I didn't believe this until I experienced the change it brought
Over the last couple of months I have upgraded almost every component in my setup...added a new DAC, Streamer, Wifi router, TT, amp, speakers, cd transport, power cords, conditioner...So now the problem starts ... TT sound is immaculate (provided the LPs are good pressings) , then comes CD, now the weakest link was the digital streaming end. Well I use a Lindemann streamer connected to a R2R AudioNote Dac. So the thought came to replace the streamer may be with a Lumin or DCS, however before that i thought of exploring ways of improving the digital frontend with whatever cost effective solutions .. this is when i bumped across threads (including in forum) to use fiber optic isolation. Well inquired about TP-Link transceivers but they were out of stock here in Bangalore so finally after a lot of research zeroed in on Mikrotik HexS router and transceiver and RS component fiber cable. Ordered the component waited for 2 weeks for delivery.
Now the fun part. Added the components in my digital chain as below (Qobuz & Spotify)
(1) TP Link AX-1500 wifi router <--Amazon basics cat7--> Lindemann Streamer
Sound is open, bit hazy, lacks resolution...some distraction sort of in the background (not really black)
(2) TP Link AX-1500 wifi router <--Amazon basics cat7--> Mikrotik HexS <----Fiber--->Mikrotik HexS <---X ---> Lindemann Streamer
a. X = basic ethernet cable - Sound is more warm, improved resolution .. background is somewhat black but still some distraction sort of
b. X = Phasure ethernet cable - Transformation in sound, weight on instruments (could literally feel the piano keys and guitar string vibrations) ... complete black background. This is close to TT or CD.
(3) T
P Link AX-1500 wifi router <--Phasure Ethernet--> Lindemann Streamer
Sound is warm, improved resolution but not on par with 2.b
So if you really want to improve your digital streaming chain try the fiber optic isolation but also use a good ethernet cable or LAN isolator at the streamer end. (Total cost approx 16K + Phasure Ethernet cable which i borrowed from another FM)
Test Rig
Amp : Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister 300B
Speaker : AudioNote ANJ-SPE
Cable : Interconnects and Speaker silver cable
Streamer : Lindemann Limetree bridge
Dac : AudioNote 2.1 Sig
Components bought
RS PRO | RS PRO LC to LC Duplex Multi Mode OM3 Fibre Optic Cable, 50/125μm, Purple, 5m | 536-6844 | RS