RPi + Soekris streamer - new build


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
I've been using a Raspi as my source for a while now. Had a DAC HAT earlier, then got a Allo digione. Then added a Soekris. The Bahringer DEQ2496 made it's entry a bit later, all of which is to say that I ended up with a medley of boxes and wires - which made sense only to me. Zero WAF, to be honest, it was zero Anybody Acceptance Factor.
So, earlier this year, I decided to put everything into a cabinet. In addition, had seen some streaming source solutions, and thought their LCD screens displaying album art looked very attractive. I think there are special albums released with amazing album art just to make these products look good......

So here is all that needed to fit into the cabinet:
- Raspi + Allo digione
- Soekris R2R DAC
- Soekris I/O board with source selector and LED indicators
- PGA2311 volume control board with analog input selector and volume control
- 1 pwoer supply for the analog board (just transformer)
- 1 power supply for the Soekris (DiyInHK)
- 1 power supply for the Raspi+Soekris I/O board + LCD (Sigma 11)

I also wanted to be able to shutdown the RPi gracefully when the front panel power switch was pressed. So I incorporated a delay circuit that maintains power to the RPi for 1 1/2 minutes, when power to the rest of the boards are turned off - the loss of power also triggers a GPIO shutdown in the Pi.
The Pi runs picoreplayer + LMS + squeezelite + jivelite. LCD is Waveshare 5" touchscreen.
End result below

Good to see such professionally executed effort. Since you already have it designed and executed as per the specs, Is it possible to share the contact to get the same face plate?
I've been using a Raspi as my source for a while now. Had a DAC HAT earlier, then got a Allo digione. Then added a Soekris. The Bahringer DEQ2496 made it's entry a bit later, all of which is to say that I ended up with a medley of boxes and wires - which made sense only to me. Zero WAF, to be honest, it was zero Anybody Acceptance Factor.
So, earlier this year, I decided to put everything into a cabinet. In addition, had seen some streaming source solutions, and thought their LCD screens displaying album art looked very attractive. I think there are special albums released with amazing album art just to make these products look good......

So here is all that needed to fit into the cabinet:
- Raspi + Allo digione
- Soekris R2R DAC
- Soekris I/O board with source selector and LED indicators
- PGA2311 volume control board with analog input selector and volume control
- 1 pwoer supply for the analog board (just transformer)
- 1 power supply for the Soekris (DiyInHK)
- 1 power supply for the Raspi+Soekris I/O board + LCD (Sigma 11)

I also wanted to be able to shutdown the RPi gracefully when the front panel power switch was pressed. So I incorporated a delay circuit that maintains power to the RPi for 1 1/2 minutes, when power to the rest of the boards are turned off - the loss of power also triggers a GPIO shutdown in the Pi.
The Pi runs picoreplayer + LMS + squeezelite + jivelite. LCD is Waveshare 5" touchscreen.
End result below

This is awesome.
Could you please share some pics of the back panel?
Good to see such professionally executed effort. Since you already have it designed and executed as per the specs, Is it possible to share the contact to get the same face plate?
Thks :)
Not sure I understand you. The face plate, and the rest of the cabinet was designed and made by me. I did use a cnc shop for milling it (sent them the step file), though. Is that the contact you'd like? It's in kochi.
It looks absolutely stunning. Do share details about that screen and how you connected it. Is there a link for it?

Sure, will take a pic the next time I pull it out of the rack. Can share a pdf of the back panel drawing if you wish.
Awesome build. The most challenging part of DIY build is the chassis. It would be helpful if you can share the drawing.
I've been using a Raspi as my source for a while now. Had a DAC HAT earlier, then got a Allo digione. Then added a Soekris. The Bahringer DEQ2496 made it's entry a bit later, all of which is to say that I ended up with a medley of boxes and wires - which made sense only to me. Zero WAF, to be honest, it was zero Anybody Acceptance Factor.
So, earlier this year, I decided to put everything into a cabinet. In addition, had seen some streaming source solutions, and thought their LCD screens displaying album art looked very attractive. I think there are special albums released with amazing album art just to make these products look good......

So here is all that needed to fit into the cabinet:
- Raspi + Allo digione
- Soekris R2R DAC
- Soekris I/O board with source selector and LED indicators
- PGA2311 volume control board with analog input selector and volume control
- 1 pwoer supply for the analog board (just transformer)
- 1 power supply for the Soekris (DiyInHK)
- 1 power supply for the Raspi+Soekris I/O board + LCD (Sigma 11)

I also wanted to be able to shutdown the RPi gracefully when the front panel power switch was pressed. So I incorporated a delay circuit that maintains power to the RPi for 1 1/2 minutes, when power to the rest of the boards are turned off - the loss of power also triggers a GPIO shutdown in the Pi.
The Pi runs picoreplayer + LMS + squeezelite + jivelite. LCD is Waveshare 5" touchscreen.
End result below

Good finish for the final product and also really good cable management in the cabinet...
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