Spaghetti Western Music Fans..... Anyone ?


Active Member
Dec 23, 2008
New Delhi
Growing up during my pre teen years i was lucky to watch some great movies on the big screen. Scenes from these movies got ingrained in my brain. Some English movies which left an indelible impression on the mind are Patton, Saturday Night Fever, The Good The Bad and The Ugly and Enter the Dragon, just to name a few.

A lot of the Western movies of that era had great soundtrack, echoing the mood of the scene in the movie, wherein you could almost sense the eeriness, tension or hope from the music playing in the back ground. Filled with Spanish guitars, instrumentation, trumpets, harmonica and the rhythms of a freight train ,music of these movies is filled with motifs that transport you to the period and style where the movie was shot.

The sheer imagery, violence , larger than life sets, brilliant acting and amazing music score of any great movie somehow seeps into your being and becomes a part of you.

Much later with the advent of the VHS tape and then the Internet and DVDs ,saw these classic westerns again and the theme music evoked a sense of nostalgia. Delving deeper into these simple and catchy tunes i chanced upon a new genre of music called the Spaghetti Western Movies (Music) genre. Then started the journey to explore this awesome less known genre.

The Spaghetti Western genre films appeared somewhere in the 1960s and Ennio Morricone gave the music score for the more famous Dollars Trilogy - A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, which starred a young Clint Eastwood. The music score of these movies made this genre famous and influenced many artists over the years. I guess more than 500 of these Spaghetti western movies were made over the years.

It is easy to relate to the music and the mood if you have seen the movie before. In current times with lockdown and work from home many of us have spare time , so for the uninitiated it is a good time to explore this genre of movies and music.

Here is a Video on why Spaghetti Western music is so cool

Here is a list of top 20 Spaghetti Western Soundtracks give on some website to get you started

Any Spaghetti Western fans here?

Do post and share your favourite Spaghetti Western music score or theme music here.

I will kick off by posting one

More recent ones.
(1) Unforgiven. - What a daring gutsy end scene.
(2) Django unchained - Seen in bits and pieces. Too much blood. But Tarantino is known for gore and blood.
I never knew they were called spaghetti western music. But I love the music. Have seen and enjoyed most movies which you listed.

Spaghetti to denote the Italian film makers. Distinguishes the films from Westerns made by the Spanish and other Europeans. Wonder what they’d call if Indians made Westerns (Sholay in Texas!): ‘Dosa Western’ or ‘Western Tikka’?
oops. sorry. dont know how I read thread title 'movies' instead of 'music'.
The soundtrack is by Ennio Morricone. I have his best of CD of his which is worth having if you are a fan. Here is the Picture of that.
Ennio Morricone - The Very Best Of (2000, Minidisc) | Discogs

And if you want a crazed jazz version (and you need to be hard core into modern jazz for it) please listen to John Zorn’s Big Gundown. Ideally when your family is away as they may otherwise send you to a mental institution for liking it.
Thanks for the recommendation Shafic. I have not seen this Clint Eastwood movie. Yes you are right the music score is excellent too. Will try to search for this movie today. :) :)


You are welcome buddy.

And try to watch his 'Pale Rider' too.
Excellent movie.
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This was probably the best revisionist western I watched. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, Stagecoach, The Searchers etc being the classic ones that I enjoyed.
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