Breaking up with Hi Fi

Vivek Batra

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2019
Dear FMs

Something is running in to my mind so thought of sharing with you all for the best steps forward

For quite sometime now, I am struggling with a a very stong thought of breaking up with Hi Fi. Well I am still very new in to Hi Fi but not music. It all started around mid of 2018 when I felt like upgrading my self from phones/laptop to a good music system and by early 2019 acquiring my first setup. I had some bitter expereinces with that and I learned from them.

For my second attempt, I invested a lot of time, patience, money and took trouble to acquire my dream system. Which comprises of Luxman 590 AX II integrated amplifier, Luxman DA-06 DAC and Klipsch Forte III speakers.

I still remember the days when I use to drool over by looking at the pics of the above listed components (had no means to see these beautiful components in real before you actually buy) and in online reviews. For me these components together make a ultimate system for me, very resolving, musical and life like, which I should be able to enjoy for the rest of my life and for sure can pass on to gen next (my son) without even thinking of upgrading anything.

Inspite of achieving all what I was dieing for in the past, I am not at peace and restless. You may call me old school either becuase the fun and the joy I get from a little radio is not there when I listen to my setup. Its not the the SQ is not there or it doesn't sound great. Its just my mental state at the point of time, not a proper space, not a proper room. Its kinda shame to treat such a great system like that. I almost feel forced to listen to my system for the sake of using it beacuse I have spent so much money/efforts/time and many restless nights before acquiring it, this is truly very miserable thing to do in my view.

I am slowly relaizing few things about my self first, I love music more than "how the music is being reproduced". If I like the music, the singer, the lyrics then thats more than enough for me. Secondly, I am a background listener no doubt in that. I simply do not have the patience to sit in front of the systen and do nothing but just play music, I can't do that. Though it happened for may be once or twice but thats hard for me baring in the company of few drinks ;). I tried many ways to change my self but I guess that time is gone to bring about adrastic change in my self.

Morover I do not own the current place and this system deserves a far better room and a more serious listener than me. This feeling is there for quite some time now, may be few of you might have figured this out from my earlier posts around such feeling.

I want to say good bye to Hi Fi at this moment, I am not for this this is not for me. I am not saying good bye to music, but listening to music through Hi Fi. My day starts with a good 2 to 3 hours of FM session, that keeps me happy for the day.

About the gear, with utmost pain, if this feeling refuses to go away, I will have to part with my system. So if you see any sale post from me in coming days, that means going back to basics is imminent :(

I will still be part of HFV, I have made many good friends from here and have learnt many things and still learning. I will try to contribute/help others as much as I could.

Thanks for reading this.

Very thoughtful and well-written. I do agree that this "hobby" is more than just about the music. As you correctly said, if it was just about the music, there are many easier/painless ways to get there.

Thus, I never subscribed to this whole "music-first" audiophile philosophy. If you are an audiophile, then it is gear/tweaking/constantly striving for better that comes first!
There's nothing wrong in being a background listener.
Most of us don't find to sit exclusively in front of our rigs.
Your gen-2 rig is just a few months old. Give it time to grow on you.
Don't worry about room, cables, power, resolution, etc. Just listen to the music.
If parting, start with the speakers. Luxman will generally pair well with a wide range of speakers.

From my own personal experience, I acquired KEF R300 in Dec 2015.
It has taken me about 4-5 years to realize how to make them sing to my liking.
Each step, addition into the rig has been a small one.
But everyone of them has brought in a positive effect.

Chill. As in the Bobby Farrel song "Don't worry ... Be happy"

hi Vivek,

Many will see where you are coming from. Coming to the consequent action, Unless there is a financial or a spatial constraint, I would recommending holding on and not selling your system immediately. (chances are, the haircut you will need to take will be a matter of regret later) I assume it has been put together with a lot of thought and is synergistic, if so, its only the orientation that you have that needs change. take a break from listening critically and then go back to listening on your rig. that break often helps.

all the best
Dear FMs

Something is running in to my mind so thought of sharing with you all for the best steps forward

For quite sometime now, I am struggling with a a very stong thought of breaking up with Hi Fi. Well I am still very new in to Hi Fi but not music. It all started around mid of 2018 when I felt like upgrading my self from phones/laptop to a good music system and by early 2019 acquiring my first setup. I had some bitter expereinces with that and I learned from them.

For my second attempt, I invested a lot of time, patience, money and took trouble to acquire my dream system. Which comprises of Luxman 590 AX II integrated amplifier, Luxman DA-06 DAC and Klipsch Forte III speakers.

I still remember the days when I use to drool over by looking at the pics of the above listed components (had no means to see these beautiful components in real before you actually buy) and in online reviews. For me these components together make a ultimate system for me, very resolving, musical and life like, which I should be able to enjoy for the rest of my life and for sure can pass on to gen next (my son) without even thinking of upgrading anything.

Inspite of achieving all what I was dieing for in the past, I am not at peace and restless. You may call me old school either becuase the fun and the joy I get from a little radio is not there when I listen to my setup. Its not the the SQ is not there or it doesn't sound great. Its just my mental state at the point of time, not a proper space, not a proper room. Its kinda shame to treat such a great system like that. I almost feel forced to listen to my system for the sake of using it beacuse I have spent so much money/efforts/time and many restless nights before acquiring it, this is truly very miserable thing to do in my view.

I am slowly relaizing few things about my self first, I love music more than "how the music is being reproduced". If I like the music, the singer, the lyrics then thats more than enough for me. Secondly, I am a background listener no doubt in that. I simply do not have the patience to sit in front of the systen and do nothing but just play music, I can't do that. Though it happened for may be once or twice but thats hard for me baring in the company of few drinks ;). I tried many ways to change my self but I guess that time is gone to bring about adrastic change in my self.

Morover I do not own the current place and this system deserves a far better room and a more serious listener than me. This feeling is there for quite some time now, may be few of you might have figured this out from my earlier posts around such feeling.

I want to say good bye to Hi Fi at this moment, I am not for this this is not for me. I am not saying good bye to music, but listening to music through Hi Fi. My day starts with a good 2 to 3 hours of FM session, that keeps me happy for the day.

About the gear, with utmost pain, if this feeling refuses to go away, I will have to part with my system. So if you see any sale post from me in coming days, that means going back to basics is imminent :(

I will still be part of HFV, I have made many good friends from here and have learnt many things and still learning. I will try to contribute/help others as much as I could.

Thanks for reading this.

Impressive. It takes wisdom to understand yourself. Very few ppl in this world really know who they are and what they really want.. ur post made me feel like "ye banda apne aap ko kitne ache se jaanta hai yaar"
Impressive. It takes wisdom to understand yourself. Very few ppl in this world really know who they are and what they really want.. ur post made me feel like "ye banda apne aap ko kitne ache se jaanta hai yaar"
Thanks for your kind words. But I guess you exaggerated it a bit. ;)
Vivek, I’ve been following your posts and journey for a while now. And I was fearing this frustration might creep in at some stage. Overthinking about equipment can take the joy out of listening for those of us whose primary interest is not audiophilic/DIY - those of us for whom the gear is a means and not the end. You do say you’ve enjoyed the audiophilic journey in this forum and beyond and would want to continue your engagement. But you don’t want to keep working on your own rig. I recollect having warned you that you’d need to be up for a long-drawn process of experimentation, understanding your equipment, the synergy in your setting and context and also explore your own audio preferences. It’s been almost four years for me and it’s only in the last few months can I say I feel at peace with what I have and the results I get out of it. And it has allowed me to focus on my primary goal - music. And no, I haven’t reached it by giving up on the research and experimentation or on hi-fi itself, but by reaching what I’d call a certain inner conclusion with it - it’s a home-coming feeling, reached experientially. That would have never happened (and I doubt it happens with anyone) immediately after buying the components and putting them together, no matter how carefully selected.

Can I suggest you to try the opposite? Stop visiting the forum for the next three months. And keep listening to your hi-fi system, whichever way you choose to engage with it. Consider this as an experiment. Don’t even discuss with anyone about your system. Just you and the system and the music. See where it leads by the end of that period.

It’s not the loss you might suffer if you eventually give up on the hi-fi components, but the abortion of a passionate exercise mid-way without taking it to its logical destination that I would like to warn you against. Expending all the energy at the start might drain us out of what’s needed for the long haul. Check if that’s not happening with you right now. Also check if it’s not a pattern.

I am risking being blunt in saying all this. Risking not just getting spurned (would understand if that happens), but also risking adding to your current distress if you consider these arguments. Because I believe it could lead to longer term fulfilment and growth.
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This was the very reason we all were suggesting you to go slow with your purchase instead of having aim of buying something and staying for it with life, that too a blind purchase.
Forced listening is never going to be liked and I am glad you are accepting you can't do it .
But like all I am also advising you to hold on to the setup and let it grow on you.
Absolutely not necessary to listen with full concentration , just listen to it way you like.
The financial hit you will take to sell setup in a hurry is not worth and to be frank don't expect you can reduce ten percent off the price you paid and it will sell soon
How ever brand new it is.

Again, there is absolutely no issue to be a background listener
Can I suggest you to try the opposite? Stop visiting the forum for the next three months. And keep listening to your hi-fi system, whichever way you choose to engage with it. Consider this as an experiment. Don’t even discuss with anyone about your system. Just you and the system and the music. See where it leads by the end of that period.
Hi Sachin

I totally agree, may be taking a long break could be a solution. May be I can go a step further by tucking away all the equipment for a while and only assemble it back when I miss it miserably I am taking it for granted now. I guess when we achieve something, we forget the time when we were trying to achieve that and somehow don't value what we have. I know it's too philosophical ;) .

The problem is with my approach that I know very well.

Thanks for sharing thoughts.


Stop visiting the forum for the next three months
That's the hardest part. :)
Can I suggest you to try the opposite? Stop visiting the forum for the next three months. And keep listening to your hi-fi system, whichever way you choose to engage with it. Consider this as an experiment. Don’t even discuss with anyone about your system. Just you and the system and the music. See where it leads by the end of that period.
I second this. Please do try this.
This was the very reason we all were suggesting you to go slow with your purchase instead of having aim of buying something and staying for it with life, that too a blind purchase.
Forced listening is never going to be liked and I am glad you are accepting you can't do it .
But like all I am also advising you to hold on to the setup and let it grow on you.
Absolutely not necessary to listen with full concentration , just listen to it way you like.
The financial hit you will take to sell setup in a hurry is not worth and to be frank don't expect you can reduce ten percent off the price you paid and it will sell soon
How ever brand new it is.
I agree.

Take a break. Go away. Come back when you feel the need to. Otherwise you will go further down the rabbit hole. All the best and we will still be here when you need us - for whatever it is worth. :)
This was the very reason we all were suggesting you to go slow with your purchase instead of having aim of buying something and staying for it with life, that too a blind purchase.
Hi Rikav

I do remember this. Well first, I am totally happy with the equipment. I can't ask for more than this.

I had few reasons to buy in one go. You don't get an opportunity and a nod every couple of years to buy audio gear and specially when you have to justify your purchase by buying equally expensive gifts too. I can't afford to do that.

I was so frustrated with my first purchase and I just wanted to settle down and call it a day for ever.

Now what could have been the logical and sensible approach, for people like me who are quite new to the hi fi MUST not spend a fortune on the gear initially. As it's happening with me, even after having a good gear I am not able to enjoy it whatever are the reasons. Tastes change, priorities change, thinking changes , no denial.what you said.

So may be a learning for others?


hi Vivek,

Many will see where you are coming from. Coming to the consequent action, Unless there is a financial or a spatial constraint, I would recommending holding on and not selling your system immediately. (chances are, the haircut you will need to take will be a matter of regret later) I assume it has been put together with a lot of thought and is synergistic, if so, its only the orientation that you have that needs change. take a break from listening critically and then go back to listening on your rig. that break often helps.

all the best
Thankfully no financial reasons behind this. My wife was completely averse to my idea of getting my feet wet in to hi fi, and she has no interest in this either. But still she is against my idea of selling it now.

Don't worry about room, cables, power, resolution, etc. Just listen to the music.
Hi Raghu

Thanks for joining. Well I don't think I need any single bit of change to get the best out of it. I am already content. It's just too overwhelming for me.

but the abortion of a passionate exercise mid-way without taking it
As always, I am too impressed by your choice of apt words. It's very pleasing to read you through your posts. How on Earth I can stay away from the forum.:)
If space constraints don't require you to pack up your system, why not leave it where it is and use it for your regular listening (FM, background, whatever) whenever possible? And absolutely no reason for you to feel guilty about not using it enough for serious listening.
BTW i rarely sit in front of my system to listen to music. It usually when Im doing some other tasks.
I was also in the same boat a 1.5 yrs ago, decided to quit hifi (was having a modest system then monitor audio mr6 and ca651). Wanted to downsize may be to a pair of wireless bookshelves (KEF) or something like sonos due to space constraints, boredom etc... but then after talking to many folks, reading to forum threads etc... in fact upgraded my entire system also got a turntable added.
So my advise don't sell (you have some drool worthy equipment). May be your son will start enjoying it in a few years. (have some friends who's kids are enjoying vinyl)
Before you actually sell off everything, do also try small bookshelves once instead of your big speakers. Who knows what will happen.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.