Which console to go with?


Nov 15, 2021
I have a projector which does 4k60 and 1080p upto 240hz. Kindly suggest a console for my use case. I would be using it for playing local media as well. I am making a jump from PS3. So, I will be blown away with either of the consoles (PS5/Xbox SeriesX). But, would Xbox series S serve my purpose(for 1080p120fps)? (Exclusives is not a priority).
I have a projector which does 4k60 and 1080p upto 240hz. Kindly suggest a console for my use case. I would be using it for playing local media as well. I am making a jump from PS3. So, I will be blown away with either of the consoles (PS5/Xbox SeriesX). But, would Xbox series S serve my purpose(for 1080p120fps)? (Exclusives is not a priority).

I have not tried the Xbox Series S , I moved from Xbox One X to Series X and was blown away by the additional performance (smoothness of games, the navigation etc) & there is hardly any noticeable lag. The Series S is known to be slightly better than One X as per reviews so I would say better go for the Series X considering future proofing. Also since exclusives are not important I would again give Series X the edge over PS5 as it does Dolby Atmos (advantage of media playback) & Game Pass which gives access to ton of games.

P.S - I used both consoles with 4K60 projector.
I would suggest go with Xbox right now, be it a Series X or Series S. Gamepass is offering immense value right now, you subscribe to monthly subscription of Rs.600-Rs.800 and you get hundred of games which you can download and play anytime. If you opt for the ultimate version of gamepass you get EA Play also bundled with it, which as EA games from Fifa to Battlefield and NFS.
All Microsoft owned games come to Gamepass Day one, even some of the third party titles.

If you have patience and budget for Series X, would suggest go for it. It does 4k@120 FPS, better storage and CD rom incase you get CD's too, add the power too. Series S is 1080p console which does 120FPS but in general I never liked the way graphics look in 120FPS mode, I am Quality > Quantity guy.
Xbox does Dolby Atmos, and the quality of sound coming from this is much better than Nvidia Shield too! be it Netflix, Amazon Prime or HDD movies.

I own a PS4 too, was going to get a PS5 but not much games from their first party studios, will wait.

Xbox has tons of games now. I game around 3-4 hours daily, still I am unable to clear my backlog.
Cross-play is different. It means you can play with players on other systems like the PC and PS.
Crossplay is present in certain games like Halo Infinite and COD Warzone.

And no, the Xbox cant play PS 4 discs.
Thanks for correcting - but yeah that is what I meant!
Not sure If my reply is relevant now since it's been 2 months. But I would suggest that you leave out series S and go with either series X or PS5. Also note that PS5 won't be able to play any dolby vision content which series X can. PS5 can only output HDR10 signal at best. The choice would also depend on which games you are interested in playing. Since you are moving from PS3, you would have entire library of PS4 games as well as some PS5 games. There is good content on both the consoles so it depends on whether you prefer franchise like Halo, Forza Horizon or God of war, Uncharted etc. If exclusives are not your priority then you should go with series X.
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Writing here instead of starting a similar named new thread. I've not gamed since years & starting off now at 50.
Plan to buy a Ps5 & read about the 2 options.
Is the digital option the right one to go with? I don't have any old games & don't plan to watch Blu ray movies.
Also what is a good price to buy either model for & recommended games? (Car racing, shooting, enjoyed God of war)
Writing here instead of starting a similar named new thread. I've not gamed since years & starting off now at 50.
Plan to buy a Ps5 & read about the 2 options.
Is the digital option the right one to go with? I don't have any old games & don't plan to watch Blu ray movies.
Also what is a good price to buy either model for & recommended games? (Car racing, shooting, enjoyed God of war)
Its a function of what kind of games you enjoy.
I am 40+ now.. still enjoy platformers a lot the way I used to when much younger (Think Mario, Ratchet & clank)
But in addition, I also really enjoy story driven action adventures (Think The last of us, Horizon Zero Dawn/ Forbidden west).

I do have an xbox Series X but it gets minimal usage, maybe just 10-15 hours in the last 1 year. I'd have disposed off it but for the fact that I ended up taking 3 years of gamepass subscription.

The PS5 has been used for 200+ hours in the same period
And recently got a switch which will probably beat the usage that PS5 got because of lot of good platformers .
Also fun / casual couch multiplayer games that I can play with my son and wife.

On the other hand, if i were a traditional gamer who enjoys online multiplayer First person shooter, the above usage pattern would have been the exact opposite.
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