how to buy dac in india?

hello its daksh
i am planning to buy schitt modi 3 .. a 99$ entery level dac.
i live in gurgaon, india.

plz advice me how to buy it? what would be best? 1) from some dealer? 2) inporter 3) from schitt website (i contacted em .they said they willl deliver but india customs i have to pay myself and if anything goes wring with it ..i have to sent it back to em in us to awail repairs and warranty) 4)or some indian website?
any ideas are apppriciated
thank you
Schiit still has HPZ listed as their Indian retailer. Either they are asleep or it is the same old issue with parts not available, that they had mentioned earlier. Anyway, I have written to Schiit to understand why it is a graveyard on HPZ under their catalogue or is there someone else going to take over as the Indian dealer.
Schiit still has HPZ listed as their Indian retailer. Either they are asleep or it is the same old issue with parts not available, that they had mentioned earlier. Anyway, I have written to Schiit to understand why it is a graveyard on HPZ under their catalogue or is there someone else going to take over as the Indian dealer.
Got a reply from Schiit, they are facing parts shortage, due the pandemic and all. They are only able to keep inventory locally as of now and hence their dealers have not been given new stock. They do not know when they will be able to overcome this, let us hope for the best.
have used the following DACs in the past 1.5 years which might prove helpful to make a decision:

- Schiit Modi Uber 2 (overall good , nothing extraordinary for the price , however extremely poor USB performance. ) - now sold
- Topping E50 ( much better than Modi, with crystal clear top end specially for those who prefer that sparkling sound , better USB performance ) - now sold
- ifi Zen Dac One Signature (brilliant DAC , to my ears it’s as good as , if not better in some respects , than Denafrips Ares 2 which costs 3x the price- and which I’ve listened to myself ) - currently using
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