The Giveaway Thread

Had I been in your or even around/near your place, I would have cherished the gems once possessed by your father. However I would want to convey my condolences for your loss .But friend please think for some timebefore you give away those as a forum friend has already suggested. Don't know whether I am right or wrong but can't refrain from telling you. Please don't mind.
I would love to have the classical and devotional lot, but Krishna, I would like you to ponder over the stuff before you actually give it away. Think before you actually dispose. Thanks

Had I been in your or even around/near your place, I would have cherished the gems once possessed by your father. However I would want to convey my condolences for your loss. But friend please think for some time before you give away those as a forum friend has already suggested. Don't know whether I am right or wrong but can't refrain from telling you. Please don't mind.

I am a bit embarrassed to ask... can you please be more specific with your thoughts?


Padosaan - Page 2 serial no 43
Tamil - Page 7 serial no 1 to 35

Hindi Film Songs
24, 41,42, 45,49, 51, 61, 66,68,74,79,81

Carnatic Instrumental
1 to 14


I will sort them out and update.

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Hi Krishna,
Here go my thoughts. That collection is your father's. His passion, his music, his selection, his loves.
Maybe if you keep these keepsakes, some of his music or tastes will remind you of him though it may be anything, one never knows.
I am myself in a bereavement stage despite it being 1.5 years ago though my father is still alive. It is someone else in my case.
Anyways, my thought is that you should hold on until you and your mother can clearly see what you want to do with his things be it musical or non musical.
I have no thought of stopping someone else getting the tapes/things.
My two cent thoughts that's all.
I am a bit embarrassed to ask... can you please be more specific with your thoughts?


I will sort them out and update.

Sorry for not being clear to you. I would humbly say to you to rethink your decision. Actually having read your post I can remember my personal losses as both my father and mother passed away in the gap of 2 years. My mom passed away 2weeks ago. So I can feel your sorrow. Friend you decision is yours and I don't want to intervene .If my opinion hurts you then I am really very sorry.what I would like to say was that if possible why not preserve those gems?
Dear @hydrovac

I feel sorry for your loss. Please allow me to share my views.

The first death that I remember is of my elder sister 37 years ago when I was eight years old. Today, I don't even have a photo of her but that does not mean I don't remember her. All her memories are as clear as if it happened just a year ago,

Then it was my grandfather. This January it was my niece who passed away. It was very painful as she had stayed with us till she was seven. In this case too, I don't have a photo of them with me now. Case in point is, I feel it is not the material things that remind me of them but the good times that I had.

My grandfather was an avid reader and he had more than 10000 books. At that point of time, I had asked my father to donate them but he did not for whatever reasons. I feel sorry that the books could not be cared for and were in such a sorry state and they had to be thrown away.

Whatever your father worked hard for and has collected will surely remind you of him but the question is how long can you preserve them. Will your kids or your spouse have the same respect and feelings towards that stuff? The music stuff in your case, the cassettes, their beauty lies in the music that they hold. If you are not into cassettes then you can only appreciate them for sentimental values. By donating, you pass on the legacy of your father to others who will cherish them for the value they hold. Otherwise, they may lie forgotten buried somewhere and with time the music stored will no longer be accessible.

We are both different people and have our own way of thinking and priorities, so its not necessary that you agree with me. Please don't take me as being insensitive but I could not help myself penning my thoughts. Forgive me if I have hurt your sentiments in anyway.

I have this rack that has 2 levels which is roughly 60" wide (so 3 standard components will fit side by side on each level for 6 total), about 16" deep and about 12 " high. There is vague picture of this in this thread (please note the pics show aluminium uprights but I am giving away SS ones - and also the bottom small upright is not available, one can screw spikes directly). The 2 level shelves are mdf, which I had my carpenter make (with holes for ventilation and to stop vibrations), and the uprights are stainless steel rods which I bought from FM Nikhil. Only things missing are 8 spikes that will screw into this from the bottom shelf. If there is any interest for pick up only in hyderabad from my place in Jubilee Hills let me know. I think with the mdf and ss hardware I paid close to 16k. Basic spikes (8 nos) may cost you 3-4 k either from Nikhil or from FM Magma. Lazy to take pictures as it is a big rack, but it is lying unused so I prefer to give it away. I have the top caps, and also bottom caps, but one really needs to buy spikes to make it a proper/stable/vibration proof rack.
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Hi Sidvee,
Can I have this?
I will of course pay any shipping.
My present stand has bent and may crack.
Can't afford a new one right now.
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I have this rack that has 2 levels which is roughly 60" wide (so 3 standard components will fit side by side on each level for 6 total), about 16" deep and about 12 " high. There is vague picture of this in this thread (please note the pics show aluminium uprights but I am giving away SS ones - and also the bottom small upright is not available, one can screw spikes directly). The 2 level shelves are mdf, which I had my carpenter make (with holes for ventilation and to stop vibrations), and the uprights are stainless steel rods which I bought from FM Nikhil. Only things missing are 8 spikes that will screw into this from the bottom shelf. If there is any interest for pick up only in hyderabad from my place in Jubilee Hills let me know. I think with the mdf and ss hardware I paid close to 16k. Basic spikes (8 nos) may cost you 3-4 k either from Nikhil or from FM Magma. Lazy to take pictures as it is a big rack, but it is lying unused so I prefer to give it away. I have the top caps, and also bottom caps, but one really needs to buy spikes to make it a proper/stable/vibration proof rack.

If none of the FMs from Hyderabad are not interested, a friend would like to have it, he is not on the forum.
Hi Sidvee,
I am desperate for a rack. I will even post pictures to post my urgency of the bend rack.
Please please reserve the rack for me.
Vinod R
Sorry Vinod, I cannot ship the rack due to:
1. No packing materials
2. It is very large
My apologies again.
Have 3 fms interested in the rack.
Currently it is on hold for 1 FM. I have communicated to him and will update when rack is picked up else will give to FM next in line.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.