‘Whale’ of a time with the new Soundfoundations Power cables!

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Hi jaideep :)

I really don't know how to sum up, what it contributes to the sound. As I've been using it to power up my entire chain for almost 2 years now, I really can't comment on how it sounds without the regenrator in the loop. But I do get pitch black back grounds, and a lot of associated heat too :D

That being said, I can't hear a difference between power cables anymore, as all are fed with very clean power now. And as I run very effeceint speakers, I haven't lost any thing on dynamics front, as can be the case with lot of other power regenrators and conditioners.

But I mainly keep it in the loop for protection, as I've had some nasty experiences with power surges blowing some boxes in the past. I know this answer is very very vague, but the regenrator did replace a cvt + isolation transformer I was running in the past, which were noisy with a lot of hum. This is very very quiet, with better clean power.
Thanks. This helps. I'll dig around a little bit more before I decide. Good luck with the search for your music server/streamer. I have my eyes on the dCS network bridge.
Thanks. This helps. I'll dig around a little bit more before I decide. Good luck with the search for your music server/streamer. I have my eyes on the dCS network bridge.

That's great to know :)

The way I look at it....if you want to play with power cables they can deliver the improvements you seek. But if that's not your game...then better go for a regenrator..it will flatten out the differences if any. Short 1M power cables are too short to pick up any thing on the way...atleast that's my observation. But I could be wrong, limited by the resolution of my system
That's great to know :)

The way I look at it....if you want to play with power cables they can deliver the improvements you seek. But if that's not your game...then better go for a regenrator..it will flatten out the differences if any. Short 1M power cables are too short to pick up any thing on the way...atleast that's my observation. But I could be wrong, limited by the resolution of my system
More than power cables picking up anything they can leak EMI and mess up nearby coax or RCA.
So a good power cable will not only deliver clean supply to the component, but will mitigate stray EMI.
More than power cables picking up anything they can leak EMI and mess up nearby coax or RCA.
So a good power cable will not only deliver clean supply to the component, but will mitigate stray EMI.
Very true raghu...But I want to go on record to state that.. cables come last into the mix. For example this is over the top,...But I still want to post this...one of our friends from the forum has a system so revealing, that even a cable change is readily apparent. My system is no where close to that sound . So till i nail everything to perfection I will not bother with cables :D
Very true raghu...But I want to go on record to state that.. cables come last into the mix. For example this is over the top,...But I still want to post this...one of our friends from the forum has a system so revealing, that even a cable change is readily apparent. My system is no where close to that sound . So till i nail everything to perfection I will not bother with cables :D
Many thanks. This is sound advice indeed.
Sachin, nice write up. Use wood. Avoid foam. Try Jenga blocks

Jayant, if you are using stock cords, run 1- 2 layers of normal electrical insulation tape or plumbing tape on the connectors. In stock cords, the connectors are normally the weak link. The tape will reduce the vibrations.
I don't have any direct experience but have read elsewhere that wood, plastic can distort sound. Best is laying on metal if grounded. Even better is air or cotton.
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