From Polk Audio to Indiq Audio, my ongoing journey through the rabbit hole express

All right ,

I went and auditioned the Diamond Mishras and loved them .. I have placed the order and expected delivery is Sept 2nd week !

I heard it connect the speakers natively to my Amp and also with DAC .

Next phase of my hunt would be to get a good DAC :):)
All right ,

I went and auditioned the Diamond Mishras and loved them .. I have placed the order and expected delivery is Sept 2nd week !

I heard it connect the speakers natively to my Amp and also with DAC .

Next phase of my hunt would be to get a good DAC :):)
As a fellow diamond mishras owner, This is a wonderful speaker designed for Vocals/midranges and details for the price..! Try to spend as much as possible on a DAC as these speakers shows up every change/improvement in the chain.
I would go to the extent and say, get a Denafrips ares II or similar. These speakers can handle that clarity!
As a fellow diamond mishras owner, This is a wonderful speaker designed for Vocals/midranges and details for the price..! Try to spend as much as possible on a DAC as these speakers shows up every change/improvement in the chain.
I would go to the extent and say, get a Denafrips ares II or similar. These speakers can handle that clarity!
I will touch base with you , when I dive into the DAC world . That would be my next phase of upgrade. I have an integrated amp/streamer AVR, which is good (Denon DRA-800h), but after listening to the same set of songs connecting to an external DAC and a streamer to my Denon, the sound signature changed completely on the Mishras. Full Bodied sound at the same time there is no ear fatigue...

Was just curious to know, if there exists any whatsapp/telegram channel to take such discussions forward !!

Yup , am a newbee !!!!
I went and auditioned the Diamond Mishras and loved them .. I have placed the order and expected delivery is Sept 2nd week !
Good to know :)

@Thirumalkumaran has a RaspberryPi based R2R DAC and he was pleased with its performance. So, do check that out.
Another FM @Prodigy has made several R2R DACs which has gotten praises, check with him as well.
The setup looks simple and very pleasing. Congrats.

On a side note, is the whole cabinet one piece? ie. back and bottom pieces joint? If not pull it slightly ahead and drop the wires behind :D
Thats how I try to keep things tidy.
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