Please Advise : for my first HT Build 5.1.2 at Kolkata

Update : after almost 10 months i had placed the order last Friday for 5.1.2 setup.
Avr- nad t758v3 ( for Dirac mainly took this)
L/R- Oberon 5
C- Oberon vokal
Surround- Oberon on wall
Atmos- alteco c1
Sub - e12f

hopefully i will get them by next week from Mumbai. mean while want to decide the power connection , speaker wire ect. and need to build a cabinet later do not have much money now.

Switch board - I have four connection point 3 are in inverter and 15 amp one plug is in direct line (4 mm wire behind it). What are the changes i need to do here, does this connection suffice or i need to alter anything.


Protection for my gear : i am located at kolkata and have wbse connection, where electrical power fluctuation happens some times, have gone through earlier posts of many FM and understand that servo based stab or an online ups will be best solution. my front stage has small space around 70 inches in that i have to accommodate a cabinet for electronic, one Sub e12f , tv stand and two tower , so i have very less foot print for keeping this stab or online ups. I had check online ups will take much space coz it will come with separate battery rack so canceled it, now reg stab , had call vertex but they will not do business at kolkata , restricted to south India only.
let me know a similar solution which i can buy at kolkata 2 kva is enough for me.
also spoken to sen and pandit at kolkata they has a model but it 15x15 too big , vertex was only 9 inch width which will be perfect for me but cant help they do not do business here. So please help which servo or some other solution i can go for to solve this problem.

Sub woofer connection: Do i need to plug the sub in separate wall port or i can plug it in same extension spike buster like below.
Speaker wire: my room size is (WxHxL) 10x9x12, my vendor who is assisting me with all the HT equipments (auditro), told he has 16 awg cable, i find in forums 14 AWG is better, let me know should i go with 16 awg or 14 awg.


Banana plug: for current situation i am only getting two options from amazon, hence audito do not have them now, as already spend a lot want to keep it in some budget so can I go with amazon basic one?

AmazonBasics Banana Plugs - Deadbolt Type, 6 Pairs - rs 1449
Mediabridge Banana Plugs - Corrosion-Resistant 24K Gold-Plated Connectors - 12 Pair/24 Banana Plugs (Part# SPC-BP2-12) - rs 8064 (expensive)

sorry for asking lot of questions , do not have much idea so if you have some time please guide me.

I also want to thank you all for educating me and help me for this setup till now. specially below guys.

@shibashis @dillihifi@ Love4sound @Srinivasa Rao @Barun7 @elangoas

Update : after almost 10 months i had placed the order last Friday for 5.1.2 setup.
Avr- nad t758v3 ( for Dirac mainly took this)
L/R- Oberon 5
C- Oberon vokal
Surround- Oberon on wall
Atmos- alteco c1
Sub - e12f

hopefully i will get them by next week from Mumbai. mean while want to decide the power connection , speaker wire ect. and need to build a cabinet later do not have much money now.

Switch board - I have four connection point 3 are in inverter and 15 amp one plug is in direct line (4 mm wire behind it). What are the changes i need to do here, does this connection suffice or i need to alter anything.

View attachment 46536

Protection for my gear : i am located at kolkata and have wbse connection, where electrical power fluctuation happens some times, have gone through earlier posts of many FM and understand that servo based stab or an online ups will be best solution. my front stage has small space around 70 inches in that i have to accommodate a cabinet for electronic, one Sub e12f , tv stand and two tower , so i have very less foot print for keeping this stab or online ups. I had check online ups will take much space coz it will come with separate battery rack so canceled it, now reg stab , had call vertex but they will not do business at kolkata , restricted to south India only.
let me know a similar solution which i can buy at kolkata 2 kva is enough for me.
also spoken to sen and pandit at kolkata they has a model but it 15x15 too big , vertex was only 9 inch width which will be perfect for me but cant help they do not do business here. So please help which servo or some other solution i can go for to solve this problem.

View attachment 46537
Sub woofer connection: Do i need to plug the sub in separate wall port or i can plug it in same extension spike buster like below.
View attachment 46546
Speaker wire: my room size is (WxHxL) 10x9x12, my vendor who is assisting me with all the HT equipments (auditro), told he has 16 awg cable, i find in forums 14 AWG is better, let me know should i go with 16 awg or 14 awg.

View attachment 46549

Banana plug: for current situation i am only getting two options from amazon, hence audito do not have them now, as already spend a lot want to keep it in some budget so can I go with amazon basic one?

AmazonBasics Banana Plugs - Deadbolt Type, 6 Pairs - rs 1449
Mediabridge Banana Plugs - Corrosion-Resistant 24K Gold-Plated Connectors - 12 Pair/24 Banana Plugs (Part# SPC-BP2-12) - rs 8064 (expensive)

sorry for asking lot of questions , do not have much idea so if you have some time please guide me.

I also want to thank you all for educating me and help me for this setup till now. specially below guys.

@shibashis @dillihifi@ Love4sound @Srinivasa Rao @Barun7 @elangoas


Congrats in your purchase and happy to help. Regarding stabilizer check with Kolkata FM’s.I use 16awg wires for my room where dimensions is similar to yours. I got C&E from amazon and they are good.
Is it a CESC connection? If it is, you should not worry much. But remember to spend some cash on the earthing .. I've done so since a lot of electrical gears are at stake! If it is WBSEB, then you should get some protection and you have done your research well! Your switch board should not have issues in power supply.
That's a great system you have assembled. You can ask Mr. Mittal to get the plugs on a later date but I would not recommend spending 8k on plugs right away.
Thank you all, for encouragement and good wishes.:):)

Is it a CESC connection? If it is, you should not worry much. But remember to spend some cash on the earthing .. I've done so since a lot of electrical gears are at stake! If it is WBSEB, then you should get some protection and you have done your research well! Your switch board should not have issues in power supply.
That's a great system you have assembled. You can ask Mr. Mittal to get the plugs on a later date but I would not recommend spending 8k on plugs right away.

Yes Barun I am located at wbsedcl area near kolkata Airport, so more worried about this power fluctuation, our house is very old and only one earthing we have but that is not up to the mark i do need to work on it. though every time electrician tested it with bulb and say earthing does not have any issue. but i tested with digital multi meter and e-p was 230 - 233 but e-n was 2 - 2.5 varies, so it is not good. I also planned earlier to fix it but never worked on that later. Now with in next week its not possible, have to do it later only.

For now need some solution which will save my gear from low or high power fluctuation, Do you guys know any servo small foot print stab.

I was taking to one of my friend who is using an online UPS for his server rack and he was strongly suggesting to take that , my concern is it has external battery and i do not have space to keep them , so discuss with one of our old colleague who work on power electronics, he was suggesting just to take online 1kva ups with battery build in, but it will give backup for only 10 min.

I am thinking 10 min is enough for powering off my system , any ways i will not watch movies on battery backup, if my budget match i may go with it.(do not know the price yet)
Do you guys think it will be good? if not please suggest a servo stab like vertex at kolkata.

NB: Barun as you said not taking banana plug for now.

Another hurdle, I have sony KD43x8300d Android 4k tv, but it doesn't has an earc port, only arc is there, so though I get Netflix on it but I think it will not send the Atmos to avr and it will not work.
Should I buy a dvd player like sony UDP x700 to get Dolby Atmos by dvd or online streaming, hence it supports Dolby Atmos and vision and it also has streaming capabilities..or any other solution, I will go for.. please suggest best way out for this bummer ... something which I can get in india.
Update : after almost 10 months i had placed the order last Friday for 5.1.2 setup.
Avr- nad t758v3 ( for Dirac mainly took this)
L/R- Oberon 5
C- Oberon vokal
Surround- Oberon on wall
Atmos- alteco c1
Sub - e12f

hopefully i will get them by next week from Mumbai

So you have taken the plunge finally!!
All the best
Can you share the prices at which you placed the order for the above equipment?
Akshay ji (auditro) help me with all the equipments..I got 10% off over the mrp on speakers and 20% on NAD. Mrp you will get at auditro websites (

Guys can you please suggest me something alternative of nvidia shield..not finding that any where, currently I do not have anything which will help me to play or stream with atoms.

Literary i will remain in 5.1 until I get something. So please help.

Akshay ji (auditro) help me with all the equipments..I got 10% off over the mrp on speakers and 20% on NAD. Mrp you will get at auditro websites (

Guys can you please suggest me something alternative of nvidia shield..not finding that any where, currently I do not have anything which will help me to play or stream with atoms.

Literary i will remain in 5.1 until I get something. So please help.

Not sure about streaming but get a cheap Blu-ray player till you can find a way to buy shield. Sony bdp 1500 should be available within 6k and it will play atmos from usb. Only draw back is it won’t play dolby digital plus, tru HD and atmos in mkv format but will support atmos in m2ts format. The blu ray player will also have an inbuilt YouTube and Netflix app
Thank you mate, I am looking for a solution which will do Netflix and play downloaded file in Atmos.
My budget is 10 to 15 k for now.
Thank you mate, I am looking for a solution which will do Netflix and play downloaded file in Atmos.
My budget is 10 to 15 k for now.
It will play downloaded files atmos but you should download it in m2ts format. If I download the remux files which will be in mkv format it won’t
Update :-Took a zappiti mini 4k HDR media player.
Which will play offline movies, hopping my tv will do online part in for now if all goes well then, it will do Atmos with offline contents, 5.1 with online content.

Thank you guys for all help.. educating my self everyday almost by reading lot of post, FM did on this forum earlier and recently, we have lot of bedeshi forums..but hifivision help me to understand our local day to day issues and it's solutions. Which is remarkable indeed.

I am still left with a power solutions..may be go with a online inbuilt battery ups..1 kva.
Will not drive my sub with it rest will be on it.
Correct me if you think m going wrong direction.
@Monotosh congrats on your purchase. I can give some inputs on below areas
1. Wall Connections - Definitely 4 sockets not enough for HT, you either need a very good quality extension board / spike buster like Belkin or get the rewiring to have at least 8 sockets. Why? Here is one example - TV / Projector, BD Player, Streaming Device / Media Player, DTH, AVR, Subwoofer, HTPC, NAS. That is already 8. If you later on upgrade to dedicated stereo setup then Amp, Pre, DAC, CDP / Streaming Music player. So you understand how this need can grow? And of course remove the inverter connection and may be keep provision to draw them from isolation transformer even if you keep that outside your room. But then again note that the moment you plug cheap SMPS driven equipment like DTH, typical 5 volt power adapters, in the same board it has potential to distort the power of other equipment too. So power isolation planning is very important. Not that it matters much in HT but more in Stereo of course.
2. Speaker Wire - Go for 14 AWG for L,R.C and 16 AWG for the rest. Also keep a check on how long your rear and roof cables are running as depending on AWG signal degrades over distance. Refer below links for understanding and research a bit online
3. Banana - Of course ideal way is to tie and bind the wires to the posts on speakers and AVR, Bananas add convenience even if you want to take out the AVR for any troubleshooting or even try new speakers. My suggestion go for Gold Plated Media Bridge ones as you will buy them only once and our humid weather is not gentle on metal items anyway.

Hope this helps.
Thank you , Saikat for elaborate reply. you are 100% correct 4 sockets are not enough, but can only extend through extension cord for now. have order one Belkin 8 port extension board.

at least if all ok later down the line I might go for a 100 watt Power amp for two more atoms channel and one integrated amp for better stereo experience.
but currently my ear is not mature enough to hear the difference except warm and brightness. So i will try to continue with AVR only for now.

I lay a separate power line direct from main through a MCP (with 6 mm wire ) for electronics mainly AVR and zappity media player. And later if i go for a separate stereo setup for that i have taken a distributed wall socket from this 6 mm main line. so on that board 2 separate plug will be there direct from main, and rest of two drive by exide pure sign wave inverter (dnt know how pure it is but my tv is running on it and if power cut happen it does not restart till now), i will put the TV and set of box on them may be.

Speaker wire i might go with amazon basic 12 AWG for L/R/C , rest will be with 16 AWG.

Banana plug i will take later mate now m in tight budget ... I am more concern on online in build battery UPS or a servo stab. Still not order yet.
still little confused. so holding some budget for that.

if you want to suggest some please do, for a good online UPS/ servo stab which i can find in kolkata.

if you want to suggest some please do, for a good online UPS/ servo stab which i can find in kolkata.

I am in the same boat as you are and online UPS I know APC is great but costly and there are some online threads on this forum on various other brand. The point being all such devices that depends heavily on clock like DAC, CD Player or even your AVR that has in built DAC and you are utilizing it, add to that pre amp to a small extend will benefit in SQ if you isolate them from other devices that use SMPS based power like Gaming Consoles, Set Top Box, even TV, Router, etc. Yes the other benefit of UPS is to guard against sudden power cuts or fluctuations.
Another hurdle, I have sony KD43x8300d Android 4k tv, but it doesn't has an earc port, only arc is there, so though I get Netflix on it but I think it will not send the Atmos to avr and it will not work.
Should I buy a dvd player like sony UDP x700 to get Dolby Atmos by dvd or online streaming, hence it supports Dolby Atmos and vision and it also has streaming capabilities..or any other solution, I will go for.. please suggest best way out for this bummer ... something which I can get in india.

Streaming service like Netflix sends the Atmos metadata via DD+ so regular ARC should do the trick if your AVR supports Atmos.
I am in the same boat as you are and online UPS I know APC is great but costly and there are some online threads on this forum on various other brand. The point being all such devices that depends heavily on clock like DAC, CD Player or even your AVR that has in built DAC and you are utilizing it, add to that pre amp to a small extend will benefit in SQ if you isolate them from other devices that use SMPS based power like Gaming Consoles, Set Top Box, even TV, Router, etc. Yes the other benefit of UPS is to guard against sudden power cuts or fluctuations.
I have recently bought an APC 1.1kVa (Model no. BX1100C-IN ) regular pc ups for my 2.1 setup plus Integrated amp. Till date it's working fine. Though read here in diffrent threads regarding modified square wave ac output of online ups and negative effects of it on different components . I am using this ups solely to prevent any damage due to sudden outage or voltage flactuatuation and to get ample time to safely shut down all my equipments.

Btw, Congratulations @Monotosh for your new setup.
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