Synergy: What Speaker-Amplifier combinations work really well?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
One of the biggest challenges in the pursuit of good audio quality is equipment matching.
I have bought good quality amps and speakers which were reviewed well (subjectively and objectively) from different brands that did not work well together and left me feeling indifferent and even bored listening to them.

Given the number of brands and models available it is impossible for anyone to try out more than a handful of combos.
But all of us have heard some systems where the synergy is wonderful. A good list would be useful to us all

Please share Amplifier and Speaker combinations that you have personally heard and loved (mention Source/Transport and DAC used if relevant). A few lines describing what you heard that made the combination special would be nice.
Amplifier - Audiolab 6000a
Speakers that definitely go well with this amp - Wharfedales (9.0, 9.1, 8.1, 10.1, my friend runs the big heritage ones), Castle Knight (don't remember the model), Quads S1s.
**These amps and speakers are under the same corp - IAG and hence perhaps the amps match well with speakers. Personally I have owned these speakers with this amp and they go very well together. The other brand that works beautifully with this amp is Q acoustics - Concept 20 & 40, and 3 series.
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Amplifier - Audiolab 6000a
Speakers that definitely go well with this amp - Wharfedales (9.0, 9.1, 8.1, 10.1, my friend runs the big heritage ones), Castle Knight (don't remember the model), Quads S1s.
**These amps and speakers are under the same corp - IAG and hence perhaps the amps match well with speakers. Personally I have owned these speakers with this amp and they go very well together. The other brand that works beautifully with these speakers is Q acoustics - Concept 20 & 40, and 3 series.
Thanks @chander.Among these did you have one particular combination that really stood out (your favourite)?
Thanks @chander.Among these did you have one particular combination that really stood out (your favourite)?
Concept 40 were fantastic with this particular amp, concept 40 is a very good speaker anyway, but this amp made them "almost perfect and very resolving" to my ears. The bass & midrange on the C40s became so good with this amp; that they sounded more like an IEM than a full fledged speaker - the room somehow disappeared and you were inside the sound. I couldn't live with the C40s just because of the looks hence settled for the little brothers - C20s instead.

I am currently running this with Quad S1s and before I had the S1s hooked up to a Marantz PM8xxx, Roksan K3, Sansui AU 2XXX, an old NAD, a bunch of other amps over the 2 years or so I have had these; but the 6000a brought the best out of S1s specially in the voice department, the voices on these just hit the spot every single time.
Audiolab 6000A connnected Diamond Achal. To me, this sounds wonderful. Much better than 6000A connected to KEF Q300. Vocals are beautiful and tinkle of highs on a classical, is very well reproduced.
Concept 40 were fantastic with this particular amp, concept 40 is a very good speaker anyway, but this amp made them "almost perfect and very resolving" to my ears. The bass & midrange on the C40s became so good with this amp; that they sounded more like an IEM than a full fledged speaker - the room somehow disappeared and you were inside the sound. I couldn't live with the C40s just because of the looks hence settled for the little brothers - C20s instead.

I am currently running this with Quad S1s and before I had the S1s hooked up to a Marantz PM8xxx, Roksan K3, Sansui AU 2XXX, an old NAD, a bunch of other amps over the 2 years or so I have had these; but the 6000a brought the best out of S1s specially in the voice department, the voices on these just hit the spot every single time.

Second that. The AL6000A => QA C40 pair really well.

Heck, E30 => FX-Audio DP02 => Crown XLS 1502 => QA C40 make real nice too.
- Audio Note M3 + P3 with Audio Note AN-E SPe HE
- Decware Zen Triode with DeVore Fidelity O/96

Basically, any SET driving high efficiency speakers.
Few Well-Known Synergistic Combos :

McIntosh Amplifiers and B&W Speakers
Naim and Focals
Denon and Polk /Kef
Marantz and Dali, Monitor Audio
Many more can be enumerated!
Besides Marantz and Monitor Audio, add
Musical Fidelity Monitor Audio
Bryston Monitor Audio
Denon Jamo
Few Well-Known Synergistic Combos :

McIntosh Amplifiers and B&W Speakers
Naim and Focals
Denon and Polk /Kef
Marantz and Dali, Monitor Audio
Many more can be enumerated!
Mention of Specific models that are synergistic would be nice as these companies make a range of models.
Naim and PMC.
Model numbers of these that you liked ?
You are 100% correct about speakers and amps matching.

I spent five decades, and wasted much money and my life, in audio, chasing that problem.

Best sounding amps IMHO are low powered Single Ended tube amps, ( only two stages, zero feedback, directly coupled ). Big problem is - hardly ANY
of that type are acceptable to my ears.

You START a great audio system with a 100 dB speaker, or slightly higher, with a large radiating surface, just so you can USE these best sounding amps !! A two-way simple direct radiating speaker, KISS rules here.

After many decades, many systems : get used ALTEC speakers, and used Serious Stereo 2A3 SET amps.

Favorite ALTEC model - ALTEC VOTT A7-8s. ( VOTT = Voice of the Theater ).

Serious Stereo monoblock amps are currently available USED in the USA at quite a large discount from new. Two or so offered now. ( These were originally 15 to 19,000 USD a pair. Used, under $5,000 USD ) This will out-perform musically, any SET amp you will buy from any Manufacturers I am aware of, at that used price level. Excellent.

This is your FINAL end-game stereo system configuration. If this is in your budget, I would be happy to help you in any reasonable way. You can PM me.

Hi Jeff,
The sound of a SET with good matching speakers is very beguiling indeed.
I have not heard the Altecs or the Serious system amps. But I am sure together they will make some magic! Specially when someone with your experience in audio endorses this combination.
Thank you for your kind offer of assistance. I am not looking to upgrade, (nor the budget :() at the moment.
Possibly someone reading your post will take you up on the offer.
Marantz and Dali combo works really well.

I have 2 such combos :
- Marantz PM7000N + Dali Oberon 5s in my Living Room
- Marantz CR610 + Dali Oberon 1s in my Study

Works really well for the sort of music I listen to (a lot of vocal Indian Classical).
My learning in that order is
1 Room and Speaker synergy: room also includes placement of the speakers !
2. Speaker and Amp synergy: hence amp without room does not make sense

As an example the Leben and Tannoy prestige is a fantastic combination in a 10 x 12 x 9 room, but notch it up to a 12 x 18 x10 room and it does not have enough oomph due to which the mids also start to suffer !
Model numbers of these that you liked ?

Hi Jeff,
The sound of a SET with good matching speakers is very beguiling indeed.
I have not heard the Altecs or the Serious system amps. But I am sure together they will make some magic! Specially when someone with your experience in audio endorses this combination.
Thank you for your kind offer of assistance. I am not looking to upgrade, (nor the budget :() at the moment.
Possibly someone reading your post will take you up on the offer.
PMC db1 , Naim nait xs
My learning in that order is
1 Room and Speaker synergy: room also includes placement of the speakers !
2. Speaker and Amp synergy: hence amp without room does not make sense

As an example the Leben and Tannoy prestige is a fantastic combination in a 10 x 12 x 9 room, but notch it up to a 12 x 18 x10 room and it does not have enough oomph due to which the mids also start to suffer !
Good reminder that listening space matters a lot too.
But Good to know Leben and Tannoy prestige work so well together.
I am surprised a six feet increase in length of the room could make such an impact (assuming the measurements are in feet of course)
My learning in that order is
1 Room and Speaker synergy: room also includes placement of the speakers !
2. Speaker and Amp synergy: hence amp without room does not make sense

As an example the Leben and Tannoy prestige is a fantastic combination in a 10 x 12 x 9 room, but notch it up to a 12 x 18 x10 room and it does not have enough oomph due to which the mids also start to suffer !
Good reminder that listening space matters a lot too.
But Good to know Leben and Tannoy prestige work so well together.
I am surprised a six feet increase in length of the room could make such an impact (assuming the measurements are in feet of course)
look at the increase in area and volume
120sq feet to 216 ie 80% increase
and 1080 cu ft to 2160 ie 100% increase

While we look at freq curves..the ability to pressurize a room is also important or else you miss out on the tactile effect of sound and thats dependent on size of drivers/number of drivers and their excursion. this is of course based on the particle nature of sound.

Also since every 3 ft increase in distance needs a doubling of amplifier volume or 3dB increase of sensitivity of the speaker.
Naim and Dali very musical and allrounder, can play just any music
Marantz and Dali are also good
Naim and Dali very musical and allrounder, can play just any music
Marantz and Dali are also good
Thanks. Could you please share specific model numbers.
I thought the more specific we are the more useful it will be for those choosing or deciding.
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