Vivek can obviously sell where he wants. That’s his prerogative. Nobody has an issue with that. In his first post he has mentioned that one might see his stuff put up for sale soon when he had already put it up for sale a month back.
Hi SirYou migrated from laptop/headphones/FM to a very good system all of a sudden.
It takes time to get used to this massive change. Keep listening and you will. Give it time.
What is your source of music? Hope that is upto the rest of the chain. The player as well as the media (CD, streaming, etc).
Try to analyse what you don't like about the system. Then get help here.
It is possible to tame the sound with a change in cables.
Just possibly the amp and speakers are not a good match. Keep the Luxman and experiment with speakers. Borrow as possible.
Don't dismiss bookshelves. They can sound great. Better than floorstanders in constrained spaces.
Have you tried speaker placements? No matter if you can't place them where they sound best. Just try it out.
See if it is only the system or placement helps. Also things like furniture, rugs, etc. Even a bit of room treatment if possible.
In one of my earlier setups, I used to pull out the speakers while playing music. Makes a difference.
And OLX?That is painful for us
Hi Sir
There is nothing that I don't like about my system fortunately. At least I can't find any issues.
My reasoning is more around the amount of money spent and amount of time spent with the system with ease and peace. That's not justifiable in my case.
I guess you missed an important part in my original post. Now I am not bothered about how the system sounds. No matter great or worst. I just want to listen to.something with care free mind. If I am Outta room, it doesn't matter to me how resolving is the system or how good is the presentation. No doubt these things matter, but I am realizing that content is more important to me than the presentation.Sorry but when i say there is nothing that i dont like in my system and i cant find issues, that means its a dream system and holy grail for me. I would love to listen to it again and again and would never think to part with it. If i love a system i would never think of selling it. So the statement is contradictory for me atleast. If i make such kind of statement, then i cannot expect forum members to suggest anything other than emotional support. I think it maybe a case where you have suddenly realised that you dont need a hifi system at all. In that case also this discussion will not be fruitful.
You know, Vivek? One of the most useless purchases all of us make is a car. One; the value depreciates the minute we drive it off the showroom. Two; we hardly use it for an hour a day. Rest of the time it just sits in the garage rusting. Three; we also spend on maintenance and, of course, fuel. All added up, we will save enormously if we just use Ola or Uber. But then most of us have cars. I always wondered why. For the convenience that we can go where and when we want? An activity that occupies a minuscule amount of our time? Or the comfort? Or, are we all in a rat race where achievements are measured by what you have?My reasoning is more around the amount of money spent and amount of time spent with the system with ease and peace. That's not justifiable in my case.
Hi Sir
There is nothing that I don't like about my system fortunately. At least I can't find any issues.
My reasoning is more around the amount of money spent and amount of time spent with the system with ease and peace. That's not justifiable in my case.
Only 2 thingsDear FMs
Something is running in to my mind so thought of sharing with you all for the best steps forward
For quite sometime now, I am struggling with a a very stong thought of breaking up with Hi Fi. Well I am still very new in to Hi Fi but not music. It all started around mid of 2018 when I felt like upgrading my self from phones/laptop to a good music system and by early 2019 acquiring my first setup. I had some bitter expereinces with that and I learned from them.
For my second attempt, I invested a lot of time, patience, money and took trouble to acquire my dream system. Which comprises of Luxman 590 AX II integrated amplifier, Luxman DA-06 DAC and Klipsch Forte III speakers.
I still remember the days when I use to drool over by looking at the pics of the above listed components (had no means to see these beautiful components in real before you actually buy) and in online reviews. For me these components together make a ultimate system for me, very resolving, musical and life like, which I should be able to enjoy for the rest of my life and for sure can pass on to gen next (my son) without even thinking of upgrading anything.
Inspite of achieving all what I was dieing for in the past, I am not at peace and restless. You may call me old school either becuase the fun and the joy I get from a little radio is not there when I listen to my setup. Its not the the SQ is not there or it doesn't sound great. Its just my mental state at the point of time, not a proper space, not a proper room. Its kinda shame to treat such a great system like that. I almost feel forced to listen to my system for the sake of using it beacuse I have spent so much money/efforts/time and many restless nights before acquiring it, this is truly very miserable thing to do in my view.
I am slowly relaizing few things about my self first, I love music more than "how the music is being reproduced". If I like the music, the singer, the lyrics then thats more than enough for me. Secondly, I am a background listener no doubt in that. I simply do not have the patience to sit in front of the systen and do nothing but just play music, I can't do that. Though it happened for may be once or twice but thats hard for me baring in the company of few drinks. I tried many ways to change my self but I guess that time is gone to bring about adrastic change in my self.
Morover I do not own the current place and this system deserves a far better room and a more serious listener than me. This feeling is there for quite some time now, may be few of you might have figured this out from my earlier posts around such feeling.
I want to say good bye to Hi Fi at this moment, I am not for this this is not for me. I am not saying good bye to music, but listening to music through Hi Fi. My day starts with a good 2 to 3 hours of FM session, that keeps me happy for the day.
About the gear, with utmost pain, if this feeling refuses to go away, I will have to part with my system. So if you see any sale post from me in coming days, that means going back to basics is imminent
I will still be part of HFV, I have made many good friends from here and have learnt many things and still learning. I will try to contribute/help others as much as I could.
Thanks for reading this.
Though it happened for may be once or twice but thats hard for me baring in the company of few drinks.
Your second suggestion is more suitable to me. So I keep that one.Only 2 things
First Sell your items dirt cheap to meand second By reading your post I would suggest all you need to do is to drink a wee bit more
Hi SirYou know, Vivek? One of the most useless purchases all of us make is a car. One; the value depreciates the minute we drive it off the showroom. Two; we hardly use it for an hour a day. Rest of the time it just sits in the garage rusting. Three; we also spend on maintenance and, of course, fuel. All added up, we will save enormously if we just use Ola or Uber. But then most of us have cars. I always wondered why. For the convenience that we can go where and when we want? An activity that occupies a minuscule amount of our time? Or the comfort? Or, are we all in a rat race where achievements are measured by what you have?
When it comes to music, books, and movies, we do act in a similar manner. At the same time, the results are different. Music brings peace and happiness, books bring knowledge, and movies entertain you. The other day, my co-brother was listening to some music on my system, and immediately decided he wanted a similar system.
I am assuming you are somewhere around 40. If you are able to spend an hour a day listening to music, all the effort and spend is justified. You don't need a large collection of music, nor do you need to experiment with new music. Just have a library of music that makes you tap your feet, listen to those songs and do tap your feet.
As humans we look for distraction and entertainment. It takes a huge amount of mental strength to be happy with what we have. The minute we earn some money, we are finding ways of spending it. Maintaining your house, your equipment, you family is a far better way of spending money than what many do including drugs, wild parties, smoking and drinking. In reality, I thank God I have none of those habits.
Over the last 6 months, I decided to spend a bit of money redoing the house, upgrading my music and movie system, and cleaning up my garden. Why did I do this? After a long discussion with Charu, we decided these were the right steps to a comfortable and meaningful living. This is what separates us from the rest of the crowd. Maybe we were just finding justification for what we did, but what we did made us happy. THAT is the ultimate high. You sow a seed, look after the tiny plant, and glow with pride when it flowers for you. What more do you want in life? Similarly, listening a few songs brings tears to my eyes. The rationale part of me used to curse this. Then I learnt even SPB cries when he listens to Deewana Hua Badal by Rafi. Today I cry unashamedly when a song makes me happy.
How many of us are there on HFV? A thousand to 2 thousand? Compare this to the millions who have no idea what music is and how to listen to music. Who seem happy listening to distorted MP3s at insane volumes on systems that will eventually destroy your hearing. Believe me, we are all blessed. The one thing we all have to learn is to move away from the mad desire to upgrade all the time. You spend 10 lakhs on a music system? Be happy with it for 5 years or more. Don't even look at anything else. I am extremely happy with what I have, and do not get upset when I hear others boast about their system. In reality, the other day I listened to a system that costs upwards of 50L. The difference between that and my system is hardly 10%. It is an accepted fact that the the enhancement that a system brings beyond a certain spend is inversely proportional to the spend.
There is no need to feel guilty of your spend. Even if you listen to music you like an hour a day, the spend is worth it. What I do, for example, is that I finish all my work at home, switch my system on around 10:30 and listen to music for about an hour before I fall asleep.
Today, my wife and a few of her relations walk away when they see a low quality video and listen to low quality music. That is a unadulterated appreciation of the good things in life.
At the end of the day, do what makes you happy. Nothing else matters.
When I lived in US around 15 years ago, I had a Sansui TU 717 tuner (modified) that I used to listen to NPR Jazz programming (destination jazz with Ed Love was by far my favorite) and many University stations. Even with sources approaching $10-$15k now, I struggle to get that sound quality in my rig - which if I recall right cost about $500 total with all modifications etc. If there were Jazz FM stations in Hyderabad I would get this in a heartbeat. So there is something to the FM Sq after all - I believe.Where is the problem then:
When I listen to FM, I am not worried about the equipment at all, but its not the case with my setup. I am not an ultra rich guy who doesn't care about money spent. I do care a lot. Most of the time I am worried about the system itself, protecting it. I was thinking of getting surge protection/UPS/etc. And then spending money to get proper furniture for the setup. I am feeling like its a never ending game. I cant invest that much money and time in to this while I can have this without even spending anything with my tiny system or at time just with my phone.
This relaization made me feel that just listening for FM, this much of investment is not the worth. For some unknown reasons to me me, the same tracks on FM gives me more pleasure than on my setup, I am struggling to find out why.
Finally someone who thinks alike.When I lived in US around 15 years ago, I had a Sansui TU 717 tuner (modified) that I used to listen to NPR Jazz programming (destination jazz with Ed Love was by far my favorite) and many University stations. Even with sources approaching $10-$15k now, I struggle to get that sound quality in my rig - which if I recall right cost about $500 total with all modifications etc. If there were Jazz FM stations in Hyderabad I would get this in a heartbeat. So there is something to the FM Sq after all - I believe.
All the internet jazz stations available now cannot match what I heard over the humble Sansui.
Finally someone who thinks alike.
Hi Guys
May be this thread is getting confusing for new joiners so let me try once again and explain my situation in more detail.
The System
Just to make things very clear. I have no complains at all from the system output. To the best of my knowledge its capable to satisfy most of us. So no regrets on technical aspects.
Why this feeling creeped in to my mind
I am a great fan of FM radio. My day starts with FM for good 2 to 3 hours daily. Music I feel is integral part of my life. It rejuvenates me when I am not in high sprits. With few good tracks in the morning, I stay happy most of the day.
My only source is streaming through a laptop. Whenever I start listening, I tend to skip tracks more than I listened to. This was bothering me. To overcome this I started to think why I am doing it. Few things I relaized
1. I was trying to find out the best recorded tracks rather than listening to the songs I like
2. Every time "exploring" new tracks from my fav singers
3. This was getting furstrating, so I decicded to do the follwoing:
4. Made a single playlist of all the tracks of around 250 to 300 songs. It has songs from all the eras/generes (1950 to current)
5. I listen to that playlist only now.
6. Every listening session is not meant for exploring new music/tracks.
7. To some extent this helped me control my skipping habbit. But not fully.
Where is the problem then:
When I listen to FM, I am not worried about the equipment at all, but its not the case with my setup. I am not an ultra rich guy who doesn't care about money spent. I do care a lot. Most of the time I am worried about the system itself, protecting it. I was thinking of getting surge protection/UPS/etc. And then spending money to get proper furniture for the setup. I am feeling like its a never ending game. I cant invest that much money and time in to this while I can have this without even spending anything with my tiny system or at time just with my phone.
These things made me realize, I am spending more and more money in to it and rather than enjoying it I am protecting it. One thing I am very clear about is, FM was my love, it is and it will be my prime source of music. Now you can say intenet radio can replace it, but no I just do not get that feeling that I get while listening to my small 5.1 system.
This relaization made me feel that just listening for FM, this much of investment is not the worth. For some unknown reasons to me me, the same tracks on FM gives me more pleasure than on my setup, I am struggling to find out why.
Hope this de clutters things a bit.
Again, thanks a lot everyone. Your suggestions are welcome.
Dear FMs
Something is running in to my mind so thought of sharing with you all for the best steps forward
For quite sometime now, I am struggling with a a very stong thought of breaking up with Hi Fi. Well I am still very new in to Hi Fi but not music. It all started around mid of 2018 when I felt like upgrading my self from phones/laptop to a good music system and by early 2019 acquiring my first setup. I had some bitter expereinces with that and I learned from them.
For my second attempt, I invested a lot of time, patience, money and took trouble to acquire my dream system. Which comprises of Luxman 590 AX II integrated amplifier, Luxman DA-06 DAC and Klipsch Forte III speakers.
I still remember the days when I use to drool over by looking at the pics of the above listed components (had no means to see these beautiful components in real before you actually buy) and in online reviews. For me these components together make a ultimate system for me, very resolving, musical and life like, which I should be able to enjoy for the rest of my life and for sure can pass on to gen next (my son) without even thinking of upgrading anything.
Inspite of achieving all what I was dieing for in the past, I am not at peace and restless. You may call me old school either becuase the fun and the joy I get from a little radio is not there when I listen to my setup. Its not the the SQ is not there or it doesn't sound great. Its just my mental state at the point of time, not a proper space, not a proper room. Its kinda shame to treat such a great system like that. I almost feel forced to listen to my system for the sake of using it beacuse I have spent so much money/efforts/time and many restless nights before acquiring it, this is truly very miserable thing to do in my view.
I am slowly relaizing few things about my self first, I love music more than "how the music is being reproduced". If I like the music, the singer, the lyrics then thats more than enough for me. Secondly, I am a background listener no doubt in that. I simply do not have the patience to sit in front of the systen and do nothing but just play music, I can't do that. Though it happened for may be once or twice but thats hard for me baring in the company of few drinks. I tried many ways to change my self but I guess that time is gone to bring about adrastic change in my self.
Morover I do not own the current place and this system deserves a far better room and a more serious listener than me. This feeling is there for quite some time now, may be few of you might have figured this out from my earlier posts around such feeling.
I want to say good bye to Hi Fi at this moment, I am not for this this is not for me. I am not saying good bye to music, but listening to music through Hi Fi. My day starts with a good 2 to 3 hours of FM session, that keeps me happy for the day.
About the gear, with utmost pain, if this feeling refuses to go away, I will have to part with my system. So if you see any sale post from me in coming days, that means going back to basics is imminent
I will still be part of HFV, I have made many good friends from here and have learnt many things and still learning. I will try to contribute/help others as much as I could.
Thanks for reading this.