Found this thread after actually buying sony 55 7500h which was quite an impulsive decision tbh backed up by lucrative offers on independence sale.
I was actually researching and looking for a good 55inch tv up to 60k since past few days, but final call was struck between budget and value offered, so day before yesterday i just walked into a store keeping in mind the offers which usually are around in the sale period, the sale executive told me that this 7500h 55inch sony tv is on special price today 66k (take it or leave it deal ,also a deal which he confidently told no one could match) from the original price of around 80k , the cash back was 6k on hdfc so it was a 60k deal
Told him to get me a deal for 63k , he told me that he will have to get approval for the same , waited for a while and got the approval , so zeroed on 63k less 6k cashback, so basically got the
TV for 57k (also no cost emi 9months) , leaving behind all the research and comparisons done earlier , just bought it thinking sony tv will eventually do justice for the price paid.
I too wanted the TV for the sole purpose of watching OTT contents , and now with delivery still awaited you have created quite a confusion in my mind raising questions on absence of dolby vision.
You have mentioned the deal you got for 55-7500h was 65K after Sony credits of around 35% on MRP , if this is what it is then i guess you should look for better deals and perhaps ill just settle my self with the idea that i can manage without Dolby vision for the given price
