Pass mode whenyou need to Biamp to drive only the LF driver is quite useful. Has a fan at the back, but I never heard it switching On or any fan noise was heard during my listening (it is probably super quiet).

6. Class & Differences in SQ

These are My comparative observations of Crown XLS with Class AB amps ,YMMV.

Class D runs Cooler, Quieter & provides maximum Watts per buck. The Sound stage, precision etc nothing to complain about. More like garbage in garbage out system, faithful reproduction of what you feed in, no coloration, no rounding of frequencies. Definitely Lacks the micro dynamics and subtle musicality offered by Class AB design Amps and XLS tends to sound more Clinical/Lifeless at times. Class AB sounds more full bodied in general. If you can afford Class AB then it is certainly a preferred approach, make sure to take into account the matching of other components. Adding a tube somewhere in the preamp stage could benefit so will be digital Room correction , I certainly felt more analogish and likable when paired with AMR DP-777 DAC/Pre. XLS is quite powerful and can drive most of the speakers available.

7. Modifications : That Helped to Achieve a decent SQ from the Crown XLS 2502 , compared to my initial experience...

  • Re-Positioning the Speakers: You need to check Positioning of speakers again when you change major components, Pulling the speakers away from front wall and Reducing the Toe in totally, helped in this case.
  • Cables: The stock Power cable isn't pretty good, when I used a Thicker Accuphase 40th Anniversary (Copy) Power cable SQ improved a lot. Going for Thicker guage speaker wire from Kimber 4Tc (used Last time) – to Kimber12 Tc and then a Warmer cable lIke DAC 2 Extreme reduced the harshness by a lot. Even the IC s Changed to Cardas Golden Ref instead of BJC LC1 used earlier. Do try with a 3rd party Power cable with XLS, it works well.
  • DAC: Previously it was a SMSL Su-8 with ESS chipset, was bit brighter compared to Gungnir Multibit, which worked way better when Balanced Connection directly to the DAC was used. Volume was controlled by Roon DSP. Avoid Pairing with Brighter Electronics.
  • Burn in of 50 odd hours, It takes Sweet 30 Minutes to Warm up every time. I didn't have a proper warm up last time.
  • Speakers Themselves : Less brighter (Warmer) speakers should do very well with XLS amps
  • AVR as a Pre (with Audessey) was a better match than SYS Pre used earlier
  • Used Isolation Control Spike/pads for Amp which gave a more precise frequency demarcation (Advisable)
  • Finally the comparison between personally bought XLS vs Loaned XLS ; will have some observer bias

8. Specifications: XLS 2502
  • Number of Channels:2
  • Power Class:Class D
  • Watts/Side @ 8 ohms:440W
  • Watts/Side @ 4 ohms:775W
  • Watts/Side @ 2 ohms:1200W
  • Watts Bridged:2400W @ 4 ohms, 1550W @ 8 ohms
  • Inputs:2 x XLR, 1 x stereo RCA, 2 x 1/4"
  • Outputs:2 x speakON, 2 x Binding Posts
  • Cooling System:Efficient Forced-air Fans
  • DSP:Yes
  • Filters:Yes
  • Rack Spaces:2U
  • Height:3.5"
  • Depth:10.7"
  • Width:19"
  • Weight:10.8 lbs.
  • Price Rs 29000 (Offline Prices are Cheaper)

Genre Tested : Rock, Vocal Jazz, R&B/Pop ,Contemprory Bollywood & AR Rahman.

9. Conclusions:

  • More Watts per Buck, Pretty Powerful
  • Runs Cooler , Quieter
  • Audiophile quality in budget, if you can get the correct component matching and few modifications
  • Plenty of Modes, Inputs , Gain Controls to suit most of your needs
  • Neutral Signature, Adequate details & Non Noisy
  • Pairs very well with Maggies & Warm speakers
  • 3 Years Comprehensive, Robust Warranty from the house of JBL

  • Sounds Clinical/Lifeless with bit less dynamics and musicality
  • Less full bodied sound (Not too thin either)
  • Sounds pretty harsh if not carefully matched
  • Not for everyone. (need to invest further time and money in tweaking)

Hopefully I have answered your Queries @anirudhchandrashekar & @celester340

A nice honest detailed review!

This is a professional amp used widely by my DJ buddies for various places (indoor / outdoor) and pairing it with the right mixers/speakers/active crossovers matters a lot...... once you get it are set!
@drkrack Well written review. I bit the bullet and got myself a 2502 too. Well, to be honest I am quite impressed. I will be posting a detailed first impressions on the same thread maybe sometime this week.

However, at this point of time, I can tell you that people who shun the Crowns are just biased. The highs are very detailed. I am very sure you can change the coloration with DACs, preamps and ICs.

Experiment: Try hooking up this amp to even a fairly sensitive speaker which needs some decent muscle (In my case, it was the Dali Zensor 3 which is 88dB at 6 ohms). Comparing a NAD integrated which is 75wpc in 8 ohms vs the Crown which has headroom for days, I was taken aback when I saw the Zensors behave very differently to the Crowns. It was although the speaker never portrayed any fatigue or a demand for any more power. Everything just became more detailed and clearer. The NAD smoothness was gone but I liked the detailed sound more than the smoothness.
But surely, that smoothness is addicting (more in tubes) and I am sure I can get it back with a NAD preamp or a Tube in the chain.

TL;DR - At the end of the way, if you want pure power to drive some speakers that are notoriously hard to drive, then you can look at this. Is it audiophile grade and can it live up to thousands of dollars of amplification? To my surprise, yes.

I have been talking to various other members of other forums and a good number of them suggested to get a tube pre in the circuit. And these are guys who run expensive equipment ranging from Sonus or Focal or even more.Check out the following photos for your reference:

A Crown XLi hooked up the Sonus.


A Crown standing upto a beast of a Krell.

When spoken to the user, he says he is taken aback by the Crowns because unless you go over 4-5 times the price you pay for amplification, you will not hear a difference in the staging or the depth of sound achieved. He says the highs and mids stand right up the Krell and if done an A/B test, he can only call the Krell apart based on the sound signature rather than sound quality.

And to me, that says a lot!

(A detailed impressions on Crowns with my PSB Synchrony Ones coming soon)
Nice write up. The Crown has it's own set of compromises but when you look at the price tag, everything is forgiven. As you pointed out correctly, pairing with the right electronics is the trick that everyone has to go through regardless of Class D /AB et al. When everything sets in place, the hunt ends and the music listening goes up.
When plenty of power is at hand, it opens up a plethora of choices when it comes to speakers as not every speaker can be driven by an average 50 watt amp satisfactorily. So I highly recommend the Crown as long as the synergy is maintained and proper combo of electronics is in place. I use a Starting point NOS DAC whcih i had put up for sale not too long as initially it was a bit laid back for my tase, but after fiddling with speaker positions, mostly getting the toe in right and the distance from the front wall readjusted , the magic was back. My take on the Crown is exactly the same as yours as it reflects every bit of change in the system be it the source or DAC or cables. I also found thicker guage works well when you are feeding power hungry speakers with a powerful amp than thinner ones.
SO have fun and enjoy the Magnepan sound. Truly magical combo i feel.
A little update to the post if you may:

Just spoke to an old friend (who is a class A purist) - We were reminiscing of those old days where he was running around swapping pure class A muscular amps and cables and whatnot. The conversation turned towards my setup and had to explain my pre-pro route to him. Knowing his purist attitude, I was expected to be shunned down but to my surprise that person has moved to Class D amplification too! And that too the exact same Crowns that I am using!

He runs it for his B&W 802s and says it stood up to 90% of class A and he was more than happy. He too made an impulse buy and went about playing with it for a couple of weeks A-Bing with his humongous amps and other Class ABs. All in all, another happy XLS user with some very high end gear!

My update: I am pretty much adding a tube into the circuit and things are getting very lively!

(Hoping to listen to my crowns on a pair of Magnepans, any owners in Bengaluru?) Maggies and Crowns are getting so much traction from the past couple of years, I am very curious to see for myself!

Taking this conversation forward, what tube pre amp would folks here recommend to bring about some warmth into the chain. A decent starter unit without breaking to much of the bank.
Sure ..lets try this as after reading 100s of posts in various forums, I could not find anyone (not sure why) who might have done a direct comparison. PM me and we can coordinate and then write a review to pacify some lost souls ..
crown xli1500 which is class A/B amp. Does anyone knows how it flairs up
Xli is agreed to be better ; it's class AB and it doesn't have the DSP /DA conversion chain which XLS series has. So more faithful reproduction of sound overall. Same applies to Qsc DCA series amps. Side by side comparison will be more desirable but the internet forums seems to prefer the XLi series.

We can experiment it by hooking up and A-Bing your XLi and my XLS
Definitely you should do it and share the impressions.

what tube pre amp would folks here recommend to
I have tried it with AMR DAC DP 777 (a tube preamp) improves the SQ by huge margin. Since AMR is nowhere in the budget domain, I'd try to compare the SQ difference with Fx audio tube preamp 01 and post my impressions. I have ordered a schiit Freya + as well, and I'll update the thread.

I have been getting quite a few enquiries on the Xls series by different FMs. (I'm not finding time for writing a detailed follow up to my original post) in a nutshell, XLS is good but not great enough for anyone to ditch their existing class A or AB amp and go with XLS in my experience. It covers Nearly 80 - 90% of the performance of AB amps, With Low pass, Balanced and bridging options, it makes a most compelling case for consideration when you are looking for power amplifier on budget.
Hi, how is ur experience with freya + and from where you bought it?
Freya + has been delayed indefinitely due to Hand courier issues, will update the forum Once I get . I Got a CXN V2 recently and using its digital Preamp function, now I have a completely balanced chain, which is working pretty good. The balanced gives at least 1 -2 dB raise in loudness but overall a soothing (less noisy) SQ.

Quick Update: The XLS 2502 suddenly popped last week and went blank. No matter what I do I could not get it powered on. Took it to service center (Service center guy was very particular about invoice) who fixed it over 24 hrs. Apparently, Some Fuse had blown off, which needed replacement , No charges whatsoever. Would take 3 - 4 days if some major parts needed replacement (to be got from Mumbai). Amp is working perfectly fine and no (Audible) issues whatsoever after service center visit.

Now @ 200 hrs + , The performance has been pretty consistent and Pretty happy with it. Will be building a pair of passive subs to be driven by XLS 2502, let us see.
Since Freya was taking a lot of time with inconsistent mule service, I went ahead with Acoustic Portrait Swara Tube preamp and it's fantastic preamp to say the least. I concur with most of the observation by @MaSh on Swara preamp thread, my few observations
1. Bass - Simply amazing, just the way I like it, thumping and highly resolving without boominess. At 80hz lower limit, I never imagined magnepan could satisfy me on the lower notes. But it's simply sounding way better with tube preamp
2. Authority - adding Swara has made the sound more authoritative, no shyness anywhere, bold and beautiful
3. Vocals and midrange has got new lease of life.
4. Dynamics - Dynamics are quite evident now, very beautifully presented too
5. 3D holographic soundstage is very impressive

The match between Clinical(read dry) power amp like Crown XLS is quite synergistic. I'm cursing myself as to Why I didn't think of it earlier? Probably going balanced with Freya was much glamorous preposition. Anyways I wholeheartedly recommend this preamp. With Crown XLS and Swara Preamplifier it's one of the most economical(<60k) and powerful pre / power combo which can drive most of the speakers in authoritative fashion.
Since Freya was taking a lot of time with inconsistent mule service, I went ahead with Acoustic Portrait Swara Tube preamp and it's fantastic preamp to say the least. I concur with most of the observation by @MaSh on Swara preamp thread, my few observations
1. Bass - Simply amazing, just the way I like it, thumping and highly resolving without boominess. At 80hz lower limit, I never imagined magnepan could satisfy me on the lower notes. But it's simply sounding way better with tube preamp
2. Authority - adding Swara has made the sound more authoritative, no shyness anywhere, bold and beautiful
3. Vocals and midrange has got new lease of life.
4. Dynamics - Dynamics are quite evident now, very beautifully presented too
5. 3D holographic soundstage is very impressive

The match between Clinical(read dry) power amp like Crown XLS is quite synergistic. I'm cursing myself as to Why I didn't think of it earlier? Probably going balanced with Freya was much glamorous preposition. Anyways I wholeheartedly recommend this preamp. With Crown XLS and Swara Preamplifier it's one of the most economical(<60k) and powerful pre / power combo which can drive most of the speakers in authoritative fashion.
Now your review is enticing.

I am really tempted .....
Since Freya was taking a lot of time with inconsistent mule service, I went ahead with Acoustic Portrait Swara Tube preamp and it's fantastic preamp to say the least. I concur with most of the observation by @MaSh on Swara preamp thread, my few observations
1. Bass - Simply amazing, just the way I like it, thumping and highly resolving without boominess. At 80hz lower limit, I never imagined magnepan could satisfy me on the lower notes. But it's simply sounding way better with tube preamp
2. Authority - adding Swara has made the sound more authoritative, no shyness anywhere, bold and beautiful
3. Vocals and midrange has got new lease of life.
4. Dynamics - Dynamics are quite evident now, very beautifully presented too
5. 3D holographic soundstage is very impressive

The match between Clinical(read dry) power amp like Crown XLS is quite synergistic. I'm cursing myself as to Why I didn't think of it earlier? Probably going balanced with Freya was much glamorous preposition. Anyways I wholeheartedly recommend this preamp. With Crown XLS and Swara Preamplifier it's one of the most economical(<60k) and powerful pre / power combo which can drive most of the speakers in authoritative fashion.
would you recommend crown xls over swara poweramp and where did you bought crown from
Ahhh so the bass contribution even in my setup is from AP. The first time I heard my kef produce bass, I ran to the svs to see if it was on, only to realise it wasn't even connected.

would you recommend crown xls over swara poweramp and where did you bought crown from

Buy the power amp that suits your speakers ; buy the speakers that suits your music taste and that sound amazing in your Room /Home.
Crown Xls is not for everyone, better get it on loan locally for few days and then go with the purchase.

As far as Acoustic Portrait Swara Tube Preamp goes ; its hard to find a better tube preamp under 30k, you can't go wrong with it!
Anybody who has heard both Swara tube preamp and Lyrita DHT pre could tell which one would ne a better buy ? .Tried contacted Mr Viren but nobody was picking the landline. Any idea who deals in Swara in Delhi
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!