42" LED - Panny E6D or Bravia W700B


New Member
Mar 4, 2014
Hello everyone, and thanks for the wealth of info and knowledge shared here.
Confused between the captioned models. Usage - 70% ps3, 20% br rips and 10% tv. PQ of both equally appealing to my eyes.
Price quoted for panny 58k, for bravia 64k
Panny dealer says extended warranty is useless as this does not cover panel or board? Is this true? Does bravia extended warranty cover the above?
Also is Panasonic after sales as horrible as it is reputed to be?
Experts please advise, I need to buy in the next couple of days.
The extended warranty in Sony covers all the components inside the tv including the panel and boards.

Based on your use the Sony W700B is better since it has the lowest input lag of any tv sold in india,so its good for gaming.
hi rmbornfree

Fact is that most LED TVs have a shelf life of 3-5 years so warranty plays an important role. From both the TVs you need to evaluate which model fulfils your purpose in terms of connectivity, PQ, sound, features etc....

Most FMs have opted for the Sony 700b....end of the day it is what appeals to you and your budget....

Hope this helps...
The extended warranty in Sony covers all the components inside the tv including the panel and boards.

Based on your use the Sony W700B is better since it has the lowest input lag of any tv sold in india,so its good for gaming.

Thanks for your input. Does panasonic extended warranty cover the panel and board?
hi rmbornfree

Fact is that most LED TVs have a shelf life of 3-5 years so warranty plays an important role. From both the TVs you need to evaluate which model fulfils your purpose in terms of connectivity, PQ, sound, features etc....

Most FMs have opted for the Sony 700b....end of the day it is what appeals to you and your budget....

Hope this helps...

Thanks, yes I am very much sure about going for the extended warranty. But the Panasonic dealer says its useless as it doesn't cover the panel or board? Is this true?
What's the point of having an extended warranty if it doesn't cover panel and board ? Surely, they don't know about it or I'm wrong.

Did you compare both the TVs side by side ? Which one did you like ?

If you're doing 70% gaming, Sony has low input lag.

About after-sales, it took Panasonic 6 months to get me a replacement. They did that after I've escalated the issue to their MD, Manish Sharma. But technicians came on the second day of complaining.
What's the point of having an extended warranty if it doesn't cover panel and board ? Surely, they don't know about it or I'm wrong.

I just called up panasonic customer care and they say I will have to call their service vendor to get details about extended warranty. How come the company itself doesn't know about warranty offered on its products??? *facepalm*
Yes that's what is getting me so confused. In terms of the tv itself I am inclined to the panasonic, but it's the after sales that I am really worried about I think. Not like Sony has world class service, but they at least have information regarding their extended warranty available and transparent on their website. Whereas Panasonic customer care doesn't even know.
Hi rmbornfree

Why don't you look at Sharp? Somewhere last week I read about them offering 3 years warranty...not sure if launched yet....I use a Toshiba which has 3 years warranty...

Hope this helps.
Please consider Samsung F5500 LED as well. While the color on this set is typical Samsung = overdone, the clarity and sharpness is good at both close-ups and long shots.

No idea on extended warranty, though
Did consider samsung at the initial stages but the fact that they come only in 40", while sony and panasonic give an extra two inches, worked against samsung

End of story!!!
Thanks anubisx, rock fella, efernand1,hitchhawk, ton of help you guys have been. Will share feedback soon for benefit of other members!!!
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