He understands the diff between CFL lit LCD an LED lit LCD. His take is that
Does he really?
How much do you really think, you are going to save in real money terms when calculated over a 6 - 7 yr period. By the way, do keep in mind the premium you will pay upfront for the so called LED TV.
It really amazes me, the kind of frivilous things people take into account when deciding on a TV. Can you please remind me how this is relevant. Strangely enough, I still need the heater on in my room, inspite of a 50" plasma in the room running for almost 8 - 10 hrs a day. Must be something wrong with the plasma I have.
Now, that's a new one. Are the walls, or the TV stand in your house extraordinarily week? Or is your brother planning on packing and unpacking the TV on a daily basis.
Unless you have an extraordinarily bright room and or plan on using the TV in an open area during day time, this is not really an issue.
You planning on using the TV as a replacement for reading lights? Plasmas are bright enough for producing an excellent picture and in fact have enough headroom beyond what is needed. So even if a LCD is technically "brighter", it is actually irrelevant in determining the better TV.
6. Future proof (Comparatively).
Wow. Now this is the one that really I want to know about. Please, pray tell me what in the world does this mean. Is there something a so called LED TV does or will do in the future, that a Plasma TV does not or will not do? Or is there something that a Plasma TV will suddenly stop doing sometime in the future? Is there some secret that we all don't know about, that your brother is privy to? Am I to understand, that sometime in the near future, my existing, perfectly functioning plasma TV will suddenly no longer work? Please do help me understand, how even if hypothetically all manufacturers totally stop producing Plasma TVs tommorow, that my existing, perfectly functioning plasma TV will suddenly become obsolete?
In electronics, the term 'Future proof' is reserved for equipment that has built in functionality for features & functions that are already planned to be available in the very near future. What future feature and or function, is a so called LED TV capable of, that a Plasma TV is not similiarly equiped for? All current TV technologies, are capable of at the most producing a 1920x1080 60p color 3D picture and absolutely no more. This applies to so called LED TVs, Plasma TVs and any other current TV technology. Thus, there is no current, commercially sold technology, that is any more or less future proof, than the other.