There is no way I can start this post any other way. So, please indulge me.
When I first posted here, I had no clue about forums, especially this one. I really didn't know what to expect. Today, I am glad to report it all went fabulously well.

And it was all down only to the kindness of the many FMs who were willing to share their time. So, in no particular order, big thanks to:
@Nitin K,
@hpdinesh, and
@Silencer for always being there, from day 1 till now, be it on threads or PM.
@Donivlapog and
@Indranil Sen for all the visual clarity
@Vivek Batra for the ever-ready humour and sharp advice. Wishing you the best in your project, sir.
@Yogesh, for the great effort on the streaming database; I am very sure it will keep growing and become a key resource here as that industry evolves.
@ankitbhargava for his always (thought-)provoking question-posts
@Naturelover again for reassuring me by sharing his real-life example of 'Grey is Good', a colour I have always wanted to drape the cave in.
@rshri for being a very cheery and helpful fellow traveller. Hope you wrap your journey soon, bro!
@sandeepmohan for chipping in during the Indian witching hours whenever possible.
@Decadent_Spectre for all the insights. One day, I really want to do a small HT with coax point source, and it will be thanks to you.
And a big thank you to
@prateekatasniya for your kind suggestions, despite knowing I couldn't afford to consult you professionally. Thank you for always being there.
And to all other FMs who have pitched in and guided me through the journey and I may have missed out mentioning here. Please forgive me the oversight.
Decided to stop the research and take the plunge considering all the availability, stock, demo opportunity and price fluctuation issues that's happening right now.
Above all, the most important factor was that I have already seen one price hike happen in this trade across the Indian market and did not want to risk another, which to my reading is coming. Of course, I could be wrong.
Anyway, based on availability, my preferences, and most importantly, current prices, I bought the following:
Denon X3700, Monitor Radius 225 on-wall LCRs and the REL 1205.
Now, just hope to get it all set up and running over the weekend and enjoy some good old favourites.
Hope to add surrounds and heights - and if the need arises, an amp - sometime next year.
The quest for a music set up, of course, continues.
Will be around here, obviously, pestering and nudging all you good folk

Thanks again to one and all.